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Season 5 Trepidation

[SIZE=4][COLOR=red][B]Tyvar said "they" have Hitler's head in a jar.[/B] [/COLOR] [/SIZE]

And to tie that in with Babylon 5, I just got the entirety of season 5 on DVD. I've never seen it all the way to the end, but so far I have the feeling I am not going to be too happy with it.

It gives me the same feeling as the last episode of season 4.


  • Mr_BesterMr_Bester Earthforce Officer St Louis MO
    It gets better toward the end. If you drop 2 - 3 of the telepath eps(especially corps is mother...) it moves a whole lot more smoothly.
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    Hey, "The Corps Is Mother, the Corps Is Father" is worth it exclusively for the closing scene. Freaked me the hell out.
  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    That ep was well worth it even without the closing scene. Love seeing Bester at his best!
  • HuntSmackerHuntSmacker Firstones Ambassador to Starcraftia

    Some Season 5 episodes are right up there with the good ones. The telepath arc, granted, was annoying, but I thought the conclusion was fairly potent, if not a tad bit too dramatic. Finally learning that Byron was indeed a PsiCop made his character more interesting. Also some of the Season 5 episodes from the first half are at least on par with the average sci-fi show, probably better.

    Oh and, the CGI rocked. ;)

    Edit: And unlike some people, I rather liked the Season 5 introduction theme/images. Although, the first half of the music (the brass set) was probably the better half of the music as opposed to the second suite.
  • Season 5 would have been better if JMS had done it how he originally imagined and wasn't forced to condense the Earth Civil War story into the end of Season 4.

    But even because of this change Season 5 is still pretty good. The opening music is personally my favourite, perfect for what Season 5 stood for... which was power of peace and the power for good Sheridan had etc.

    I hated the reason they gave for blowinb up B5... it just didn't make sense 2 me. :confused:
  • HuntSmackerHuntSmacker Firstones Ambassador to Starcraftia
    K but don't say anything. A lot of people haven't seen that yet.
  • AkrovahAkrovah Ranger
    Seriously, if you can make it through the telepath bit, which i personally could not stomach, they were too much like hippies, and i can not stand the hippie attitude.

    But, if you can make it through that, thats is where the arc picks up. I think the only erason JMS drew out the teep thing so long is that he had nothing else to tell after slapping the EA war into the end of season 4.
  • Possible Spoilers - Season Five

    I also disliked the Londo bit with the Drakh. ]:

    I rather liked Londo. I'm really bummed that this was how his character was/is going to end.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    You think it ends there?
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    eminariiorta to me this is what made a great ending cos it really (like JMS says) tugs at the heart strings.
  • HuntSmackerHuntSmacker Firstones Ambassador to Starcraftia
    The telepath episodes have some good scenes in them, and those scenes are usually the ones with Bester in it. And also when we find out about the Asimov, oo ;)
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Biggles [/i]
    [B]You think it ends there? [/B][/QUOTE]
    Yes, yes,!!
  • AkrovahAkrovah Ranger
    The whole Londo/Drak thing has to do with the choices Londo made through out the sieries that have lead him to this point, and rather than try to run he takes on the burden, because at heart, he is a patriot, and everything he did, he did because he thought it would be good for his people. I thought it was a very powerful moment when he is about to take on the crown and you see the flashes of his life over the last five years, showing where he came from and where he is going. I actually thought that that was such a great ending that i almost didn't watch the rest of the show when it first aired.
  • FreejackFreejack Jake the Not-so-Wise
    Of all the characters in B5 Londo is the most tragic. Peter Jurasik does an excellent job taking a proud, somewhat narcessistic individual and making him one of the most likelable characters. My wife didn't really want to watch "The Fall of Centauri Prime" because she liked Londo so much.

    Its sad, just when Londo really begins to figure it all out, he runs out of choices.

    [b] "Isn't strange, G'kar? When we first met, I had no power and all the choices I could ever want. Now I have all the power I could ever want - and no choices at all. No choice at all."[/b][/quote]

  • ShadowDancerShadowDancer When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie." London, UK
    u have a wife that likes B5? my god, if only we could all be that lucky!;)

    i agree that Londo is the most tragic of the characters. i think he is my overall favourite character (well, its between Marcus and Londo) and that moment where its the flashback is one of the most powerful moments in the series, for me anyway
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Freejack [/i]
    [B]Of all the characters in B5 Londo is the most tragic. Peter Jurasik does an excellent job taking a proud, somewhat narcessistic individual and making him one of the most likelable characters. My wife didn't really want to watch "The Fall of Centauri Prime" because she liked Londo so much.

    Its sad, just when Londo really begins to figure it all out, he runs out of choices.

    Jake [/B][/QUOTE]

    Agreed. This really is a pretty sad part, and I thought Londo was one of the best characters in the series. I think, of all of them, he had the most character development.
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