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New Info from JMS

JMS posted the following long message on Usenet. Some very exciting stuff looks to be coming down the pipe:

[quote]I know I've been absent for a while now, but there are reasons, especially in regards to B5:TMoS. In a project of this nature, and this size, there's stage one (let's do this) stage two (let's make everybody's deal) and stage three (making it). We're hip-deep in stage two just now, and it's taking a freaking long amount of time to get through it all. Stage two is also the most unnerving and nerve-wracking stage when there's a lot of money involved, as there is in this situation.

So every day is a case of "Are we there yet?" and being told yes...almost.

I swear, it's the kind of thing that could lead a monk to murder.

Thing of it is...there's a LOT happening right now in the B5 universe, on a multitude of fronts, some of it in response to TMoS, some of it coming up completely on its own. All I can say at this moment is that if you've been waiting for new stuff in the B5 universe, you may be getting your wish in spades very soon.

Soon, I promise, all will be made clear. I don't like being Mr. Mysterioso on this, but if I say too much, the-powers-that-be will use my head to make a 2.35:1 sized hole in the wall.

On other fronts....

Ibooks/Simon and Schuster just delivered the final production galleys on Straczynski Unplugged (originally called JMS Unplugged, which I recommended over Straczynski Unplugged because I couldn't imagine anyone Asking For It By Name without blowing out an incisor or two, but who listens to me). It includes some stories from my Twilight Zone anthology, plus "Say Hello, Mister Quigley," "Cold Type," "We Killed Them in the Ratings" and "The Salvation of Lyman Terrell," which have appeared in various publications but have never been gathered together before in one book, plus a new introduction. I think it should be hitting stores sometime in the coming month.

Ibooks/Simon and Schuster are going to be putting together a whole line of JMS books, including a shared universe series of novels and other stuff...more when I can talk about it.

For those who've been considering getting into the Supreme Power series, Marvel published a graphic novel containing the first 6 issues last month (it ended up at #3 out of the top 100 titles). It's a good jumping-on point for the series, which I'm eminently proud of. (I know, a dangling participle, what can I say?)

I'm doing two other books for Marvel, one of which I think they should be able to announce soon. The other is the Dream Police book, which I brought over from Top Cow. Mike Deodato is doing the art, and it's just beautiful. (Mike is also doing the art on Amazing Spider-Man during John Romita Jr's leave of absence, and it's very nice indeed.) The first scripts are in on both the new project, and for the Doc Strange miniseries, and artists have been selected, but it's up to Marvel to release that info.

Finally...for those who want to support a worthy cause...recently I heard about a high school in Hawthorne, New Jersey (not far from Paterson, where I was born) which was having a small comic convention to raise funds for its art program. The high school arts program for the coming year had to be cut entirely due to lack of funds, to the point where this past year people literally had to scrounge in junk yards for wire for sculpture classes.

Initially, I was going to just donate to the cause, but the more I looked into this, the more it became clear that I had to kind of do something. So I'm going to be flying out for the day to be at the fund-raiser convention for the school. (I know, I know...I pass all the big conventions that pay big bucks and I do this instead...I'm not wired up right, I admit it, but...sometimes you just gotta do what's right, you know?) It's not an alma mater for me or anything, but in hailing from Paterson (also Newark and Matawan) when I was a kid I probably got in fights with kids from Hawthorne, so I figure I owe something, right?

I got my real start as a writer in high school, through teachers who saw in me something more than a kid from the streets. Those teachers -- specifically Rochelle Terry and Joanne Massie at Chula Vista High -- gave me the support I needed to start following my dreams, so it's a crucial time for others as well, a time that needs our support, particularly at a time when so many schools are suffering from similar cuts.

The convention is May 8th, Saturday, and I'll be there to talk, answer questions, and sign autographs. Now, we usually try to limit signatures to 5 or so per person, but I'm taking the cap off...and in another break with tradition, in which I never ask for a fee to sign stuff, this time I'll be charging one buck per autograph, with all of the money going to the high school. So for those of you in the area with twenty copies of various comics or books or whatever...this is your chance to stock up. There will also be an auction to further help raise funds.

Details about the fund-raiser and the other fine guests can be found at:


This is the first appearance I've made at any kind of East Coast convention in years, and the first time I've been in New Jersey in over 30 years, so there's no way to know how long it'll be before I get into town again. And admission is only $3, so how can you go wrong?

It's a worthy cause. So if you're in the vicinity, stop by, step up, and do some good.

If you can't make it, and can't help, check into your local schools and see if they need help. Because odds are they do.


I'd say it looks like we've got a B5 FEATURE FILM on the way.


  • MungrelMungrel Earthforce Officer
    A B5 FEATURE FILM would be great, though IMHO, i rather not hear ANY updates from JMS, just the official announcement of the project.

    All this 'B5 foreplay' is making me anxious!:D
  • samuelksamuelk The Unstoppable Mr. 'K'
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mungrel [/i]
    [B]A B5 FEATURE FILM would be great, though IMHO, i rather not hear ANY updates from JMS, just the official announcement of the project.

    All this 'B5 foreplay' is making me anxious!:D [/B][/QUOTE]

    I don't think there's any doubt about it now. The "2.35:1" hint is all but obvious.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Yeah, it does sound rather likely. I really hope it's the Telepath War one he wants to do.
  • I wanna feature film about those two janitors from 'A View from the Gallery!!'. It's all about their addiction to and recovery from drug dependency. What's the conflict, you ask? well aside from the personal turmoil each go through, they also put B5 and crew in danger but doing shoddy maintenance work (sounds kinda like Franklin's problem, doesn't it? Don't worry, it'd be great!!)

    What's it called, you ask?

    [B]Babylon 5: Two Maintenancemen on Stims[/B] !!!!:p
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    Will be great if its on a big screen, yeah.
  • E.TE.T Quote-o-matic
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by samuelk [/i]
    [B]I don't think there's any doubt about it now. The "2.35:1" hint is all but obvious. [/B][/QUOTE]
    Yeah, I don't think that series are made using that.

  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by E.T [/i]
    [B]Yeah, I don't think that series are made using that.

    [img][/img] [/B][/QUOTE]

    2.35:1 is anamorphic widescreen isn't it. if i remmeber right 2.35:1 still has black bars even on my widescreen tv.

    I'd still prefer a series. but oh well, a movie will be fine.
  • ShadowDancerShadowDancer When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie." London, UK
    woohooo!!!! i cant wait!:D
  • MundaneMundane Elite Ranger
    sounds good :)

    about 2.35:1

  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    Funny I checked the newspost site yesterday and saw nothing new. Was bored stiff this afternoon and decided to mosey over... woohoo! Great to know things are moving and loved his little hint ;) Interesting that he said somethings have come up not because of TMoS. Seems those dvd sales have really hit home!
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    All I want to know is who's doing the CG for it, and when can I start working for them?


    I'm in need of a new job...

  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    And if they need a web designer you can put in a good word for me ;) Failing that I'll gladly make the tea for the team! ;)
  • rikuriku Earthforce Officer
    It can be either a tv series, mini tv series, or tv\cinema movie, anyway it's gonna be great!!!!!! I hope they won't cover the crusade stuff and just go to the first ones :) :) :)
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Falcon1 [/i]
    [B]And if they need a web designer you can put in a good word for me ;) Failing that I'll gladly make the tea for the team! ;) [/B][/QUOTE]

    And definately if they need someone to sit around on their butts and drink their coffee, then i'm the guy for the job!
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by riku [/i]
    [B]It can be either a tv series, mini tv series, or tv\cinema movie, anyway it's gonna be great!!!!!! I hope they won't cover the crusade stuff and just go to the first ones :) :) :) [/B][/QUOTE]

    Due to the aspect ratio, it's most certainly a full-scale cinema-type movie.
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    Yeah... Isn't that aspect Ratio known as Wide-Ass Screen? :p

  • Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
    I like how everyone assumed it was a hint. it could have easily been just a plain comment.

    list of aspect ratios cuz i am bored

    1:33 --- Standard ole film ratio until the mid-fifties and what NTSC tv's use too
    1:37 --- Academy ratio (slightly smaller for the soundtrack) and used projection purposes
    1:66 --- Mostly used in europe and is the ratio for PAL TV's
    1:77 (1:78) --- The new HDTV ratio made up by scientists/engineers who don't work in the industry
    1:85 --- your typical movie watching experience, Standard Widescreen
    2:00 ---Seldom used widescreen though i believe Cinematographer Vittorio Storaro prefers it for some reason, also i believe it was the ratio for Paramounts alternative to Anamorphic (the way they did it resembles how your SLR 35mm still camera would load and take pictures, horizontal instead of vertical) called Vistavision
    2:35 (2:40) --- The original widescreen, also known as Anamorphic (calling it anamorphic widescreen is redundant and has come up only because of DVD's) Developed by 20th century fox and actually SQUEEZES the image onto a typical 1:33 frame and unsqueezes for projection. Also known as Scope.
    2:55 --- Not sure when or how this was/is used
    3:1 --- Used for the now defunct movie experience Cinerama and the classic silent film, Napolean.

    I was bored :) (did it all from memory too)
  • Finally!


    Anyone thinking it might both be a movie and a series [IMG][/IMG] :p
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rogue Trader [/i]
    [B]I like how everyone assumed it was a hint. it could have easily been just a plain comment.[/B][/QUOTE]

    When I first read it, I didn't think it was a hint. Then I realised that the aspect ratio he mentioned was a cinema one, and that his head didn't look 2.35:1.
  • Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
    Im not trying to be pessimistic or anything, im just trying not to get my hopes up :)

    but lets remember that the opening titles of B5 were scope (2:35).

    He might have been talking about the opening credits for all we know.
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    Actually, they weren't. They were closer to 2.00:1.
  • Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
    ah fook you all :p
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rogue Trader [/i]
    [B]ah fook you all :p [/B][/QUOTE]

    Wow, I didn't know you swung that way. ;) I think Simmonds will see you now. :D
  • Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
    hahaha! You got served simmonds! SERVED!!!
  • samuelksamuelk The Unstoppable Mr. 'K'
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rogue Trader [/i]
    [B]I like how everyone assumed it was a hint. it could have easily been just a plain comment. [/B][/QUOTE]

    It WAS a hint. It was too awkward to be a passing comment.
  • Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
    i totally agree with you all.

    I was just wondering if since we know of a big announcement is coming (or overdue since he said it was supposed to be in mid january) are we grabbing at straws or are we picking up on something worth merit? Usually his hints haven't been that blatant, or at least to my recollection. I guess i just have doubts, not wanting to get my hopes up too high :D
  • jasonkjasonk Trainee
    On 2.35:1


    Just for your info, I have a fair bit of knowledge on production and aspect ratios.

    The B5 DVDs are in 16:9 anamorphic widescreen.

    16:9 is 1.77:1

    2.35:1 is substancially wider than 1.77:1, and is a common ratio for theatrical (movie) presentations.

    TV has never been done in anything wider than 1.77:1.

    Unless Joe was just "making up numbers", this without doubt would have to be a reference to a movie.

    Also, Joe mentions "a lot of money". Being an experienced hand at TV, Joe is used to the figures involved - presumably he would consider TV production to be "normal", not "a lot". Movies, on the other hand, really are a LOT of money.

    Although my bet would have been on yet another spin-off series, with these two clues I think I have come to the inescapable conclusion that there will be a B5 theatrical movie.


    Of course, its early days and we've based all of this on the numbers "2.35:1". The opportunity to be wrong is large. :-)

  • cx2cx2 Trainee
    Not trying to get anyone's spirits down but has anyone else considered that this could be a misdirection. Maybe the powers that be want a big surprise effect. JMS does seem to be very good at subtlety, and that 2.35:1 just jars too much - it immediately grabs your attention. If it were a hint and I was in charge of the project I'd have slapped his wrists for that one.

    As for the comment about maintenance men on stims, didn't one of them have a thing for Delenn?

  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    You know looking a pictures of JMS you'd never think he had such a wide head... probably explains where all this creative writing comes from :D

    And if this is going to be a film I wanna know where I can sign up to be an extra!!!! I want to be a Narn or maybe a Ranger as long as I get one of those Pikes! ;)
  • samuelksamuelk The Unstoppable Mr. 'K'
    [quote]Of course, its early days and we've based all of this on the numbers "2.35:1". The opportunity to be wrong is large. :-)[/quote]

    Not really... JMS doesn't give hints like that without a reason, and the "2.35:1" comment can't be anything else other than a theatrical film.

    Combine that with the "opposite of can't" hint from before (read, "Cannes film festival"), and it's hard to imagine another option.

    [quote]Not trying to get anyone's spirits down but has anyone else considered that this could be a misdirection. Maybe the powers that be want a big surprise effect. JMS does seem to be very good at subtlety, and that 2.35:1 just jars too much - it immediately grabs your attention. If it were a hint and I was in charge of the project I'd have slapped his wrists for that one.[/quote]

    JMS is known for misdirection in his TV series, but he doesn't do that kind of intentional misdirection when he's speaking to the public (via Usenet or any other media).
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