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Pog coding question

Hi the Buda5 stuff,;)
I have a question about pog script to quest helps from you experts.
Have you ever tried any alternative flee functions or wimpyfunctions of your own for AI ships? If so, how did you make that successful?
For me, I had been trying it for several times, but it seemed not to work. I thought it ought to be like kind of Deathscript's replacement, but it did indeed not come as easy. I had to admit that this part of SDK help file about flee function alternation depicted not as clearly as the Deathscript's, though it provided a few related coding interfaces, iAi.SetFleeFunc() and iAI.SetWimpyFunc(). At least, it failed to articulate what the exact arguments of the alternative functions themselves should be.
So any advice?


  • Hi rqq,

    I never tried to make custom flee functions. Have you looked at the header files also? Sometimes there are much more helpful than the SDK b/c in the SDK only a part of all available POG functions are listed.

    And could you post your code for your flee function here?
  • rqqrqq Trainee
    Hi Roi,

    The problem has been overcome by now with MajorTom's enlightenment.
    The iAI.SetFleeFunction itself has fault, for it would fail to work after the default one is set in iAI.InstallAI().
    Apparently, the depiction in SDK helper about this part is not identical , quite confused actually, to the one in specific header file. Theoretically and practically, the latter is correct. That is key to the declaring order of the related arguments.

    At the beginning, the first attempt to alter flee function failed not because it just didn't work itself but because the threat values over those AI ships are not big enough to surpass the threshold and trigger the flee function.
    In fact, I find that the effect of reloading the self preserving function by a alternative is more manifest and remarkable, for a AI ship would take action immediately if he had a specific % hitpoints lost without checking the threat value.
    I personally regard the alternation of flee and self preserving functions as importance, for my fighters would not flee far away from me without a word when they were in troubles. And let alone the alternative DeathScript which must be used to update the Global lists.
    And now I have a plan to replace the original fight function.

    I would attach my mod including the source here after a few further enhancement finished.:)
  • Hi rqq,
    sry for late reply, been busy right now.

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by rqq [/i]
    [b]but because the threat values over those AI ships are not big enough to surpass the threshold and trigger the flee function. [...] a AI ship would take action immediately if he had a specific % hitpoints lost without checking the threat value.[/B][/QUOTE]Okay, I see. So the general Flee Function is too unspectacular for you ;) ...[QUOTE][B]for my fighters would not flee far away from me without a word when they were in troubles.[/b][/quote]... and you want to include communcations when the AI ships are escaping. (?)
    Currently I'm at work and have no SDK reference or headers but the idea with the hitpoints% should be makeable with pog (checking the resp ship value i.e. with schedule).

    If I understood you correct I'm wondering why you need to update the DeathScript in this case?!

    [QUOTE][B]Apparently, the depiction in SDK helper about this part is not identical , quite confused actually, to the one in specific header file.[/b][/quote]Yep, that I recognized quite often.

    [QUOTE][B]I would attach my mod including the source here after a few further enhancement finished.:) [/B][/QUOTE]:)

    PS: In my current practice at a local science institute (Nanomaterials and biologic science) I work together with a woman who's from Beijing, too. :)
  • rqqrqq Trainee
    Skull Squadron

    I have finished my mod of Iwar 2, Skull Squadron. I would like to share it with you Iwar2 players. The mod has been attached below. :)

    It is not simple just for a mod or game, but for all of the feelings,experiences,and spirits clinging to it.

    The impulse of making this mod is originated from my sentimentally attachment to Robotech or Macross which had ever been one animated cartoon enjoyed by me even by now. I just want to bring the relevant feeling into Iwar2, which has been proven to be a very good game with quite strong customizing ability, by the mod.

    The mod is dedicated to the memories of the inspiring Robotech, the past childhood, the valiant pilots, and some more that I can't articulate at once.

    As far as why I have a fascination for Robotech is concerned, that is because it conveyed some sentiments from my childhood. Like an old friend, it took a good company with my childhood. It witnessed those pains during growing, including laugh, cry, fights and sufferings.

    We experienced from the past to the present, and will go on from now to future. Fantasies today would become realities tomorrow.
    Some depiction in fiction would be proved identical to some scenes of future.

    Sometimes, I would rather like to live in the world of future described by Robotech than the world of today, for it could bring me more excitings and inspirings.

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