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A Babylon 5 Mini-Series

I know JMS has got TMoS in the works... which is probably going to be a Movie.
What about making a Babylon 5 mini-series after that?
I think a mini-series would be perfect. That way JMS can tell the story he wants without having to worry about good ratings to keep the show aflote.

Here's a few ideas I had about what they could do gimme your ideas:

B5: The Shadow's Legacy (Basically something along the lines of Crusade with the Dark Servants etc.)
B5: The Great War (Valen, the Minbari, the Vorlons in the last Great War against the Shadows)
B5: Into the Breach (Earth Force's adventures through the Diglar War).

What ya'll think? Does anyone else have any other ideas?


  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    A miniseries could be a good idea. It might even be what he's planning now.
  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    Aye, I very much like the miniseries idea.
  • :D :)

    Yeah, I just hope TMoS is one
  • RubberEagleRubberEagle What's a rubber eagle used for, anyway?
    I'd rather hope TMoS 'd be a (successfull) Silverscreen movie.
    That would open up much more potential for more B5 stuff.
    Mini-series about stuff like the fall of centauri prime etc. would be neat, though
  • A Silverscreen movie would rock!

    A mini-series would be great, babylon 5 is too good to just fade away...

    and btw.
  • Babylon 5 will never fade away. As long as it has a great community like this, B5 will endure :vorlon:

    A miniseries would be awesome, I'd personally like one telling the stories about either Valen and the war (as mentioned) or more about the Earth-Minbari war. (In the beginning is my fav movie)

    oh, and
    I second that^^ :D <---(look, he's green too)
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    A B5 series would be good. I'd rather look forward to something like that every wk.

    The latest B5 movie - Legend of the rangers. This was ok but nothing special IMO. Shame really.

    Least with a series its got a chance to bloom within it perhaps.

    However saying all this it would also be great to see a B5 movie on the silverscreen.

    Perfect B5 world?? Screen followed by series and series. And lots of cons to go to. :) :)
  • Alas that the world is not perfect

    I agree with ambassador Kosh.

    It would be rather cool to see the first Shadow war or the Earth-Minbari war.

    And 'In the Beginning' is my favourite B5-movie as well..

    oh, I almost forgot:
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    I actually thought LoTR was really crappy. Hopefully theyll do better :)

    Id like to see more of the Drakh-alliance war (Warlock Cruisers!!!)
  • You go Messiah!

    That would be so cool!!

    The main reason why I don't believe in the first Shadow war and The Earth-Minbari war is that we have no main characters to recognize...

    If they did the Drakh War you would have all the old ones, except maybe Lond and G'Kar...

    And in the words of my generation:
  • ShadowDancerShadowDancer When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie." London, UK
    dont forget the telepath war as well!

    And i agree with Messiah! I want Warlock cruisers!
  • RubberEagleRubberEagle What's a rubber eagle used for, anyway?
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowDancer [/i]
    [B]dont forget the telepath war as well!

    IMHO Telepath War will be Movie Trilogy ;)
  • I'd luv to have another series done (IE: With a five series run) but the whole Babylon 5 universe has faded away slightly so it needs a top class and high profile Silverscreen movie or Mini-series (See what it's doing for BSG) to once again put Babylon 5 in the public's mind again. After that then the series can start rolling again :)
  • This would rock!

    It would be so cool if they made another series... mmmmm...

    I agree that it should be set up with a motion picture (a big one) and a miniseries.

    and in case you are wondering;
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by eminariiorta [/i]
    [B]I'd luv to have another series done (IE: With a five series run) but the whole Babylon 5 universe has faded away slightly so it needs a top class and high profile Silverscreen movie or Mini-series (See what it's doing for BSG) to once again put Babylon 5 in the public's mind again. After that then the series can start rolling again :) [/B][/QUOTE]

    Or a top kickass game that would be Game of the Year 200X :D
  • WHOOP! to that Kosh
  • Well I would really like to see...

    ...the Dilgar Invasion getting filmed!
    There is a lot potential in this storyline...a miniseries.
    I would suggest it could go on like that:
    PART 1: The planning of the invasion of League-Space. We get to know the Deathbringer. Maybe a bit more of the Dilgar culture AND the cultures of the League Members! Then we see, how the war starts (a few little skirmishes and so).
    Then as a cliffhanger we see a giant fleet of Dilgar ships Standing by in Hyper Space.
    PART 2: We see a big League Fleet getting overwhelmed by the dilgar fleet. everywhere they pass, they leave death behind!
    We see the consequences for the league members (destruction, starvation and so on...) and the ask for help to the Minbari (Cliffhanger).
    PART 3: As we know, the minbari did not want to get involved and here we learn how the Minbari gave them the answer. so the League turned to the Earth Alliance, who acknowledged to help. Now we see as a Cliffhanger the Battle which turned the favors to the side of the alliance and League (not showing the involvement of Earth Vessels yet!)
    PART 4: we see how earth alliance vessels come to the aide of the league members fleet which is almost being crushed again by the dilgar. and we see how the dilgar get driven back to thei homeworld colony by colony.
    Thats only a rogh structure of what I think could becom a great movie.
    what do You think?
  • ShadowDancerShadowDancer When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie." London, UK
    hey a newbie! welcome! beers in the fridge and the nuts are all over the place!

    (yes! i finally got to say it!:D)

    liking the idea, especially the historical aspect of it! it would be good to see some of the history thats elluded to in the show

    only downside as i see it is the lack of any characters that we'd know (except for Deathwalker). On a personal note it would also mean no Omega destroyers, which are my favourite B5 ship!:D
  • Well

    You can't have evrything...but I think the Nova Dreadnoughts will come to action and I rarelly have seen them in real action...and did they already have the starfurys in this timeperiod?
    Or did the strikeforces have those crappy Zephyr-fighters which are now used by the raiders?
    What happend to the raiders after all? I cannot believe that they have been whiped out completely...
  • ShadowDancerShadowDancer When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie." London, UK
    Re: Well

    [QUOTE][B]You can't have evrything...but I think the Nova Dreadnoughts will come to action and I rarelly have seen them in real action...[/B][/QUOTE]

    as far as i remember and i could be wrong, the Nova's were commissioned after the Dilgar Invasion to match the Narn and Centauri 'heavies'. In fact, according to [URL=]this web site[/URL], the Hyperion crusiers werent even around then.

    [QUOTE]and did they already have the starfurys in this timeperiod?[/QUOTE]

    there was an early model of starfury around then

    [QUOTE]What happend to the raiders after all? I cannot believe that they have been whiped out completely...[/QUOTE]

    i doubt they were wipped out completely, but i think that such a huge dent was put in their opperations that they never really recovered
  • too sad!

    I thought, the old hyperions were at least a few in service...the midwinter modification (as described in the book for the Movie In the Beginning!) was the Prometheus a prototype!
    Well...its quite complex, what we get presented in this universe!
  • ShadowDancerShadowDancer When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie." London, UK
    hmm...good point about the Midwinters. doesnt talk about them, and i cant remember anysite that talks about them offhand
  • in the Mod

    it was in one of the MODs for Star Trek Armada...and I read something about it I believe in the Lurker's Guide...I am not sure, but the [url][/url] Site shows a lot of sites with this theme.
    Maybe there i found a website regarding this matter!
  • UUPS!

    I meant
  • ShadowDancerShadowDancer When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie." London, UK
    'fraid i dont read german:(

    done a little more research and [URL=]here[/URL] its says that the Hyperions were in service for the Dilgar war, then came the Midwinter model after that in time for the Earth-Minbari war, and that at the time of B5 theres a modernised model.
  • ShadowDancerShadowDancer When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie." London, UK
    it also says that the novas were in service before the hyperions:confused:, so im not too sure now.......
  • Re: Well

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tommieboy2004 [/i]
    [B]You can't have evrything...but I think the Nova Dreadnoughts will come to action and I rarelly have seen them in real [/B][/QUOTE]


    Yeah, I've also really wanted to see Nova's in action, they're the closest thing to space-battleships Babylon 5 has. :cool:

  • ShadowDancerShadowDancer When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie." London, UK
    i think id prefer to see a warlock:D
  • That would rock! In oh, so many ways...

    I would love to see those bad boys in action... mmmm... excellent....

    And, just in case you're wonering:
  • The Dilgar War idea would seem to be the most popular at the moment!

    And it doesn't really matter if we get to see Novas, Omegas etc. it'll be nice to explore what Earth Force used before these ships... I'm not positive on the dates for the development of the Hyperion but it was around the time of the Dilgar War I believe... maybe they were developed during that war!

    I like the Mini-Series layout Tommieboy2004 gave, but mini-series are rarely split over 4 episodes. 3 is usually tops. Maybe 2 hours each :)

    But in the end it's JMS's call ;)
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