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WHOW!!! Check this out!!!

*Throws a GREEN paint filled baloon at the first person to enter*




  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    I seem to recall you trying this once before.
  • StrikerStriker Provided with distinction
    Luckily, the admins have shields. :) So...HAH!
  • PhiPhi <font color=#FF0000>C</font><font color=#FF9900>o</font><font color=#FFFF00>l</font><font color=#00F
    *pulls out her umbrella...again* It's getting a lot of use on IRC...

    -Φ [subliminal]wonders how to get green and purple stains off an umbrella[/subliminal]
  • *Watches baloon bounce off Biggles tank, off Striker, and right into Phi's general direction*



    *Throws another one into the mix*
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    [COLOR=green][FONT=century gothic]GREEN[/FONT][/COLOR]
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger

    Getting some squishy blackberries to throw!

    SPLAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTT!!! Oh don't they make lovely purple stains on clothes!! :p ;)
  • Well, admins have those lovely sheild....

    I have a Vorlon PLanet Killer, and about 800 vorklifts.

    *Looks at berries on his ship*

    *Watches ship eat berries*

    oh great, NOW look what you did. I just spent the past two years curving that things addiction to berries! You have any idea how much a ten kilomoter ship can eat?!? :eek:
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    LOL! But think how much healthier your ship will be? All that Vit C!

    Still if your ship eats that much there won't be another blackberry on the planet!!
    I'd NEED to recruit some blackberry planters and pickers I think!
    Fields and field of Purple.........ahhhhhhh how nice?! ;)
  • If I ever see that sight, I WILL use my VPK to wipe out that planet.

    never mind the indiginous lifeforms.
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    Well I was thinking of purple fields on Earth! lol.
  • PhiPhi <font color=#FF0000>C</font><font color=#FF9900>o</font><font color=#FFFF00>l</font><font color=#00F
    Though blackberry plants are more green and spiky than purple...or black

    -Φ [subliminal]isn't really green or purple anymore...she's all colourful :[b][/b]) Though she does really really like blackberries...[/subliminal]
  • i think a well placed baloon filled with Gentian Violet (Hexamethyl-p-Rosaniline Chloride) should secure victory for the purple side. Try washing that out!
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597 [/i]
    [B]Well, admins have those lovely sheild....

    I have a Vorlon PLanet Killer, and about 800 vorklifts. [/B][/QUOTE]

    You mean.....THIS VPK?


    Bow before the might of PURPLE!
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    No, the other, [color=green]green[/color] one.
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vertigo1 [/i]
    [B]You mean.....THIS VPK?


    Bow before the might of PURPLE! [/B][/QUOTE]

    Ummm...what might man? It's being destroyed by what looks to be a standard issue hand held phaser from *Gasp* Star Trek.

    Yea....reeeaaallly powerful. :D

    I'll take my Green VPK. At least it can withstand a hand held weapon blast. :D

    oh, plant them on earth eh? No worries. I cound humans as ingiginous llife forms. :D
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597 [/i]
    [B]Ummm...what might man? It's being destroyed by what looks to be a standard issue hand held phaser from *Gasp* Star Trek.

    Yea....reeeaaallly powerful. :D

    I'll take my Green VPK. At least it can withstand a hand held weapon blast. :D

    oh, plant them on earth eh? No worries. I cound humans as ingiginous llife forms. :D [/B][/QUOTE]

    If its being destroyed by a hand phaser, then wouldn't that make your VPK a POS? ;)
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    That wasnt ours. Ours is [color=green]green[/color]
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
  • exactly.

    purple things are weak. Like blueberries.

    see, point a phaser at a berry and the berry vaporizes.

    BUT, point that same phaser at something green, like say, the GGA, and effect at all, until the GGA fires back.
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Phi [/i]
    [B]Though blackberry plants are more green and spiky than purple...or black

    -Φ [subliminal]isn't really green or purple anymore...she's all colourful :[b][/b]) Though she does really really like blackberries...[/subliminal] [/B][/QUOTE]

    You could be right Phi. However I have since developed Blackberries to 3x their original size by genetic modification.

    [QUOTE][B]i think a well placed baloon filled with Gentian Violet (Hexamethyl-p-Rosaniline Chloride) should secure victory for the purple side. Try washing that out![/B][/QUOTE]

    Great thinking!! Legolas. :)
  • *Feels a gentle breeze*

    *Everyone stars sneezing/coughing*

    Green's ultimate weapon....allergies. :D
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    Haha! Nope I got vaccinated against that green stuff yrs ago! So won't work. hehe :p
  • *TIMBER*

    *Watches a live oak fall on Martian* vaccanation for that. :D
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    LOL! Funny thing is I really did wake with a banging headache! I was going to put it down to a hangover but now I'm not so sure!!
    Anyway you're hardly saving green things by chopping those green things down. ;)
  • ahh, but thats the beuty of it!

    it dies, as it decomposes mosses grow on it, and it becomes fertalizer to many other green things! :D
  • GREEN!!
  • green.
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    GLEEN.. um..I mean GREEN!!!
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by C_Mon [/i]
    [B]GLEEN.. um..I mean GREEN!!! [/B][/QUOTE]

    SPY! (GREEN)
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Messiah [/i]
    [B]That wasnt ours. Ours is [color=green]green[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but that was yours. See, the reason its black is because we turned it into a flying scorch mark in the first shot. ;) Sorry Charlie! :D
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