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In Valen's Name Graphic Novel Question


I may be being a but thick here, and missing something really obvious, but right at the end of In Valens Name, who is he referring to when he says "I've Found Her" - I also presume this ahs something to do with the game too?



  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    The game is a third-party project. It can be ignored for the purposes of this answer.

    Now, in the novel, To Dream in the City of Sorrows, lots of things happened, including Catherine Saki, Sinclair's girlfriend, falling into a time portal and emerging at some point deep in the past. Since no one knew when, they couldn't recover her.

    Thus, the most obvious guess (and the one endorsed by JMS as accurate), is that "her" is Catherine. Therefore, the likely course of events is that Catherine was found by Valen, transformed using that delightful chrysalis thingamabober, and then got hitched to Valen and they started punching out babies, leading to countless little Valens (including Delenn) running about in the time of Babylon 5.
  • Excellent, thanks for the answer.

    I'm about to start reading "To Dream in the City of Sorrows" so I suppose I should have read that before "In Valens Name", but never mind.

    Cheers again.

  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
    And welcome new member to the Firstones Insane Asylum! :) [subliminal] purple [/subliminal]
  • Thank you. New to this whole B5 thing actually, and have done series 1 to 4 in the space of about 3 months, with loads of late nights!
  • Mr_BesterMr_Bester Earthforce Officer St Louis MO
    JMS said somewhere (midwinter or a magazine interview) that, That quote was a mistake. [edit] sorry DOM, I didn't catch everything in your post.[/edit]
  • 4 seasons in 3 months - thats pretty impressive!

    "To Dream..." is an excellent book, particularly if you like the Minbari.

    So when are you gonna get round to Season 5?
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SteveF [/i]
    [B]Thank you. New to this whole B5 thing actually, and have done series 1 to 4 in the space of about 3 months, with loads of late nights! [/B][/QUOTE]

    You can do all 5 in just under 3.5 days, you know. :)
  • [QUOTE]You can do all 5 in just under 3.5 days, you know. [/QUOTE]

    does that include dvd extras...;)
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Add another half a day max for extras. :)
  • Mr_BesterMr_Bester Earthforce Officer St Louis MO
    I finished all of season 2 on the drive from st. louis to denver and all of season 3 on the way back.
    As for my other post, What I was remembering was from the interview with JMS at the beginning. When he is asked if there is anything he didn't like about IVN, he says he missed a typo where a letter included catherine.,
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    Now that I think of it, I did consider it odd when he addressed a letter to Catherine in the 23rd century (among others) which says that he's found Catherine in the 13th Century, especially since he knows that the only way she'll ever see it is if he walks over and hands her a copy, 'cause she ain't discovering Babylon 4 anytime soon.
  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    Yep, that was exactly the mistake. Catherine's name isn't supposed to be in the list of people he addresses there.

    As for the game IFH, no, it's not canon, but yes, it is all about that one quote. They've also said that they're exploring the idea that Catherine's name in that list of people [i]wasn't[/i] a mistake. It'll be interesting to see where that leads....
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kaluzas revenge [/i]
    [B]4 seasons in 3 months - thats pretty impressive!

    "To Dream..." is an excellent book, particularly if you like the Minbari.

    So when are you gonna get round to Season 5? [/B][/QUOTE]

    When my Region 1 DVD arrives in March (or is it April), as I couldn't wait for the Region 2 (whenever that may be). I have actually seen the whole of Season 5 before a couple of years ago, but I don't remember too much, and I seem to remember not knowing what was going on some of the time, but it was watching that that got me in to it and convinced me to get the DVD's.

    I take it this typo about Catherine is in "To Dream in the City of Sorrows"?

  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    No it's in In Valen's Name. I'm not sure where my copy is, so this is more or less from memory.

    "Dear Delenn, Susan, Michael, John, and Catherine: *Blah Blah Blah* But it's okay, because I've found her. I've found HER."
  • Ahh, found it. I got a bit confused as I thought you were talking about a letter, but it was in his video report that was being watched. And yes, it is a bit confuing that he would be telling the person that he'd found that he'd found her!
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