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B5 Final Questions Left Unanswered (i think)

LecksterLeckster Earthforce Officer
At the end of season 5 when they showed all the characters in the future and they showed garabaldi and the stephen (ok i cant speel [img][/img]) well in the final crusade episode they showed stephen infected with the drakh virus.. now how can they show Garabaldi and Stephen in the same room when stephen was infected.. the only logical thing to think is that THEY DID find a cure.

And one other question.. they showed Garabaldi... Now what happeend to Bester? did Lyta fix that mental block that he had so he could finally hunt down and kill good'ol bester??? Or is it just one of those little unfinshed little thing that they left for us to wonder about.


  • WalkerWalker Earthforce Officer
    There's a few Crusade spoilers in this post, but since the series is dead, I don't think it matters much...

    IIRC, JMS said they were to find a cure in the second season of Crusade, but uncover one of Clark's pet projects involving shadow tech in the process.

    Also, Franklin would've been dead by SiL if they hadn't... [img][/img]

    I think the Bester question was answered in the PsiCorp triligy, but since I've yet to read it, I don't know for sure...

    -- Walker
  • LightNZLightNZ Ranger
    Yes, the answer is in the Psi Corps Trilogy

    "Will you follow me into fire? Into storm? Into darkness? Into death?!"
  • Warning, Bester SPOILERS below!!!

    In the final bool of the Psi Corps trillogy, Garibaldi hunts Bester down on Earth and finally catches him. However, Michael doesn't kill him, but instead hand him over to the authorities. Bester is tried, and is put into a cell to await his sentance the next day. He is found dead by natural causes in the morning. The guy died of old age. [img][/img]

    It's decent book, I would read it. [img][/img]


    Former member of the NBE, but still proudly British.
    "WANTED DEAD for Gozer worshipping."

    "When they ran out of ships, they used guns, and when they ran out of guns, they used knives, and sticks, and bare hands. They were magnificent."
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    No, he was sentinced to life in prision, and died the day after Sheridan. Or perhaps after the statue was erected in Teeptown. It was after Johnny died, though, so since Bester went Earth in the early 2270's, he spent about half a year there, and Johnny died in 2281, he was in jail about ten years.
  • LecksterLeckster Earthforce Officer
    wow thanks for answering the questions.. now finnaly i have an idea what happened
  • Still don't know what finally happened to Lennier. And what kind of work was Lyta doing for the Vorlons?
  • posted 05-30-2001 11:52 PM
    Still don't know what finally happened to Lennier. And what kind of work was Lyta doing for the Vorlons?

    I think she was kind of a diplomat. She was used by Kosh and company to deal with the B5 crew and other humans. Not in some cover-up kind of way, but just as kind of an intel gatherer. I might be wrong, this is just the impression I got from the original B5 show.
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    I got the impression that she was used as a 'storage device' for the vorlon minds, i.e. she walked around spying for them...


    Vir - Are you saying you don't trust me anymore? I made your favourite, Spoo.

    Londo - I'll order in.
  • [quote]Originally posted by Messiah:
    [b]I got the impression that she was used as a 'storage device' for the vorlon minds, i.e. she walked around spying for them...


    Yes. But we're not completely sure what Lyta was at the end. At times you could see she still had a Vorlon inside her. If it was a pure Vorlon, or what, I could not make out. In the Movie "Thirdspace", you see some of this strange Vorlon come out, but this was AFTER the Vorlons left for the Rim. It must be part of her, or it'd have left her body and left along with the other Vorlons.
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    That was a memory...
    I think she could tap into the vorlons minds a little when they were inside her, they were hiding something from her before they got the planetkiller, remember...


    Vir - Are you saying you don't trust me anymore? I made your favourite, Spoo.

    Londo - I'll order in.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Wasn't she some kind of weapon to be used against the Shadows?

    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    The Balance provides. The Balance protects.

    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • WalkerWalker Earthforce Officer
    Yeah, they 'tweaked' her big time...

    Then again, all teeps were weapons created by the vorlons. So, the teeps were kinda like foot soldiers, while Lyta was like a nuke.. [img][/img]

    -- Walker
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    I think that is a pretty accurate description of what they had in mind. What Garibaldi and Lyta said at the end of B5 is also pretty accurate. Garibaldi called her a superweapon or something along those lines when they were discussing their deal.

    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    The Balance provides. The Balance protects.

    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • EternityEternity Elite Ranger
    If she was a nuke, she was ONE FIT NUKE!!!!!!
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