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The meaning of Kosh

WORFWORF The Burninator
I don't know if anyone has thought of this before but here goes.

I was thinking about the line "We are all Kosh" and then I thought about the Vorlons always asking "Who are you?"

The Vorlons think of themselves as perfect beings of light, so I was wondering if Kosh is not a name but a word that describes them as a perfect being of light.

Your thoughts?



  • That's actually pretty interesting... even if it's in the wrong forum. :p
  • WORFWORF The Burninator
    Yes, I am so used to posting in here I didn't realise it was the wrong forum until after I had posted it.

  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Problem solved.

    Anyway, you make a good point. Have you considered posting it to that newsgroup?
  • Vorlons are Kosher people -> Jewish? :)
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    well a 'kosh' is actually a truncheon type whacky stick thing... which I find kinda ironic and alltogether seemingly surreal considering what Vorlons are supposed to represent
  • so when Kosh2 came on board the station... anyone know what his ship wrote to sheridan when sheridan was out on the cargo stabalyzers?

    i to would like to know what "we are all Kosh" meant...
    are all vorlons named kosh?
    are these 2 kosh's really ONE?
    are the 2 kosh's perhaps mates?
    is kosh even a name? perhaps it's just an adjective of some kind?
    was kosh a meld of all vorlons? perhaps as their leader? or somehthing like the borg queen?
    was kosh just plain their leader, and we are all kosh was said out of respect?
    is the vorlon leader just called kosh?

    ???????????????????:confused: :vorlon:
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    First off, while I like the idea, it won't work, simpley because we know that good Kosh was named Kosh Naranek, and bad Kosh was really named Ulkesh Naranek (before you ask, they aren't brothers. 'Naranek' is a title). I figure the "We are all Kosh" thing probably hints at some sort of mild collective conciousness. They've kinda got an all for one, one for all thing going there.

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LogicSequence [/i]
    [B]so when Kosh2 came on board the station... anyone know what his ship wrote to sheridan when sheridan was out on the cargo stabalyzers?[/b][/quote]

    Your guess is as good as mine. And as good as Sheridan's for that matter. While he could recognize Vorlon, I doubt that he could read or speak it.

    [quote][b]are all vorlons named kosh?[/quote][/b]
    Judging by the fact that we have a Vorlon by the name of Ulkesh, no.
    [quote][b]are these 2 kosh's really ONE?[/quote][/b]
    They seemed to be rather different in their opinion ("I will teach you about you" vs. "Kill all the little bastards until they get with the program"), so I think not.
    [quote][b]are the 2 kosh's perhaps mates?[/quote][/b]
    Now [i]that[/i] is an interesting idea. I know you shouldn't make assumptions about alien love (or even love in other cultures here on Earth), so perhaps the lack of, um, agreement on various, um, issues for the two Vorlons might've led to their hearts coming together. Would've made the end of things more poingant, with they having to kill each other, rather than just "Yay! Koshy's back, and he's going to kick some evil-Vorlon ass!"

    [quote][b]is kosh even a name? perhaps it's just an adjective of some kind?[/quote][/b]
    Again, possible. But for all practical intents and purposes, it was a name to us. I guess the Vorlons communicate telepathicly, and in that situation, you don't really need names, because you know who everyone is.

    [quote][b]was kosh a meld of all vorlons? perhaps as their leader? or somehthing like the borg queen?was kosh just plain their leader, and we are all kosh was said out of respect?
    is the vorlon leader just called kosh?[/quote][/b]
    I don't think so. While we have evidence of new leaders blowing the ideas of their predecessors straight to hell (Lincoln and Johnson, for instance, or even Santiago and Clarke for a B5 example). But I would think, given what we know of the Vorlons that their leader would rather sit on its encounter-suited butt than go out an mingle with the younger races.

    And remember that, while most everyone on Babylon 5 was close to a leadership position, they didn't get there until they left the station.

    Sinclair: Earth Alliance commander/Valen
    Sheridan: Captian with pull with Hauge/IA President
    Delenn: Grey Council Member/Ranger One/IA President
    G'Kar: Third circle of the Narn Govt./The next G'Quan
    Londo: Titled noble with pull thanks to the Shadows/Emporer Mollari II

    I would think that perhaps Kosh would be the Vorlon equivlent of Colin Powell, or anyone else who would be high up enough to mobelize a small fleet on his say-so. And then he became the leader of the First Ones, by becoming a part of Lorien, thus keeping the pattern.
  • I think there could be at least some sort of collective mind, like a hive mind. I'm pretty sure that Lyta said that the Vorlons would know Kosh is dead as soon as it happened.

    The collective mind might also be one reason why Vorlons are leery of Telepaths.
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    Interesting. A telepath would be able to look at the collective then. by looking into one vorlon's head you look into them all.
  • kosh could be a vorlon surname
  • bobobobo (A monkey)
    "kosh" is the vorlon equivalent for "dude" :D
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    Kosh, wheres my shuttle?
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