[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aurora SF [/i]
[B]ea_ring_station = Sim.Create("ini:/sims/stations/ea_ring_station/ea_ring_station", "Alpha Station 1");
Sim.SetCullable(ea_ring_station, false);
// iSim.SetFaction(ea_ring_station, ea_faction);
Sim.PlaceRelativeTo(ea_ring_station, jumpgate, 10km, -2km, 10km);[/B][/QUOTE]
If the path is right then there isn't anything wrong. These definitions are enough to let appear the station.
Just make sure you initialized the "jumpgate" correct. If not, then the station wouldn't be placed.
For example you can try another Sim to place the station relative.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by P3k [/i]
[B]well whoever does the music i can set up my ftp for you to download its about 280mb in all but worth sorting thru[/B][/QUOTE]
Thx. I downloaded much Babylon5 music from the former website B5Music but I'll check if it's the same like you have.
[Quote][b]this would make a cooler gaming experience in buda5 if the
music matched the action that takes place...for example
if some badass goons come out of a jumpgate the music would
change to something energetic while in normal travel it would
be soft and ambient .....anyways :))))[/b][/quote]
In I-War 2 the music is that dynamic.
For the campaign it would take some effort b/c you need to have a function that checks for instance every second the distance of the player ship to enemy ships ... or the identified ships on the contact list.
At least it is easy to change the music on scripting events. Thats the way we'll choose for the campaign. Nevertheless, we'll need
If nobody of you has objections, I'll write to Christopher Franke regarding the copyright issue. I think when I explain for what we need it there won't be any problems. I can do this in german b/c he originally comes from Germany. So there won't be a possible misunderstanding due to different languages.
woa that would be cool to mail him and use the music,
he has some truly awesome scores, i wish i had more :)
im no programmer guy but u sure it needs to check every sec ?
i would go by the contact list way, then it would turn on only
if theres hostiles in it....
anything that has to do with ingame goes to me. It was 99% my project ;). i'm responsible for the music as well. the music doesn't conflict, it's dynamic as roi said. when action starts, a predetermined action music file starts, etc... etc... i have over 50 - 60 B5 music files, i just happened to choose those for ingame.
DON"T EMAIL CHRIS FRANKE! are u nutz!? that could start lawsuits from warner bros.! His music is part of the B5 warnder Bros. copyright... DON'T EMAIL HIM. everything we do is a copyright infringement, this is no different. don't go looking for trouble! we're already tempting fate with the magazine deal, don't tempt any more PLEASE.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LogicSequence [/i]
[B]that could start lawsuits from warner bros.! His music is part of the B5 warnder Bros. copyright[/B][/QUOTE]
The copyright lies by Sonic Images Records, one of the three music labels Chris ownes.
[QUOTE][b]everything we do is a copyright infringement, this is no different.[/B][/QUOTE]
Hehe, then we should do a first step to stem it by sending a Mail to Chris. What the others think about it? Indie, Warlord, Sanfam, Aurora, Psiqx?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aurora SF [/i]
[B]Everything seems to be correct.I'm using babylon 5 instead of the ring station and it appears [/B][/QUOTE]
Hm, then maybe the ini of the Ring Station isn't correct? I don't have the file here currently, but you can compare the ini of the Ring Station with the ini from the Babylon5 Station resp Narn Station and check it for main differences (e.g. in the Subsystem Section).
so guys, i have pso files...how do i stick it in the game?!
i still have to learn uv mapping in lightwave ...cuz seems that
the uvs didnt come thru from maya : (.....nevertheless i think
the model is ready ....whats the next step ???
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Roi Danton [/i]
[B]Hehe, then we should do a first step to stem it by sending a Mail to Chris. What the others think about it? Indie, Warlord, Sanfam, Aurora, Psiqx? [/B][/QUOTE]
How can I make AI ships to go second waypoint after they have reached the first waypoint?Would be useful when making AI ships to patrol around the stations
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aurora SF [/i]
[B]How can I make AI ships to go second waypoint after they have reached the first waypoint?Would be useful when making AI ships to patrol around the stations [/B][/QUOTE]
Write a task with a schedule function that checks if the fighter group reaches the waypoint. If it's so, set a Global to true so another task will be activated where the "flight route" of the fighters is defined.
[b]Similar example:[/b]
In my Mission of the Mission Collection I did it so when I wanted to know when the player ship reaches a specified waypoint:
[code]task CheckForPlayerPosToActiveWave( string shipinifile, string shipname, int amount, hfaction shipfaction, float skilllevel, hsim waypoint, hship player )
int i;
hgroup shipgroup = Group.Create();
i = Math.RandomInt(19000,26000);
every 1:
if ( Sim.DistanceBetween ( player, waypoint ) < i )
shipgroup = CreateAttackingWave( shipinifile,
shipname, amount,
shipfaction, skilllevel,
waypoint, player );
iUtilities.MakeWaypointVisible( waypoint, false, "empty" );
Hmm... What was the temp folder login/password? I only had it saved in explorer and I've recently reinstalled. It used to be a sticky thread, but now it has disappeared.:confused:
Roi, think about this. what if he says no? then all of our music has to be pulled. everything in ingame, and missions. as well as future music.
on the other hand, if we don't tempt fate and not email him, we can use it indefinately and it would be up to him to com knocking and say no. we didn't go asking for it.
I'd hate to sound like i'm pulling a rank issue here... but of the 3 senior most guys here (indie, myself, and you roi) i'm saying my offical vote is no, let's not tempt fate, at least not 2wice in one month. We are in a magazine (hopefully) this month for christ's sake, lets wait and see if we get sued up the arse for that first!
UV mapping is WAY not supported by EOC. lol u've gotta move your thinking back 3-4 years. :) As for getting a model in game, i'd say the easiest way to TEST your model is to make it a "ship" and fly it in the game. that's an easy way to test it's appearence. As for doing this, read the graphical SDK, or DL any single ship mod, unzip it and look how it's organized. it's very self explainatory. if you need help tho, post again.
now as for making them the faces for breifing reports and such.......................................... it hasn't been done yet! lol so i don't know. i'll have to go write the book on this in the next few days and get back to u.
My opinion on email to Franke: Not necessarily bad thing but it may be a little too late because InGame is (?) in computer magazine's cover dvd and Christopher Franke's music is used in there. So basically we ask permission to use his music when they are already used. At least we could wait what happens if/when Ingame has been released in that magazine.
@Scripters: There is easier way to let AI follow route of waypoints.
prototype task iScriptedOrders.FollowRoute(...);
Find the arguments in iScriptedOrders header file. Only bad part is that this function is for one ship, not ship group. You have group of waypoints and given ship follows that route probably so that group leader (index 0) is first waypoint and index 1 is second waypoint and so on.
on completely diff subject....have u guys ever used IRC for chat?
this is a much better way of communicating ideas and its realtime........
i already have a homebase private server that i can set up a channel in just for buda5 .....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by P3k [/i]
[B]on completely diff subject....have u guys ever used IRC for chat?[/B][/QUOTE]
For chats we use ICQ. Get the numbers from our profiles.
I can use irc. We had irc channel some time back but I couldn't get in that network for some reason. Only problem is to get own channel to the network everyone can get in. And of course all have to be able to use irc. I agree that irc is much better for group chatting than icq or equalents (icq chat for many persons is...well you know from previous experiences).
Another way for the patrol through waypoints which can be used for group also. So you order group to the waypoint. Then use schedule to check if that order is complete with function [i]bool iAI.IsOrderComplete( hobject ship_or_group );[/i]. When that function returns true value then order that group to another waypoint. You could use separate function to order some group through waypoints.
Read the SDK and includes to find easier way so you don't have to do things the hard way. Also remembering the functions more than couple days is helpful.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aurora SF [/i]
[B]Severed dreams battle is almost ready. Do we make it the last explorer campaing mission or do we release it as a single mission? [/B][/QUOTE]
Huh, you worked on Severed Dreams? :vorlon: It should be the last explorer campaign mission where the site on which the player will fight is choosed by himself by the outcome of previous dialogs.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aurora SF [/i]
[B]ea_ring_station = Sim.Create("ini:/sims/stations/ea_ring_station/ea_ring_station", "Alpha Station 1");
Sim.SetCullable(ea_ring_station, false);
// iSim.SetFaction(ea_ring_station, ea_faction);
Sim.PlaceRelativeTo(ea_ring_station, jumpgate, 10km, -2km, 10km);[/B][/QUOTE]
If the path is right then there isn't anything wrong. These definitions are enough to let appear the station.
Just make sure you initialized the "jumpgate" correct. If not, then the station wouldn't be placed.
For example you can try another Sim to place the station relative.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by P3k [/i]
[B]well whoever does the music i can set up my ftp for you to download its about 280mb in all but worth sorting thru[/B][/QUOTE]
Thx. I downloaded much Babylon5 music from the former website B5Music but I'll check if it's the same like you have.
[Quote][b]this would make a cooler gaming experience in buda5 if the
music matched the action that takes place...for example
if some badass goons come out of a jumpgate the music would
change to something energetic while in normal travel it would
be soft and ambient .....anyways :))))[/b][/quote]
In I-War 2 the music is that dynamic.
For the campaign it would take some effort b/c you need to have a function that checks for instance every second the distance of the player ship to enemy ships ... or the identified ships on the contact list.
At least it is easy to change the music on scripting events. Thats the way we'll choose for the campaign. Nevertheless, we'll need
If nobody of you has objections, I'll write to Christopher Franke regarding the copyright issue. I think when I explain for what we need it there won't be any problems. I can do this in german b/c he originally comes from Germany. So there won't be a possible misunderstanding due to different languages.
he has some truly awesome scores, i wish i had more :)
im no programmer guy but u sure it needs to check every sec ?
i would go by the contact list way, then it would turn on only
if theres hostiles in it....
[B]that could start lawsuits from warner bros.! His music is part of the B5 warnder Bros. copyright[/B][/QUOTE]
The copyright lies by Sonic Images Records, one of the three music labels Chris ownes.
[QUOTE][b]everything we do is a copyright infringement, this is no different.[/B][/QUOTE]
Hehe, then we should do a first step to stem it by sending a Mail to Chris. What the others think about it? Indie, Warlord, Sanfam, Aurora, Psiqx?
[B]Everything seems to be correct.I'm using babylon 5 instead of the ring station and it appears [/B][/QUOTE]
Hm, then maybe the ini of the Ring Station isn't correct? I don't have the file here currently, but you can compare the ini of the Ring Station with the ini from the Babylon5 Station resp Narn Station and check it for main differences (e.g. in the Subsystem Section).
i still have to learn uv mapping in lightwave ...cuz seems that
the uvs didnt come thru from maya : (.....nevertheless i think
the model is ready ....whats the next step ???
[B]Hehe, then we should do a first step to stem it by sending a Mail to Chris. What the others think about it? Indie, Warlord, Sanfam, Aurora, Psiqx? [/B][/QUOTE]
I say let's sent the mail
[B]How can I make AI ships to go second waypoint after they have reached the first waypoint?Would be useful when making AI ships to patrol around the stations [/B][/QUOTE]
Write a task with a schedule function that checks if the fighter group reaches the waypoint. If it's so, set a Global to true so another task will be activated where the "flight route" of the fighters is defined.
[b]Similar example:[/b]
In my Mission of the Mission Collection I did it so when I wanted to know when the player ship reaches a specified waypoint:
[code]task CheckForPlayerPosToActiveWave( string shipinifile, string shipname, int amount, hfaction shipfaction, float skilllevel, hsim waypoint, hship player )
int i;
hgroup shipgroup = Group.Create();
i = Math.RandomInt(19000,26000);
every 1:
if ( Sim.DistanceBetween ( player, waypoint ) < i )
shipgroup = CreateAttackingWave( shipinifile,
shipname, amount,
shipfaction, skilllevel,
waypoint, player );
iUtilities.MakeWaypointVisible( waypoint, false, "empty" );
every 0.5:
if( Group.SimCount( shipgroup ) == 0 )
Global.SetBool( "g_shipgroup", true );
With this function I only needed to write down the waypoint, ... and needn't to write these lines everytime into the Mission Handler task.
Hmm... What was the temp folder login/password? I only had it saved in explorer and I've recently reinstalled. It used to be a sticky thread, but now it has disappeared.:confused:
[b][size=3]Username: Buda5
Password: ironcoya[/size][/b]
on the other hand, if we don't tempt fate and not email him, we can use it indefinately and it would be up to him to com knocking and say no. we didn't go asking for it.
I'd hate to sound like i'm pulling a rank issue here... but of the 3 senior most guys here (indie, myself, and you roi) i'm saying my offical vote is no, let's not tempt fate, at least not 2wice in one month. We are in a magazine (hopefully) this month for christ's sake, lets wait and see if we get sued up the arse for that first!
UV mapping is WAY not supported by EOC. lol u've gotta move your thinking back 3-4 years. :) As for getting a model in game, i'd say the easiest way to TEST your model is to make it a "ship" and fly it in the game. that's an easy way to test it's appearence. As for doing this, read the graphical SDK, or DL any single ship mod, unzip it and look how it's organized. it's very self explainatory. if you need help tho, post again.
now as for making them the faces for breifing reports and such.......................................... it hasn't been done yet! lol so i don't know. i'll have to go write the book on this in the next few days and get back to u.
@Scripters: There is easier way to let AI follow route of waypoints.
prototype task iScriptedOrders.FollowRoute(...);
Find the arguments in iScriptedOrders header file. Only bad part is that this function is for one ship, not ship group. You have group of waypoints and given ship follows that route probably so that group leader (index 0) is first waypoint and index 1 is second waypoint and so on.
[B]@Scripters: There is easier way to let AI follow route of waypoints.
prototype task iScriptedOrders.FollowRoute(...);[/B][/QUOTE]
Actually, for your requirements Aurora this function should be enough. Thx Logic.
this is a much better way of communicating ideas and its realtime........
i already have a homebase private server that i can set up a channel in just for buda5 .....
what u guys think of this idea??
[B]on completely diff subject....have u guys ever used IRC for chat?[/B][/QUOTE]
For chats we use ICQ. Get the numbers from our profiles.
...but ok ill get u guys on my contact :)
I can use irc. We had irc channel some time back but I couldn't get in that network for some reason. Only problem is to get own channel to the network everyone can get in. And of course all have to be able to use irc. I agree that irc is much better for group chatting than icq or equalents (icq chat for many persons is...well you know from previous experiences).
Read the SDK and includes to find easier way so you don't have to do things the hard way. Also remembering the functions more than couple days is helpful.
channel: Buda5
pass: ironcoya
[B]Severed dreams battle is almost ready. Do we make it the last explorer campaing mission or do we release it as a single mission? [/B][/QUOTE]
Huh, you worked on Severed Dreams? :vorlon: It should be the last explorer campaign mission where the site on which the player will fight is choosed by himself by the outcome of previous dialogs.