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  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    ok, is there are scriptable way to do the following: say if the excalibur fires it's main beam, is there a way to make all the systems on the ship shut down for 60 seconds?
  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LogicSequence [/i]
    [B]ok, is there are scriptable way to do the following: say if the excalibur fires it's main beam, is there a way to make all the systems on the ship shut down for 60 seconds? [/B][/QUOTE]

    Yes it is with the iShip package. You can disrupt the engines and shields and lock down all weapons (inclusive turrets)
    Disrupting for a specified time, the locking down of the weapons only true or false w/o specified time (so it has to reactivate manually in the mission script).
  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator
    Babylon5 station

    Short request for you Logic to improve the Babylon5 station:

    [list][*]Using [b]better textures[/b] with a higher resolution ... at nearly every place on the station they looks awful on close distances.
    [*]Making the station [b]bigger[/b] (if it's possible)
    [*]Create a [b]real hangar[/b] where you can fly in .. what we discussed several times in the past.[/list]
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    LoL...... yea i was kinda gonna thinking about doing that but.... no one really ever asked... so... OK :)

    about bigger: it's already the correct size! u want it even bigger!?
  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LogicSequence [/i]
    [B]about bigger: it's already the correct size! u want it even bigger!? [/B][/QUOTE]
    In comparison to cap ships like Omega and Sharlin the station seems pretty small. Also when I fly around it also with slower speeds I don't have the feeling of a big station where several thousands people lives. If you could make it a little bit more imposant would be fine.
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    With the scaling increased through the flux.ini script, it looks about the right size- trust me :)
    And if you watch Severed Dreams or another episode where there is much activity outside the station, you'll see it only takes a few seconds to fly its full length.
    Seriously though, I don't know so much about the comparison in size, but take a quick look at it with me cockpit mod (or just set the Internal Camera FOV to 0.6 in flux.ini), and the whole sense of scale thing will be greatly helped :)
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    well i'm still gonna remodel it cause roi is right, up close the textures aren't that good... for far away shots it's great... but lately we haven't been sparing the polygons so to speak, so... why not one with a little bit more detail.
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    I tend to agree on that one, since we havn't been going for "budget" modelling so to speak it needs a bit of a touch up.
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    yea it's time for her to have a defense grid too ;)
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    True! I never could quite figure out exactly where they where meant to be in relation to the actual station though- you'd see the, firing but not so much in comparison with the actual station.
    Hey, you reckon "Deploying" defence grids like in the show are possible? Should be, shouldn't it?
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    earm.... with scripting? maybe... but outright.. no... however i have a few tricks up my sleeve i'm gonna try.. might not look perfect, BUT... it might look good. certainly have gun barrels fling back and forth when they fire is no problem, i've done that on my new top secret non babylon 5 super ship that no one's seen yet :p

    as for placement... hmmm i'll have to look closely.. and probably take some creative liscense
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    Aye, I meant with scripting :)
    Well no one yet knows about my Minbari Boot of Doom (tm). Errrr.... until now!
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    lol boot of doom? you wouldn't be reffering to the morrshan or something eh? lol
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    ok as u know i've started the new B5 station. a while back i used to post WIP shots of my work, but no one really paid attention so i stopped... but does anyone wanna see WIP shots? or just wait for the finished product?
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    go for it mate :)
    Oh, and BTW, the Minbari Boot of Doom (tm) is just a huge minbari style boot ;)
  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator
    Total Confusion

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LogicSequence [/i]
    [B]but does anyone wanna see WIP shots?[/B][/QUOTE]
    Are they so fabulous that we can't wait for finished version?!? ;) ... in other words: Yes, if you can shot some fast then give us some stuff .. I really need it for my moral ... I'm fighting with the same stupid problem in my mission I had already in December last year (I left it beside till now b/c it's sooo stupid :mad: ). I've worked on it for 3 hours and only recognized partly successes but never I got that what I wanted ... k, going to dance a little bit Salsa with my girlfriend now ... need that though ... so have a nice evening and think on me, plz, that I clean up my brain so i can solve this problem tomorrow. ;)

  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    Re: Total Confusion

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Roi Danton [/i]
    [B]I'm fighting with the same stupid problem in my mission I had already in December last year (I left it beside till now b/c it's sooo stupid :mad: ). I've worked on it for 3 hours and only recognized partly successes but never I got that what I wanted ...

    gn8! [/B][/QUOTE]
    Tell me about it, i've just spent the last few days trying to get the Tinashi's NPS beams to track properly, and they still don't no matter what I do, so I've had to give up!
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    Re: Re: Total Confusion

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Morte [/i]
    [B]Tell me about it, i've just spent the last few days trying to get the Tinashi's NPS beams to track properly, and they still don't no matter what I do, so I've had to give up! [/B][/QUOTE]

    like i said, if you need help, ask... it's not admiting defeat. how do u think i learned weapons in EOC so well? asking.... but if you prefer to try it on your own, i know how that is to.. but like i said, if you need help..

    anyways, the WIP aren't in EOC, just in Lightwave, but i'll post one in a lil bit..
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    can someone point me to the newest/best version of the cockpit mod (no camera adjustments, just the cockpit)?

    can someone point me to the newest/best version of the jumpgate with working jumppoint?

    Is it possible to put a jumpgate/jumppoint at every L-point in the main game?
  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator
    [SIZE=3]Cockpit Mod[/SIZE]:

    I don't have the "pure" source but pick the following folder out of the Buda5_SkGen packet:


    It's the latest version.


    I repost the files you need from [url=]Warlords thread[/url] here:

    [list][*][]setup2.lws[/url] to be putted in Ship Pack/avatars/jumpgate/ - so the jumppoint works. (quoting Warlord: Also I'd like that LogicSequence makes new jumpgate/point so that it has "door" channel from 0 to 4 frames.)
    [*][]Buda package[/URL] with the Jumppoint tasks in.[/list]

    Heck, [b]for you Ingame Mod this won't work[/b] b/c you can't put in such scripting events IMHO. Or we have to find out how the normal jumppoint sequence is initiated (maybe with a seperate script we can find out).
    So your last question I have to answer currently with "no". Sry. :(
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    Even if we could put jumpgate to every l-point those wireframes would still be there. As far as I know they are hard coded.

    Logic: Newest ship pack has the newest jumpgate which has integrated jumppoint. I just changed frame range for avatar channel in setup2.lws.
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    [quote][i]originally posted by Logic Sequence[/i]
    like i said, if you need help, ask... it's not admiting defeat. how do u think i learned weapons in EOC so well? asking.... but if you prefer to try it on your own, i know how that is to.. but like i said, if you need help..[/quote]
    I havn't checked this thread in a while... must have slipped through my scanners. Errr... I mean attention.
    I have the turrets working reasonably well, but I can't seem to get them going properly- the problem being they don't track properly. Not being funny but I can't be bothered to go over what I've tried with them since it's quite late at night, and I am knackered- I'll just upload the Tinashi (still no SFX unfortunatly, might have to go to you on that one. Can't get hold of Season 1 DVD's after all- I only wanted to do it as an excersize in sound capture anyways :)).

    [quote][I]originally posted by Logic[/i]
    can someone point me to the newest/best version of the cockpit mod (no camera adjustments, just the cockpit)?[/quote]
    If you mean Simons starfury one, then I don't know, if you mean mine just go into the .zip file and go to avatars- it's just the standard one scaled down and repositioned (though it was a pain in the arse to get in the right place and the right size).
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    i still need the local of the best starfury cockpit mod (or one won't be included in InGame).

    Also... scripters... the yellow overlay color on the main menus.. can that be defined somwhere? i want to change the color.... didn't i see something called icOverlayColor somewhere in my pokings around? u guys would know better tho....
  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator
    @StarFury Cockpit: Still in the Buda5 SkGen (look some posts above).

    @Main Menus: No chance for an overlay b/c the GUI textures in the Mods folder aren't set as primary files like the other files (ini's and so on). I tested it long during the creation of my GUI packet so believe me, no chance (if you don't want to chance the flux.ini, but also that won't work in all cases). So let it yellow. I focused long enough on that until I wrote my own colour functions to have access on my own texture. But it only works for scenarios, not for the predefined Menu's.
    So I recommend to leave that idea. ;)
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    any ideas for the inbase screens? and know that they can't be very complex... and i don't have any models of inside the station, so it can't be that either... it's been very frustrating getting these inbase screens to even work... let alone decide what they should be..... so.. ideas please
  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LogicSequence [/i]
    [B]any ideas for the inbase screens? and know that they can't be very complex... and i don't have any models of inside the station, so it can't be that either...[/B][/QUOTE]
    I would prefer inbase screens from the Bab5 station like e.g. hangar, bridge, private room ... but ... hmpf, what's about screens from outside the station (if it isn't too complex). The quality of your modelled station should be enough for close up screens, eh?
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    What about cleaned-up and enhanced screencaps of the DVDs?
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    unfortunately i don't have any models of those, and it would take.... months to model them as they are complex. as to exterior shots... of what tho?? i mean here look at this part of the station for 2 min??? that's kinda... dull huh? LOL @sanfam, there are only.. 5ish inbase screens, so u'd be cycling thru only 5 shots, i dunno if that would look good. My initial idea was to make a background of a B5 interface and have a rotating starfury in the screen... sortof a description type thing.. that could then be repeted for thunderbolt, and other fighters, etc.... etc... but that failed miserably :(
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    i can't get any base models to fire weapons...? anyone know why? the b5 i made with defense grid won't fire, neither will the ring base or the narn base... (in the campaign)... anyone suggest a cause for this? they simply won't fire.
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    Have you tried using it as a ship other than Player base (I'm thinking a raider or military base that already has a defence grid).
    I think I read somewhere that the player base and certain others won't fire even if you put weapons on them.
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