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My new toy...

Well,the yearly video card upgrade bug hit particularly hard and i just got me a nice 9800 pro 256 meg card(built by ATI one BTW)... :D.

I installed it just a few hours ago and overall the perforamance is quite impressive to say the least...I've been throwing every single game i have at it,at the most demanding settings possible(1600*1200 4x AA in many cases),and the card just flies thru them with no effort at all...:D.

Just finished playing a 40 player BF 1942 battle of britain game at 1600*1200 32 bit with all in game settings maxed and 4x Anti Aliasing enabled and the fps never dropped below 40 at any point in the game....Awsome i tell ya,not a jagged line anywhere and smooth as glass :D.

The card itself is pretty big(about 2 inches longer than a 9800 pro 128 meg) and the silver ram sinks on each of the 16 memory modules look really cool and actually serve a usefull purpose since the DDR 2 ram it uses gets quite warm after a while....

If anyone else is interested in a card like this,make sure that you're using at least a 400w power supply as the card on it's own already uses about 70w of power as it is,and that a nice roomy case is also recommended to allow for good airflow around the card....

God i wish i could see an how an updated B5 game would look on a card like this...:(.


  • Yeah the 9800 Pro 128MB is impressive as well. It's plowed over everything I've thrown at it so far.
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ranger1 [/i]
    [B]Yeah the 9800 Pro 128MB is impressive as well. It's plowed over everything I've thrown at it so far. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Very nice card as well and in most cases,it's performance pretty much matches that of the 256 meg version,but i get the feeling that judging by the 500meg HL2 video that was released a few weeks ago,the extra ram on the card will come in handy.....

    And in any case,the card should will last me fine until the upgrade bug hit me again next year...;) .
  • how much did you get it for?
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by rcmodels [/i]
    [B]how much did you get it for? [/B][/QUOTE]

    Over $300, I know that for a fact. Lowest price I've seen is $320, on pricewatch. Its $369 - $399 in retail stores.
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vertigo1 [/i]
    [B]Over $300, I know that for a fact. Lowest price I've seen is $320, on pricewatch. Its $369 - $399 in retail stores. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Actually it was 499$,straight from ATI's own website....Only the 128 meg versions go for around 360~390$ range.....
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>


    Buy from the Dealer! hah hah!!!

  • A2597A2597 Fanboy
    the 9800 ROCKS.

    got a 9800 non pro 128MB, again, plows though everything, even UT2k3. (Though don't run that with 8x AA...LOL, that can slow it down a little)
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JackN [/i]


    Buy from the Dealer! hah hah!!!

    :D [/B][/QUOTE]

    I know they're more expensive,but i wanted a built by ATI version,not others like the gigabyte or sapphire or powercolor versions,given that only ATI built ones have a 5 year warranty and usually provide better 2d output,quality wise,since they don't skimp on the analog filters like some other brands do....

    On my 21 inch sony monitor,colors and text accuracy are razor sharp,even at resolutions as high as 2048*1536 at 85 hz refresh,so it's not worth the extra 50 bucks one might save by going with another brand...
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597 [/i]
    [B]the 9800 ROCKS.

    got a 9800 non pro 128MB, again, plows though everything, even UT2k3. (Though don't run that with 8x AA...LOL, that can slow it down a little) [/B][/QUOTE]

    The beauty with the above scenario is that i tried UT2003 at 1600*1200 32 bit with 8x aniso and 4 AA and it stills pulls a solid 50~60 fps on average....This card has got some cojones that for sure....:D.

    The reason for it is that the 4x AA at 1600*1200 already requires about 60 megs of onboard ram just for the AA sample buffer,add the frame buffer and you're up to 90 megs,leaving only about 38 megs for textures on a 128 meg card on a game that is texture intensive to begin with...

    Even with those options enabled,mine still has over 160 megs or ram left ...Crazy isn't it...:D.
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by superfly [/i]
    [B]I know they're more expensive,but i wanted a built by ATI version,not others like the gigabyte or sapphire or powercolor versions,given that only ATI built ones have a 5 year warranty and usually provide better 2d output,quality wise,since they don't skimp on the analog filters like some other brands do....

    On my 21 inch sony monitor,colors and text accuracy are razor sharp,even at resolutions as high as 2048*1536 at 85 hz refresh,so it's not worth the extra 50 bucks one might save by going with another brand... [/B][/QUOTE]

    Just so you know Saphire makes the majority of the built by ATi I got my 9800 pro for $360 from mwave 3 weeks ago.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    One day... one day I will be that rich. No! Richer!
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    Re: My new toy...

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by superfly [/i]
    God i wish i could see an how an updated B5 game would look on a card like this...:(. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Well... we don't have ITF, but I Found Her will be releasing a demo soon, and don't forget our very own Buda 5 mod for I-War 2 ;)
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Biggles [/i]
    [B]One day... one day I will be that rich. No! Richer! [/B][/QUOTE]

    I know that feeling... sigh.
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ranger1 [/i]
    [B]Just so you know Saphire makes the majority of the built by ATi I got my 9800 pro for $360 from mwave 3 weeks ago. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Yes.i'm aware of that as well,and i also believe that they also make quite a few of the 256 meg version as well,but i still wanted an ATI built one for the reasons mentioned above(warranty,2d output)...
  • Re: Re: My new toy...

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Morte [/i]
    [B]Well... we don't have ITF, but I Found Her will be releasing a demo soon, and don't forget our very own Buda 5 mod for I-War 2 ;) [/B][/QUOTE]

    How are both mods comming along?,I have both IWAR 2 and freespace 2 games....

    About the only thing i've tried as far as buda 5 is concerned is flying some of the custom ships(warlock kicks ass btw..:)).
  • A2597A2597 Fanboy
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by superfly [/i]
    [B]The beauty with the above scenario is that i tried UT2003 at 1600*1200 32 bit with 8x aniso and 4 AA and it stills pulls a solid 50~60 fps on average....This card has got some cojones that for sure....:D.

    The reason for it is that the 4x AA at 1600*1200 already requires about 60 megs of onboard ram just for the AA sample buffer,add the frame buffer and you're up to 90 megs,leaving only about 38 megs for textures on a 128 meg card on a game that is texture intensive to begin with...

    Even with those options enabled,mine still has over 160 megs or ram left ...Crazy isn't it...:D. [/B][/QUOTE]

    I run 4x AA and 12x Aniso at 1280x960 and get 60-200 (Depending on action, map, and players).

    9800s ROCK. :)
  • Yes...They do indeed...:D .\

    But while we're here gloating about about good they are(;)),might as well have some of the dev's opinion on what would be possible as far as an updated B5 game is concerned,given how fast current systems are getting and for much less $$$ compared to just few short years ago?....

    I'm not talking just graphics here,but overall game desing as well(AI,physics,interactivety,gameplay,etc)....
  • E.TE.T Quote-o-matic
    Re: My new toy...

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by superfly [/i]
    [B]God i wish i could see an how an updated B5 game would look on a card like this...:(. [/B][/QUOTE]
    Or what kind of game Volition could do for todays PCs if they would have change to do Freespace 3!
    (After all these years FS2 doesn't look bad yet)
  • that one as well,.....Was probably one of the best games out there at least as far as storyline is concerned,and the ending of FS2 left so many questions without an answer,that i was sure that a FS3 would be released later on...:(
  • Well no FS3 is going to be made. Direct your hate mail to Intercrap.... I mean Interplay.
  • What?!No FS 3!!god Damn interplay!nowdays there are no good games and it really seems that there won't be just like TV.full of shit!
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aurora SF [/i]
    [B]What?!No FS 3!!god Damn interplay!nowdays there are no good games and it really seems that there won't be just like TV.full of shit! [/B][/QUOTE]

    Dude, did you live under a rock all your life? Its a well known fact that FS3 wasn't going to be made! Well known for YEARS!
  • If memory serves me correctly,Volition still owns the rights to the freespace series,but interplay owned the publishing rights,so even if volition wanted to make a new game(which they did at some point),interplay had the final say in any case,since they had the exclusive publishing rights...

    Though i don't know what's the current situation though,given that interplay was sold off a couple of years ago.....Maybe THQ(volition's new publisher), purchased those publishing rights off interplay and we might still see freespace 3 released one day....
  • for a while ago I heard somewhere that there was some kind of voting thing going on between FS2 and Descen 3 and I just got the picture then that FS3 might be possible.and yes,of course I live under a stone.I live in all the information comes last and I've had an internet connection just over a month...:robot:
  • A2597A2597 Fanboy
    yea, but the decent jerks unfairly voted.
    (By unfair I mean that indevidual people were manageing to cast THOUSANDS of votes, even bragged about it on the forums....)
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by superfly [/i]
    [B]If memory serves me correctly,Volition still owns the rights to the freespace series,but interplay owned the publishing rights,so even if volition wanted to make a new game(which they did at some point),interplay had the final say in any case,since they had the exclusive publishing rights...[/B][/QUOTE]

    The only thing Volition owns is the game code and objects used in the game. Interplay owns the rights to the copyrights for both Descent and Freespace.

    As for THQ....they're main interest is console shit. The only games for PCs released by them are PORTS from the consoles!
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