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Minbari Tinashi V2 Ready :)

MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
Ok, just finished the V2 of the Tinashi, including new geometry, new textures, lights and the old Sharlin beam (I kinda preferred mine but there ya go). Feast yer eyes on this:

You can grab he [url=]'ere[/url]


  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    i didn't mean the old sharlin beams..... have you downloaded the v2.0 sharlin??? i meant that texture.
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh, you should have said! I havn't got it downloaded at the moment, I'll grab 'e in a minute before I start downloading InGame.
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    So, is it ready or are you planning to improve it? I'm asking 'cause I just started updating the ship pack. The next pack is the one that will be made public, me thinks...
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    Nope, apart from replacing the beam (which I'll do tonight and upload it) that's it- unless there is some glaring fault I have missed or something.
    Only thing I'm not too happy about is the main hull texture map is blurry... that's the only thing I'll be updating probably, and also probably not too soon :)
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    u might grab the weapons sounds from the sharlin too.

    has anyone noticed the sharlin is a little.... thin?
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    Good thinking batman! I'll grab them and re-upload tonight.
  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Morte [/i]
    [B]Good thinking batman! I'll grab them and re-upload tonight. [/B][/QUOTE]
    Plz post when we can download the final.
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    Done- sorry it took so long. You can grab it in the link above :)
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    u know those are still the wrong weapons textures huh?? ;)
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    ok i worked on the weapons, text, and a few other things... heres my version... if u want to release it... fine... if not, that's up to u... but it think it's better this way.... u all download it and tell me what u think.

    [URL=]minbari tinashi - update[/URL]
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    I modelled the weapons effects from those used in "In the Beginning".. wait, here's a pic:
    And I also checked the film and the sound effects I've got are closer.
    Also, I know this might sound selfish or stupid or something but I wanted this model to be all my own work... prob don't know what I mean, but hey.
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    well i'm saying that's a bad screencap, cause the beems should be green-yellow
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    Well... what about these then:
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    i'm gonna post my own, give me a few seconds :)
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    okie dokie.. i love being right ;) i'm assuming those are from VHS, b/c the colors are very washed out. these are freshly captured from the DVD.. as u can see, i'm right...

    [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG]
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    It may be like that on the DVD, but in those screen caps, on the two tapes I have of the film and in the series it's that colour...
    As my friend pointed out to me, the DVD's have been altered.
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    look carfully my friend, the colors on your screenshots are washed out.. theyre bad screenshots. sorry.. the minbari beams are green-yellow.

    as u should know color transfers are notoriously bad on VHS. the quality is much better on DVD. and they DID NOT re-render every scene for the DVD. so that argument doesn't stand much weight. the point is it was a bad tape, and bad screenshots.. the color is washed out.
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    u can tell by looking at black space in your vidcaps that the contrast is WAY TOO HIGH.. that's what's making your colors washed out.
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    My friend is insisting that those are NOT the colours from the DVD.
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    WELL i'm sorry.. they are. right off my DVD. perhaps your friend's television has bad color? or the region 2 DVD is different. but on the region 1 DVD that IS the color and that IS what it looks like. tell me how u want me to prove that's what it looks like and i'll do it, b/c that's what it looks like.
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    Hey, I'm not disbelieving ya man- but what am I meant to do?
    I've got my friend who I've known since year 7 insisting on one thing and (don't take this the wrong way) a bloke I don't know that well insisting on another. What am I meant to do?!?
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    well the bloke u don't know also happes to be lead modeler for buda5....
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    Aye, but the other bloke also happens to own the dvd's AND be one of my best mates ;) :p
    Anyways, as I said on ICQ, it should all be resolved in a coupla weeks max :)
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