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Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite RangerGermany
Hi there
since a long time i am posting news from the b5 freewaregames and mods at the firstones german gamers forum. Are you interested to see such news at the main-firstones forum? I think so [img][/img]
So i start this.

Myself and all of the team are really busy working on both the mod and real-life commitments at the mo. Anyway, whilst it's not quite in game it is from the HL model viewer. The models isn't finished (hmm broad shoulders) but gives a good indication of what we are doing. It is our first model so things should only get better from here on it!! More news when I have it but please post any comments or queries on the forum. Later. - Moo
[url=""] [img][/img] [/url]

Mod: B5:Shaddows in the Night, Half-Life Mod. Homepage: [url=""][/url]

[quote]Some of you may have seen this piccy already but it's the backdrop to our menu. Looks good eh?! - Moo


[url=""] [img][/img] [/url]

another Half-Life Mod news [img][/img]

More Screenshots can be found at the Mod-Homepage at the Screenshot-section


Some Screenshots from the "Ship-Viewer" are online at the HP from the Wing-Commander Mod [url=""][/url]


[quote]We have now broken the record of 33000 unique IP:s and 250 000 page views. This is all thanks to you. Though there are not much updating and the latest images / info about the game is 1 year old (or something) I hope that we will be getting more progress at the fall and next year (including web updating and more info). The road is long and bumpy, but to achive what we WANT, not what we can get easily is to walk that path to the end. I know that I wouldn't want the game to be fine, I wan't it to be perfect.


Status-update from "The Fall of Night" an freeware B5 Game. HP: [url=""][/url]

there is a Demo uot of the "Armada II B5 Mod" that can be found here [url=""][/url]

[quote]EA Omega, Omega-X, The Whitestar and Minbari Nial have been updated. New models: Brakiri Avioki and Minbari Flyer. All at the 'downloads' section.[/quute]

od: Buda5 v2. Link: [url=""][/url]

New screenshots of Narn and Centauri ships - posted by: Mr. Fury @ 05:48:36 AM CDT

It is time for new screenshots. This time in leading role: Centauri Vorchan and Sentri and Narn G'Quan and Frazi.

There is seven new screenshots in In-Game Battles section. And one new screenshot in In-Game Ships section. So, head to our Screenshots.

Edited 29.8.2002
Added one new screenshot to In-Game Battles section.
This one was requested by several fans, so I added this as well.

Mod: TBP- A Freesace 2 total conversion. Link: [url=""][/url]

so far so good.. if there a new updates and news, i will post them here

[This message has been edited by Alpha-1 (edited 09-29-2002).]

[This message has been edited by Alpha-1 (edited 09-29-2002).]


  • Londo has never looked better [img][/img]

    "When it is time,come to this place,call our name,we will be here"-Walkers of Sigma957
    [url=""]I've Found Her-Babylon 5 free game[/url]
  • MooMoo Trainee
    Oh there's plenty more where that came from! We are working on Sheridan, Garibaldi, Talia and a bunch of others and we will get around to re-doing the Londo model at some point (particually sorting the shoulders out and doing the hair texture).

    Thanks to Alpha-1 for the post!

    Project Leader
    B5:SitN [url=""][/url]
  • WOW. looks great! keep up the work guys!

    [b]whitestar90: [/b]"it would give the computer a heartattack just looking at it" -
    [b]Sanfam: [/b]"And Drazi didn't like it one bit.-
    [b]Mr.Bungle: [/b][i]"So that's where the forum went..."[/i]-
    [b][i]ahhh, the good old days of HTML.[/i][/b]
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    Looks Great; definitly interested when it

    is done to try it. Sounds like Halflife

    Is it going to run the same or turn based?


    [b]4 Thousand Throats can be cut in one night by a running Warrior[/b]
  • MooMoo Trainee
    It is a half-life mod and will play in the same way, only better!!
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    news from TBP

    Recent happenings on the forum - posted by: IceFire @ 07:58:09 AM CST

    We've had some good progress from people not currently on the team helping with the progress of the MOD.

    Image 1 [url=""][/url]
    Sigma957's Raider Battlewagon is really coming along and looking good.
    Image 2 [url=""][/url]
    Also from Sigma957 is the Asimov StarLiner.

    Both are still in progress but excellent examples of what we're looking for. With some additional help and tweaking, these two ships will no doubt be ready for the R2 release.

    Check out the message thread for more.
  • Mr. FuryMr. Fury Earthforce Officer
    Yes yes, it is always nice that fans are willing to help us out. Although the two ships above will not be released officially until much later.

    Please visit TBP homepage and see our [url=""]screenshots[/url] archive. [img][/img]

    [url=""]The Babylon Project downloads (Fury's site)[/url]
    [url=""]The Babylon Project homepage[/url]
    [url=""]The Babylon Project - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)[/url]

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Fury (edited 10-28-2002).]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    news from buda5 v2.0

    Starfury from inside - October 26th 2002 - The Merciful
    Fly Starfury. Now form the inside too. Simon's latest version of [url=""]Starfury cockpit[/url] added to [url=""]'downloads'[/url] section of our site. Unfortunately Simon has been cought up by RealLife™, so there may not be updates coming.

    [url=""] [img][/img] [/url] [url=""] [img][/img] [/url]


    [This message has been edited by Alpha-1 (edited 11-02-2002).]
  • whitestar90whitestar90 Elite Ranger
    Now that looks stunning [img][/img]

    "When it is time,come to this place,call our name,we will be here"-Walkers of Sigma957
    [url=""]I've Found Her-Babylon 5 free game[/url]
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