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new toy

shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
My new Canon 300D (Digital Rebel) is teh shit hawt.

I picked it up for $450.00 AUD because the Auto Focus isn't in focus... :)

I think that it may be something that can be remedied. I go now for refs online somewhere, if not, a tech may help. Even if it cant be fixed, its not really an issue for a purist sort of photographer like me. I like to focus, choose my exposure and F stop... so I wont miss the functions much at all.

EF lenses are relatively cheap, coming attached to EOS cameras in Cash Converters,(Pawn store chain). There's a nice 80-200 zoom at my local for $160 bucks. Im tempted to leave the camera body on the counter when I leave..:D

All in all, not bad. A tightly held, good quality camera worth about a $1000 AUD for $450 AUD.

I'll start whoring photos shortly.

Hold still !




  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    It'd be nice to have the ability to actually use an SLR properly. I think I'll stick to my high-end point-and-click. :)
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    i paid about $200 for the EF 100-300 a very nice lens to go with my 20D, then for about $100 on ebay i picked up a 2x teleconverter, making it a 200-600, but of course, remember that the EOS's have a magnification of 1.4x so with the tleconverter my 100-300 becomes a 280-840. heh, of course the teleconverter also doubles the f value, so it can only be used in good light, but its still fun to play with.

    The only thing i do not like with the Eos's, and you may run into problems with this using manual focus, the Focusing Screen bites, Canon used to use great split prism focusing screens, but now they just use a flat screen with no markers, I know several professional photographers who have issues with getting sharp focus in manual mode with the EOS's, I know with the 20D and the old 10D you could replace the focusing screen, i dunno about the Rebel, but i'd check into it, the screens cost about $20 and will make manual focus life MUCH easier.
  • GAH...

    I really want the Digital Rebel XTi....awesome camera. (And it's SLR! MUAHAHA!!!)
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    I've also figured recently that I'm going to make the jump to a 30D. I can get one on campus for $1225-1300 with the basic EF-S lens they all come with these days, and always barter with starving photo students for better gear :p I was going to go for the 400D, but I found the grip to be displeasing in the 350D, and with the minimal changes in the seemed the better option to go for the larger unit. :p Simply wasn't comfortable in my large-ish hands.
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    One of my good friends is a professional photographer, and he reccomends staying away from the rebels, that for the few hundred extra new, you are much better off with the 20D/30D.

    I've been thinking about moving to a 30D, but, well, my wife would cut off my hands if i wanted to spend that much only a year after getting the 20D. lol

    Also, if you go digital SLR, you WILL GET DUST ON YOUR SENSOR, it can't be helped, [url][/url] is a great resource.
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Of course, Canon is likely to bring up some of the dust prevention/removal technologies from the 400D to the next iteration of the 30D (40D?) with the new sensor. Should really help with dust reduction.
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sanfam [/i]
    [B] Should really help with dust reduction. [/B][/QUOTE]

    I sure hope so, its the one thing i hate most about the camera, I dunno if you've ever cleaned your sensor, but its a nerve wracking experience, i'm always terrified i'm going sneeze or something and crack the sensor. lol

    Canon is happy to do sensor cleaning for you, all you have to do is send them the camera and 50 bucks, sometime over the next 6 months, you'll get the camera back clean as a whistle..
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    yeah... I expect I'll have some fun with the local Canon service centre.

    I've made to recent discoveries.

    A) the firmware on my camera is 1.1.1

    Which makes me think that its been tooled with, it has been back to the retailer, so I would imagine its not to hard for a tech to talk another tech through a flashing of the firmware, probably hoping to fix the problem with the camera quickly. Obviously from that, the camera fault is one that requires cracking the case. (bugger)

    B) the 'cleaning mode' which flips up the mirror and opens the shutter to clean the sensor, is gone, no longer on the menu, if it was there when the camera was new.

    Which makes me think that Canon is doing a little gouging and saving them some work if someone screws thier shutter with a bad cleaning session.

    I'll talk to the techs if I can at Canon. If I'm greeted with a tech support firewall.. well.. they can kiss my ass and I'll have a go myself.


    It seems I've caught the bug... gimme a few weeks and perhaps we can do some horse trading... I pass my current unit on to someone else... I buy your 20D, you move up the foodchain to the 30D, everyones happy, including your Missus.

    Would she even notice the single digit change on the camera body ? :D
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    It's likely not the digit changes on the camera body, but the multi-digit changes on the checkbook.
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    The firmware is quite simple to flash, you basically just go to canon's site, download the firmware, put it on a camera formatted CF card, put in a fresh battery, and turn it on..

    if you see smoke, something went wrong...

    Oh and as an example of the 100-300 lens


    I must have been about 75 yards away from the field, so the zoom, is quite nice for $200.

    And yes, she might not notice the increase in the camera digit, but the subtraction of the bank account, yes, she'd notice, lol
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