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Question to those who knew me 4+ years ago

in Zocalo v2.0
Have I gotten more sane or more insane?
Or has there been any change in my apparent mental stability during this time?
A lot has happened in the past 4-6 years as well as many changes in life, but am I still what I am?
Somebody set us up the bomb...
P.S I've actually started considering of trying to make a small bang with a broken ac adaptor for my old speakers and remainders of lighter fluid that i didnt have use for after refuelling my zippo.
Or has there been any change in my apparent mental stability during this time?
A lot has happened in the past 4-6 years as well as many changes in life, but am I still what I am?
Somebody set us up the bomb...
P.S I've actually started considering of trying to make a small bang with a broken ac adaptor for my old speakers and remainders of lighter fluid that i didnt have use for after refuelling my zippo.
Slowly drifting sideways, off the road to the bushes would be more like it. :D
100 % sane.
Ofcourse, my view on sanity might differ with some others.. but it's all perfectly logical if you look at it the right way.
[COLOR=limegreen]people use to label that [/color][FONT=century gothic][size=1][color=#464770]It's a condition of mental divergence.[/font][/size][/color]
[COLOR=limegreen]which they don't understand. [/color][size=1][FONT=century gothic][color=#464770]I find myself on the planet Ogo, part of an intellectual elite, preparing to subjugate the barbarian hordes on Pluto.[/size][/font][/color]
[COLOR=limegreen]People look at someone[/color] [size=1][FONT=century gothic][color=#464770]But even though this is a totally convincing reality for me in every way[/size][/font][/color]
[COLOR=limegreen]and say 'This man is insane,'[/color] [size=1][FONT=century gothic][color=#464770]nevertheless Ogo is actually a construct of my psyche. I am mentally divergent[/size][/font][/color]
[COLOR=limegreen]and yet, for all they know[/color] [size=1][FONT=century gothic][color=#464770]in that I am escaping certain unnamed realities that plague my life here.[/size][/font][/color]
[COLOR=limegreen]it could just as well be [/color][size=1][FONT=century gothic][color=#464770] When I stop going there, I will be well.[/size][/font][/color]
[COLOR=limegreen]themselves who are,
so to speak, insane. [/color] [size=1][FONT=century gothic][color=#464770]Are you also divergent, friend?[/size][/font][/color]
[COLOR=limegreen]Are you the person, or are you the mirror image staring back?[/color]
In a random study a while ago in Sweden, less than 10% of the subjects were shown to be "normal". Most just lie to peole more than you..
Thats the most compliments youll get from me in a while..
Oh, and Im drunk.. ;)
Did you say something?
I think Messiah may have it, you're growwing out of whatever you were in.
[B]dude you must be totally insane if you're asking the residents of this place about sanity!:D [/B][/QUOTE]
heh. Well, have to admit but I think highly of most of the regular old timers here. I believe that there's some people with very high IQ's and seeming wealth as well.
There's some people I envy quite a lot, and not just for their minds but for their physique as well.
Not forgetting either that they have a purpose and a way. Me, I'm still searching. That's what drives me insane really, when I dont have anything to hold on to, nothing to anchor me. There's no Deus Ex Machina in my stories.
Drives me nuts.
And ofcourse I am a playfull and fun loving personality as well, so I do enjoy playing mindgames with the regular human sheep..
[B]I would say that, if anything, you're more mature than you were 4 years ago. But then, we probably all are. :) [/B][/QUOTE]
even warleader?;)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lord Refa [/i]
[B]Have I gotten more sane or more insane?
Or has there been any change in my apparent mental stability during this time?
A lot has happened in the past 4-6 years as well as many changes in life, but am I still what I am?
Somebody set us up the bomb...
P.S I've actually started considering of trying to make a small bang with a broken ac adaptor for my old speakers and remainders of lighter fluid that i didnt have use for after refuelling my zippo. [/B][/QUOTE]
Well at first you were normal, then you started sounding like a serial killer rapist cannibal, now your just sounding like your typical psycho, so I think your back in our comfort zone, spree killing lacks the disturbing sexual overtones you know.
[B]What about me? [/B][/QUOTE]
I dont know, Id say youre lapsing in and out of it. I can wrap my brains around Refa, cause he reminds me a bit about myself. You, I cant. Sorry.