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This and that...

JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
Just a note to anyone who is curious. I had surgery yesterday to remove a lump from my neck (between the throat and skin). Went well, and I am home relaxing, trying not to sweat from the heat too much.

Was an interesting thing to watch them work on me through the reflection of the chrome on the surgery light fixture.

My wife would have hurled as soon as they cut the skin. :D

Anyway, I have a specialist visit in Nashville on Friday, after which maybe life will return to some normal state for a bit.

So if y'all been the least bit curious where I've been, it's been due to this and work that's kept me off the grid mostly.




  • Mr_BesterMr_Bester Earthforce Officer St Louis MO
    Hope everything works out. Good luck
  • WORFWORF The Burninator
    I'm glad to hear it went well. Good luck on friday!

  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Re: This and that...

    Good to hear it's going OK so far.

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JackN [/i]
    [B]My wife would have hurled as soon as they cut the skin. :D[/B][/QUOTE]

    I would have been unconcious by then. I once fainted after getting a vaccination shot. I insisted on general anaesthetic when I got my wisdom teeth out, and still had to be given premeds to keep me calm before hand.
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    Good to hear it went well, and good luck on friday. So, youre gonna have a cool scar on your neck now?
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    Re: This and that...

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JackN [/i]
    [B]Just a note to anyone who is curious. I had surgery yesterday to remove a lump from my neck (between the throat and skin). Went well, and I am home relaxing, trying not to sweat from the heat too much.

    Cheers! [/B][/QUOTE]

    Hope everything is ok.
  • I've no problem with pain...

    but seeing flesh cut and torn and blood...

    UGH. Nope. can't do that. :)
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Reminds me of one of my friends. He had to have some work done on his arm after he tore a ligament...but he was only under local anaesthesia for the for a good ten minutes, he was doing nothing but marvelling at the inner workings of his arm (with the surgeon gladly explaining and giving him a viewing mirror)
  • I can do is mention how I didn't get a numbing shot when I had my first fillings at the dentist...

    drilling through the nerve was fun, but otherwise... :D

    (Then again, worst thing thats ever happened to me is a dog bite that took 6 stiches)
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Back when I was in primary school anaesthetic wasn't given for fillings. I truly feared going to the dentist and the couple of experiences of it (plus breaking my front teeth twice) have left me with a strong sense of caring for my teeth very well, even though anaesthetic is given as a matter of course now. :)
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    I know for a fact that I need four wisdom teeth yanked, and now quite likely a major filling or a cap in my decaying left-side molar.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    You've been whining about those wisdom teeth for a year and a half now. Isn't it about time you went and got them out? :p
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    The problem is, I lack dental insurance again. The only time I've had it is when I've been unable to get the work done. And I can't get it done down here for too many reasons. Likely, it'll be done within my first two weeks back in Rochester. It's starting to really annoy me.
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    Of the 4 wisdom teeth I had:

    1 grew in correctly
    1 was impacted
    the other 2 grew in at an angle and started to push the others.

    the 3 were pulled while I was under.

    They asked me to count backwards from 10. I think I got to 9, and woke up asking them when they were going to start the op...


    My wife wasn't too comfortable with how I looked right afterwards in the wheel chair because it reminded here of her father who had a stroke and passed on a year later.

    I STRONGLY suggest going under, as I don't think I could handle the dentist straddling me in the chair with pliers to break the teeth while I was awake...

  • bobobobo (A monkey)
    Glad to hear you're ok, and hope Friday's visit gives the desired results.
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    They didn't put me under, but I fell asleep anyways
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JackN [/i]
    [B]They asked me to count backwards from 10. I think I got to 9, and woke up asking them when they were going to start the op...[/B][/QUOTE]

    I didn't even get that far. In fact, thanks to the premeds (which as well as removing anxiety also help remove short term memory) I don't even remember going into the operating room. My memory gets as far as being wheeled out of the changing room into the corridor to the operating room. :p
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    I never had wisdom teeth, and never will, none in my family has them. :)
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    I'm going to give a warning here, THIS IS ICKY... IF YOU ARE SQUEEMISH, DONT LOOK


    Thats what i had done to my arm a few years back, only the incision was both on that side, PLUS the other side of my arm, and on the top of my palm as well. i would have loved to have watched, however, i had to be given a general, and was delerious from pain anyway... they did video tape it, but i was never able to get a copy of the video.

    and before you ask why i had such a thing done...

  • The Cabl3 GuyThe Cabl3 Guy Elite Ranger
    I had a surgery for scioliosis (curvature of the spine). I remember entering the room with my dad and lieing on the surgical bed. They put the anaesthesia on my face and in about 3 seconds I passed out...Just remember my dad saying see ya later son. I now have a block of adamantium held by screws in the midsection of my spine.

    When I woke up I was in a hospital bed took me about 2 weeks to relearn how to walk and it was painful. THE MORPHINE WAS GREAT THOUGH! HAHA

    No but really great news Jack, hope you stay healthy.
  • Data CrystalData Crystal Pencil Artist
    Hope you're okay, Jack. With your latest thread 'n all... :confused:

    Anyhoo, I'll probably have to get my wisdom teeth removed as well later this year... I have 2 in the upper back row. Or whatever it is that you call it. :D From what I gather, it's done with local anesthetics at the place I'll probably get it done. She's a good doc. Here's hoping it won't be that big a thing.

    I've only had one surgery in my life (hoping that there'll ne'er be a need for a second.) and I've only been put under once, at the same 'event'. Very interesting experience indeed...

    They put an iv in my left arm, and when they were about to begin, the nurse said that she was going to hit in the painkillers... don't know exactly what they use here, but I can sure as hell understand junkies a lot better now. I was pretty much like "Hmm... I don't feel anything at a.... woooow!" Felt like falling backwards through the table, all a blur. I was really getting into it and enjoying the sensation. :D Unfortunately, the next thing she said was that "I'll start the sleepers now" and the next thing I remember was waking up after the op. Dang!
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Data Crystal [/i]
    [B]Hope you're okay, Jack. With your latest thread 'n all... :confused:

    Not to worry, didn't spread, and I'm in the 85-95% recovery zone. I just have to keep an eye on it every year.

    $#!+, I could get hit by a car tomorrow and make all the anxiety a moot point...
  • Vorlons in my HeadVorlons in my Head The Vorlons told me to.
    I had my ankle operated on after breaking it in 3 places. I have a plate a rod and 11 titanium screws in there permanently. Sets of metal detectors :D I was given the option of general or just lower body anesthesia. I chose lower body from the waist down only. That was a mistake. Not because I was awake during the whole process but because I had no idea how freakin bored I would be staring at a ceiling for three hours while on the table! Anyway, once the stuff wore out boy did that leg hurt! Morphine is way overrated. Other than this nice warming sensation as you feel it working its way through the blood stream it was doing virtually nothing to ease the pain. They had to try some different pain killers to see what worked better. Demorol (sp?) was good stuff!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sanfam [/i]
    [B]I know for a fact that I need four wisdom teeth yanked, and now quite likely a major filling or a cap in my decaying left-side molar. [/B][/QUOTE]

    I had all four removed in one shot. I thought it might be wiser to do maybe two at a time but the doctor said why would you bother going through this hassle twice? Just get it over with and he was right. The only thing is I was told how I would be all tired and woozy after the surgery and would want to take a few days of work afterwards. None of that happened. I only had local anesthesia and they gave me some pill to supposedly relax and sort of knock me out. I was totally alert (but numb) and awake during the surgery and other than the feeling of of having a massive cotton ball in my mouth afterwards I was totally fine. Next day I went back to work like nothing. Turned out to be far from a therrible experience I imagined it would.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vorlons in my Head [/i]
    [B]The only thing is I was told how I would be all tired and woozy after the surgery and would want to take a few days of work afterwards. None of that happened.[/B][/QUOTE]

    That generally only happens with general anaesthetic. Boy did I have a fun week after my four were taken out...

    However, I, too, found it was not the hellish painful experience I was expecting it to be. I thought I'd be in massive pain for a week. As it turns out, I wasn't in much pain at first due to the hangover from the anaesthetic and the painkillers I was given, and after a couple of days there wasn't much pain anyway. I credit much of the lack of swelling and pain later on to good care provided by my father, who stayed home for the first two days and provided regular ice packs.
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    Oh, Sanfam, dont mess with your teeth, get them fixed. Remember, mine fell out.. ;)
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    I have no intention of not getting them fixed :P

    I just need for the funds to be in the right place at the right time. I've managed to hold off the wisdom teeth ruining my mouth with careful maintenance, They need to be yanked.
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    Yeah, thats what I was thinking, I was going to get a full checkup this summer, and then two teeth fell out this spring..

    I would have borrowed money to do it, but I dont know how expensive it is in the states. I had a root filling, and a tooth fixed for about $800
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    Teeth suck, mine are terrible, a combination of bad teeth genetics and not taking care of them when i was younger, and also being terrified of dentitsts, i've had a couple bad dental experinces, one where he somehow screwed up with the novocaine, numbed the wrong area then went drilling in an un numbed area, also having a root canal and the root NOT being numbed, UGH, talk about painful. that and a couple dentists i've gone to just making me feel generally shitty about myself for them being bad.

    In a perfect world, i think i'd like to have them all removed and replaced with implants, but, who's got that kind of money? i sure dont.

    maybe i could have them replaced with blood red fangs, ooo that could be fun.
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    Oh! I was put under when I was bout 5 months old. I have a genetic disorder from me dad's side of the familey called club foot - its one of the few dominant genetic disorders out there. It afects feet development in-utuero so when I was born my left foot was slightly twisted and my right one was twisted in 90 degrees. They put me under (apparantly my mother totally lost it when they took me from her arms), twisted my feet tot he point of breaking, threw casts on for a year and hoped for the best.

    Oh yah, cuz of the whole going under I wasn't allowed to eat for like 12 hours before the operation. You try doing THAT to a baby!
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Entil'Zha [/i]
    [B]...that and a couple dentists i've gone to just making me feel generally shitty about myself for them being bad.[/B][/QUOTE]

    Heh, yeah I've went to a few dentist like that, then they wonder why I don't return and have found a new dentist...

    If given the chance I tell them straight out...

    Pisses me off when they assume you are a delinquent concerning your teeth just because their are issues with them that they weren't present to pass judgment over...

    I do what I can when I can, and when I can afford it.

  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    Yeah, Ive been to a couple of dentists like that too. This summer, the first one to check on my teeth didnt really numb my tooth before drilling, I shouted at her to quit, but she continued a while anyway. So I switched dentist, and he explained that the tooth was inflamed to the point where the blood was not allowing the anaesthesia to pass to the part where he needed drilling, so he anaesthesised straight into the tooth instead. Didnt feel a thing.
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