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Dell Laptop explodes

croxiscroxis I am the walrus
[URL=]Dell laptop explodes at demonstration[/URL]



  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Dude, you're getting a small crater!
  • TyvarTyvar Next best thing to a St. Bernard
    Okay, I knew Dell had quality control problems but thats insane.
  • FreejackFreejack Jake the Not-so-Wise
    That looks like a Latitude one of their fleet models, like what's sitting on my desk, next to my other Dell...hmmm

    Take a look at the last photo, with the dude still typing on an almost identical computer...

    I wonder if it was someone from another country with a different power supply and that is what did the laptop in.

  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Very unlikely, as laptop power supplies are universal power supplies: they work on voltages from 100V (or 110V) to 240V.
  • bobobobo (A monkey)
    Ah, yes, the Inquirer, the cornerstone of journalistic integrity. :rolleyes:
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    What do you mean? The Inquirer is an example to other journalests all over the world of journalistic integrity! Why, just look at [url=]this excellent, not-completely-incorrect-and-misleading article on the performance of the Cell processor[/url]!
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    That just seems staged to me...

    And that flame looks like it had a magneseum(sp?) assist to it...

    But what do I know...

  • Ranger BrianRanger Brian The Anti-Scrooge
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JackN [/i]
    [B]That just seems staged to me...

    And that flame looks like it had a magneseum(sp?) assist to it...

    But what do I know...

    :p [/B][/QUOTE]
    I'd have to agree.

    The camera just happened to be facing it to catch the moment it went up. Yeah right.

    Bet it's from some Japanese prank show or something
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Probably. :D

    I also find how much a story changes as it goes through various sites amusing. The inquirer says it's at a conference, and already, one site later, we have croxis saying it's a demonstration. :)
  • It has to be the firewall, it has to...
  • MelkorMelkor Elite Ranger
    Odd descrepancies that make one question the legitimacy of such pictures. Like the second picture having the flames be in front of the laptop, instead of on it. The laptop appearing to be resting at an angle, like it's sitting on something (probably whatever's actually burning), lack of visible damage to the laptop display, and in the background of the second pic, why's there a bunch of smoke off in the distance? *shrugs* probably right about it being some kind of wierd TV thing or wonky demonstration for something or other.
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    I thought confrences were demonstrations. And I am always right, therefor the inquirer is wrong.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    A conference and a demonstration are two very different things. You may see demonstrations at a conference.
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    We have just witnessed the birth of an urban legend :p
    I have heard of things like that happening but never saw it first hand. I actually saw a clip a month ago. Real time fire caught on tape. Might have been made up too but I dont think so. Apple and HP are guilty too. I am not defending the inquirer though.

  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    It does say it was on fire for quite some time, and exploded several times, could have been taking several pictures during that time..

    But, meh, could also have been staged..
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    I don't think it was staged. Also I don't think that first photo is from when in exploded the first time. It could just as well burn very brightly and therefore it isn't so hard to take a photo.
  • Space GhostSpace Ghost Elite Ranger
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tyvar [/i]
    [B]Okay, I knew Dell had quality control problems but thats insane. [/B][/QUOTE]

    My Dell Inspiron 8600 has lasted well over three years with no problems. Of course, I paid over $1600 for it so the $200 models might be a different story. ;)
  • AnlaShokAnlaShok Democrat From Hell
    Magnesium is often used in laptop computer frames to save weight.
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    That's Delltastic!

    Thank you, and Namaste...
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