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"Babylon 5: Severed Dreams" is searching for Beta-Testers

[quote]I need 3 dedicated beta testers who are enthusiastic about B5:SD to act as Quality Control officers for the game (beta testers).

The role involves basically downloading every release of the game (from the current pre-alpha to the final release) and throughly testing it for bugs. [URL=;act=ST;f=1;t=33;st=0;r=1;&#entry7]read more[/URL] [/Quote]

Babylon 5: Severed Dreams is a freeware game project, that is currently under developement by Final Eclipse Studios (FES), it features action packed space fights, spetacular graphics and a good storyline - this all takes place in Babylon 5 Universe.

You can find more infos about the Game on their [URL=]Forum[/URL]



  • Pixel_DonkeyPixel_Donkey Earthforce Officer
    Its looks interesting :) I wish someone would make a dedicated multiplayer mod/game... I can dream :)
  • FoxerFoxer Earthforce Officer
    Well, it's progressing very fast, the graphics department (me) cant keep up with the progress though, thus we now need extra artists - 3D Modelers/ 2D Artists.

    When I figure out the shaders the current ugly-looking pre-alpha ships will start to shine and come to life :rolleyes:
    I could beta test
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