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B5 Hosting?



  • Argone, see, they have to give you the title. You don't choose it. We'll get something saying that we are part of the RPG. Even if you'd prefer "You want that served hot, asshole?"!! I wanted "The Not-So-Great-Machine", but I probably won't get it... [img][/img]
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    [img][/img] Ok my mistake, [turns and cuts the head off of his second] I will recind my request. [slams desk] I was mistaken, [img][/img] I will endeaver to do better in the future.
    Comeon guys cut me a break all this groveling is killing me. [kicks his cat across the street hits neighboorin head] Die you stupid thing and I ain't talking about the cat.
    Umm ahh I feel much better now .... Ok where was I, Yesss Well how do you like the picture? Andy I really want to talk at you, I mean with you. [img][/img]

    Argone Qu'noH
    Technomage ambassator

    4thousand throats can be cut in one night by a running warrior.
  • OK, now that we've established that I will be allowed some hosting, when will I get it? Until the site is really finished, we probably won't set up a site here, but some forums would be nice, so we can keep in touch with the general B5 public.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Sanfam told me yesterday he was working on it. This means you should get it in a couple of years.

    [url=""]Never eat anything bigger than your own head.[/url]
    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    [quote]Originally posted by Argone:
    [b]I would like to request, with all due respect, to have picture and or would you like that served hot asshole.Can
    make it smaller thx.

    LOL, the first time I read this I thought you were threatening Biggles. I was thinking to myself: Oh, now youve gone and done it...
    Hehe that sentence would be so much more easy to understand had you used / [img][/img]

    Passive fields. January two thousand and twelve. A nation that stands alone. Cold voices, faces pale, Gathered unto their judgement day. Such words remain unspoken. Such pride remains unbroken. Just mothers to stand in vain and cry. Tears and medals in the rain. Shall I recall when justice did prevail? No reason to be found why reason did fail. The all clear resounding. The way was clear to rebuild this land. Shall I call on you to guide me well, To see our hopes and dreams fulfilled? On this day of our ascension.

    VNV Nation - Honour
  • Nah, as long as Argone is given his horse tranquilizer of Ritalin, we can generally keep the violence down to a few neighborhood pets per day. ;D
  • Hey!! This is great!! I am typing this thru the little window that appears on the bottom of the Post page. Not that you care.

    That's good news indeed, Biggles [img][/img]
    So you really have no ieda when we'll be officially hosted?
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    [img][/img] Klingons never threaten. Mr Biggles is a man of Honour. What kind of box at the bottom Andy. Just remember all good things come to thoses who wait, but just not too long. Klingon= short fuse long sword. [img][/img]

    Argone Qu'noH
  • TyvarTyvar Next best thing to a St. Bernard
    And this whole conversation is why we shouldnt merge the mod boards and this one, they are two entirely different cultures. Why it would be like forming the Austro-Hungarian Empire, or something else crazy [img][/img]
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Your hosting has been shipped. Expect it to be lost in the mail for 6 to 8 weeks, and turn up in a mangled, poorly taped package.

    [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

    But seriously, I'll get on it ASAP.
  • Thanks Sanfam, I'll suckerpunch the delivery man for ya.
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    Hey be careful what you say about the US Mail they may be watching, Worse than the Shadows. Now there's a monoply I'd like to have a piece of.

    Argone Qu'noH
    Technomage Ambassador

    4 Thousand Throats can be cut in one night by a running Warrior
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Well, 4000 per night, assuming the running warrior takes no breaks, and somehow has the stamina to keep on running. [img][/img]
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    Depending also on the distance between the targets, and the sharpness of the knife

    Passive fields. January two thousand and twelve. A nation that stands alone. Cold voices, faces pale, Gathered unto their judgement day. Such words remain unspoken. Such pride remains unbroken. Just mothers to stand in vain and cry. Tears and medals in the rain. Shall I recall when justice did prevail? No reason to be found why reason did fail. The all clear resounding. The way was clear to rebuild this land. Shall I call on you to guide me well, To see our hopes and dreams fulfilled? On this day of our ascension.

    VNV Nation - Honour
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    And eddies in the space-time continuum.

    [url=""]Never eat anything bigger than your own head.[/url]
    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
    [quote]Originally posted by Tyvar:
    And this whole conversation is why we shouldnt merge the mod boards and this one, they are two entirely different cultures. Why it would be like forming the Austro-Hungarian Empire, or something else crazy [img][/img]


    But some have already been merged.

    I think the whole reason Sanfam wants to merge them is so that he can then use a utility to change forums from UBB to "unknown." But he can't do that unless its merged. Hmmm...
  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
    And don't forget the local hyperspacial drift currents, Biggles. [img][/img]
  • Yeah, but those are nothing. Them damned rifts in the space/time continuam'll snag ya every time.
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    B5 Hosting?

  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise


    *watches Aardvarks stampeeding JackN*
  • *scared*
    What's this talk of armadillos?
    *raises arm*
    See this here scar? Got that from an armadillo. Nasty one too, musta been 10 feet long!! The thing had teeth like a tiger... barely made it our with my life.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Not armadillos! Aardvarks!

    [url=""]Never eat anything bigger than your own head.[/url]
    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise

  • Why, when I was a child, someone told us they were Armadillos, and that was good enough for us!! Young wipper snappers, don't know where they ge it from... *cough*

    And what's this about green? Why, back in the day when I was young, we only had red, puprle, and yellow--and we loved 'em!! You darn young'uns don't know what's good for ya... *grumble*

    [This message has been edited by the_exile (edited 08-21-2002).]
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Hey, back in the day, we only had BLACK, and we loved it! None of this new fangled "grey" crap. We made our own by changing the spacing of the dots BY HAND.

    And we walked 50 the snow...uphill...through an avalanche to get it!
  • Yeah?!!? Well I walked 60 miles in 10 feet of snow... at a 90 degree angle hill... both ways!!... just to have a story to gripe to our grandchildren about!
    And then we changed the dots by hand, to look like an armadillo!!
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    [img][/img] Glad I'am not that old to remember things like that. Did you guys know Moses by his first name too. [img][/img] But seriously Long sharp blade, marathon runner, longest night of the yr. could be done.

    Argone Qu'noH
    Technomage Ambassador
    Lord House Qu'noH

    4 Thousand Throats can be cut in one night by a running Warrrior
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    [quote]Originally posted by the_exile:
    [b]...both ways!!...[/b][/quote]

    I was waiting for that addition.... hahahaha
  • why Jack... you remember the story as well??

    [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

    D&D: You know your a geek when you convert your entire flat from nice ordinary people to D&D lovin' nerds Go there, go now.
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    I think we have definitly gotten off track here. [img][/img]

    Argone Qu'noH

    [This message has been edited by Argone (edited 08-22-2002).]
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