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New Website


Pretty much my old site moved server and gor an overhaul.

Downloads and images updates.



  • Your site looks really good....

    "When it is time,come to this place,call our name,we will be here"-Walkers of Sigma957
    [url=""]I've Found Her-Babylon 5 free game[/url]
  • Hey, the_exile speaking. For the RPG I'm creating (remember?), I need some new prototype ships. I'd be eternally grateful If I coud use the Victory-like one! Of course, I'd give you credit, and whatever else you wanted from me, save cash [img][/img]
  • EternityEternity Elite Ranger
    Er no I don't remember. What do you call yourself over e-mail? and no, you don't get them. I want CASH!!!!! [img][/img]

    Get me over e-mail - it's on my site and make your request there.

    Now update:

    downloads link from main site is done, zips are up and the pages are being uploaded and tested as I type.
  • EternityEternity Elite Ranger
    Ok it is all there. Downloads, pages, images etc. The zips are where they are supposed to be and it all works (page wise) I know cos I checked it all!

    Any probs please tell me about part from that I got one final page to write!
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    Looks good, very well layed out.

    My time spent there was not wasted. [img][/img]

  • On the page for the Earth Alliance Atmospheric Transport, [url=""]the last picture[/url] is a broken link. Other than that, great site!
  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
    I hate popup ads [img][/img]

    Otherwise, nice site [img][/img]
  • EternityEternity Elite Ranger
    Really? I could have sworn I fixed that one.... Hold on!

    Oh yeah it is. Must be the java cos the html is fine! I'll fix it right now.
  • EternityEternity Elite Ranger
    Rest are fixed, downloads are fixed and it is 12.30am. I'm going to bed! Night! and happy downloading!
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