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Warhammer Online - Age of Reckoning..

in Zocalo v2.0
Looks set to be an awesome game..
On a related note, I honestly can't wait for the next Dawn of War expansion pack; my money's on 'Nids being the second "secret" race being introduced along with the Tau.
Yeah, Ill probably be a Slaanesh-worshipping Darkelf if thats at all possible.. :D
Chaos has never really appealled to me, outside of the Chaos Dwarfs who are just evil engineers. There's always a rather nasty set of side-affects that tend to accompany worshipping the dark powers, and I'm not just talking about Nurgle. :D
[B]Bags being a Chaos Dwarf! (I've always had a soft spot for those chaps.) ;)
On a related note, I honestly can't wait for the next Dawn of War expansion pack; my money's on 'Nids being the second "secret" race being introduced along with the Tau. [/B][/QUOTE]
Oh HELL NO. I can handle Orcs, Tau, Chaos Marines, even Necrons.. BUT NO NIDS!!! NIDS BAD!!!
Nids are sooo damned overpowerd, it makes me wish for the good old days of 1st edition 40k when terminator power armor saved on a 2 and up. Or if you were Imp Guard you got pie plate bombardment templates...
[B] Nids are sooo damned overpowerd, it makes me wish for the good old days of 1st edition 40k when terminator power armor saved on a 2 and up. Or if you were Imp Guard you got pie plate bombardment templates... [/B][/QUOTE] Man, what?
Anyway, I'm pretty sure they're not touching nids, seeing as they don't think they can ever do them justice.
And The templates for dropping orbital bombardment on something were huge.
And Nids are EVIL EVIL EVIL. and almost impossible to defeat.
[B]Anyway, I'm pretty sure they're not touching nids, seeing as they don't think they can ever do them justice. [/B][/QUOTE]
The Zerg from Starcraft were done pretty damn well in terms of how both units and buildings were modelled brilliantly (oozing and pulsating, etc), and I really do think GW can do the Tyranids justice if they simply do what Blizzard did. Heck, the Zerg had more thought put into them and looked a hell of lot better than the 2nd edition 'Nids ever did, IMO!
I've only played against 'Nids twice and both were extremely close fought battles with myself only just being the victor. The key is to just sit back and pour on the fire before lauching selected counter-assaults to kill off-isolated or weakened units. (SM Assault Squads are great for this.) Because there's so many 'Nid models on the table, them being spread out so much really does tell after two turns of shooting. After that, you just mop up with whatever you have left.
Anyway, let's say the secret race in the next expansion isn't Tyranids... What race do you guys think would accompany Tau? The only other viable option is Dark Eldar, but GW have left them pretty much untouched since the release of 3rd edition...
However, you may have a point about Necrons. Winter War expanded the IG, who were only a feature of Dawn of War, so they may do the same with the Necrons in the upcoming expansion. However, they were ridiculously powered in WW, (Monoliths!) so I don't know the devs would make the Necrons a challenging race to play.
On reflection the Ordo Hereticus (Imperial Witchhunters) would be fantastic to see. Lots of potential units there.
Wish I'd gotten into it earlier:rolleyes:
(No, I wont say anything about the nuts, Ive already done that too much)..
Oh and Morden: Imperial Guard and Blood Ravens are also part of the Imperium, but the Imperium is also popular, so I wouldnt rule out Sister of Battle either.. ;)
[B]heh. thanks. Not really new, I have lurked for awhile, just never made a forum account. :) [/B][/QUOTE]
oh bugger! u know what we're all like then?!;)
[B]I might give the game a go when it comes out. I've been meaning to get Dawn of War for a while now too. I never used to be that into Warhammer-type games until this year when a mate introduced me to Battlefleet Gothic. Havent tried 40k or anything, but we're doing BFG campaigns now so we're talking about introducing a ground element in the next campaign.
Wish I'd gotten into it earlier:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE]
They'll probably Bring out a DoW+WW box set at some point mate, so keep your eyes peeled. (It's pretty much inevitable in the games industry.)
BTW: Welcome to the boards, Keithius! :)
I may consider picking up the expansion to it as well soon. But, I am also playing Eve at the moment. Friend of mine is helping me get started in that. So not a heck of alot of time to play so many games. But I might get it later. Also got Oblivion to play to. Bleh, so many games, so little time.