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Linux is obese too - more on the $100 laptop

in Zocalo v2.0
[B]We need a genius to design an OS that only takes up too 500 bytes or 1 meg only. One spectacularly condensed coded line. [/B][/QUOTE]
You linux? :p
[B]Hard to upgrade, but otherwise good idea.. [/B][/QUOTE]
It's isn't hard to flash your BIOS or EFI, so what would make the upgrade so difficult?
[B]Why not just have the OS on a chip on the board? [/B][/QUOTE]
MacOS used to be done like that. The limitation there is the size of the OS. However, when magnetic memory or molecular memory or whatever no-power-needed-to-keep-data memory makes it to being a mainstream replacement of hard drives gets here, chances are things will sort of move back in that direction again.
[B]We need a genius to design an OS that only takes up too 500 bytes or 1 meg only. One spectacularly condensed coded line. [/B][/QUOTE]