You have gotten very lucky, but it also may be the sign of partial, progressive failure. Back that hard drive up while you still can and hope for the best.
Biggles<font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
If only I could justify it, but with a once agian functional computer at home for the wife and my perfectly good laptop from work, I have no reason.
Biggles<font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
There can be. You see, when your wife knocked that video card loose, it caused a minor fault that will gradually build up over the next week (without any visible symptoms), until suddenly next weekend the entire computer will die from massive internal failure (sometimes known as "the motherboard has big holes through tracks and vital components appear to have been removed with pliers"). You'll be forced to buy a mac mini that same day so as to not lose any valuable time.