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Enhancing the "Mod-Experience"

RubberEagleRubberEagle What's a rubber eagle used for, anyway?
I have too much time for thinking lately, and this is one of the things that resulted of my cerebral overactivity...

I thought, wouldn't it be cool, if all (or at least, many) of the B5-themed Mods would be united under a joint webportal, where they all would be able (and doing so) to coordinate their mods (story wise), seeing that there are no (big) contradictions, having little hints at other mods storylines in a mod, maybe having the same battle in different mods (like, in a RTS you controll the fleet, while in a space sim you fly as a fighter, or in 2 Sims, you meet the other sim's squadron), thus making a consistent "Mod Universe".
Also, this would support the cooperation on other levels, like helping other teams out, when they have problems texturing wise...
I'd imagine something like a "Council" of the project leaders and the writers (where those are different people), and forums for modellers and texturers, that are not "alligned" to a mod (the forums), so that all artists can show of their latest art, or ask for help, give instructions etc...

What do you think?
(I hope it's at least a bit understandable.. when I'm a bit excited about an idea, my thoughts tend do be faster than my fingers typing... I'm not even sure i wrote all of my ideas).

Edit: The "Experience" is the experience of the gamer... I think it would be even greater if you had that "consistent universe feeling", if the player once in a while said "hey, i know that mission" or "hey cool, that's a hint at that mod that i played"

[This message has been edited by RubberEagle (edited 08-30-2002).]


  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    That could be a cool idea. But Iremember that there were problems with the homeworld mods B5:TC and B5:Great Wars.
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    yeah nice idea [img][/img]
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