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Sci-fi channel

ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
[img][/img] I am taking the time to post this to see if anyone else got screwed as I did by these people. [img][/img]
I posted on Sci-fi's site that I was unhappy with the way they are screwing up the channel. I told people not to bitch but how to bitch to the right people. Told them to go to the people with power over Sci-fi's management. I was professional to the point of being polite. Please read my post on B-5 page Sci-fi . com.
My reward,,, I HAVE BEEN BOOTED OFF THEIR SITE.... My password and log in have been revoked with an E-mail that says that any type of new admissions from my E-mail will not be accepted. I apologise to firstones if I am breaking any rules by posting this here. But this is just a little ludicris. Me thinks me hit a nerve.

Argone Qu'noH

4Thousand Throat can be cut in one night by a running Warrior.


  • WHY_oldWHY_old Elite Ranger
    How exactly are they screwing up the Channel, aside from showing that "Invisible Man" crap on fridays instead of B5....
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    It's the Scifi channel not mystery or adventure.For example today Fri. Aug. 23rd from 6:00pm to 8:00 pm It was a horror movie about bad kids. at 8:00pm it was Dead Zone listed by them as a mystery adventure.
    Then They run Stargate and Farscape twice in a row. Then at midnight I get crossing over. What ever happened to the way Scifi use to be. Battlestar Gallactica, LoTR, Enterprise went to UPN. Granted every show does not have to be a B-5 spin off but I can't understand Scifi showing mysteries or comedy adventure shows, Hell I pay for it. I'll go to the mystery channel to see mysteries or Home and Garden to see that.

  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    [quote]Originally posted by WHY:
    [b]How exactly are they screwing up the Channel, aside from showing that "Invisible Man" crap on fridays instead of B5....[/b][/quote]

    Note: Starting in September, B5 goes to five days per week.

    We are here to place President Grenewetzki under arrest!
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Enterprise is on UPN because, as I understand it, UPN and Paramount are related.

    [url=""]Never eat anything bigger than your own head.[/url]
    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • RubberEagleRubberEagle What's a rubber eagle used for, anyway?
    Enterprise is on UPN like B5 was on PTEN
    And X-Files is mystery too, not that much sci-fi.. i think it's ok to have mystery on a sci-fi channel...
    The movie you mentioned, "Disturbing Behaviour" (I just happend to have seen that last week), is, IMHO quite a bit Sci-Fi, as implanting chips in human beeings to control their minds, isn't that wide spread in todays world.
    If i was a moderator, i'd have been a bit pissed of by your post, but banning sure isn't the right way to go. A simple reply post or mail would have been better...

    [This message has been edited by RubberEagle (edited 08-24-2002).]
  • HavokHavok Earthforce Officer
    Enterpise is on UPN because the Star Trek Franchise is held by Paramont and Paramont owns UPN (United Paramont Network).

    Dedicated to all the people who predicted that the Babylon Project would fail in its mission. Faith Manages.

    G'Quon wrote, 'There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.'
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    I was useing Enterprise as a forinstance, bad choice, but I think I made my point that a lot of good Scifi shows are not shown on the Scifi channel. I cannot understand why Crossing over is on Scifi why not brimstone and why didn't they pick up LoTR. [img][/img]
    I also understand the rating system and the need to make money, but and I think this is important, how can a Scifi channel compair their rating against National channels, cbs, nbc, abc, fox, to name a few when none of them claim to be a Scifi channel. If I own a hardware store I should sell hardware not food. I know it kinda sounds picky, but like I said before, I pay for the damn thing. [img][/img]


    [This message has been edited by Argone (edited 08-25-2002).]
  • [quote]Originally posted by Argone:
    [b] I cannot understand why Crossing over is on Scifi why not brimstone and why didn't they pick up LoTR. [img][/img]

    Argone (edited 08-25-2002).][/b][/quote]

    LoTR was aweful. Thats why they didn't pick it up.
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    Huh, then why did the PILOT gain more viewers as the football game ended?
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    Yea I think it was not to well thought out to run it opposite a play off game and expect it to get good ratings.

  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    They weren't expecting the football game to be played then. Or something.

    [url=""]Never eat anything bigger than your own head.[/url]
    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    [quote]Originally posted by Biggles:
    [b]They weren't expecting the football game to be played then. Or something.


    Exactly, Because of Sept 11th, the football games were pushed back a week, there was not supposed to be any football on that night, let alone a playoff game!
  • Not only a Playoff game, but a damn good one at that!!!
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    Could you copy and paste your post so we can see what you got booted for?

    "Isn't the universe a wonderful place? I wouldn't want to live anywhere else! Love to stay! Can't! Have to go. Kiss kiss, love love! Bye!" - G'Kar
  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    [quote]Originally posted by Argone:
    [b]I cannot understand why Crossing over is on Scifi why not brimstone and why didn't they pick up LoTR. [img][/img]

    Actually, they do have Brimstone. It's on Monday nights at 2:00.

    We are here to place President Grenewetzki under arrest!
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    [quote]Originally posted by Vertigo1:
    [b]Could you copy and paste your post so we can see what you got booted for?


    With posting how I feel about the Sci-fi channel. It is the truth and as they say the truth will set you free. Someone, not naming names, said to work with what they have. Hummm tonight on Sci-fi I have from 6:00pm
    to 8:00 pm Disturbing Behavior a horror film about bad kids. At 8:00 pm I have The Dead Zone, Adventure Mystery, on a Friday night. Lot to work with there. Writing them will have no impact either, write the parent company or the share holders, these are the people with the real power. You can find this information on the web. Cut out the middle man and hit them where it hurts in the wallets. Be professional and tell them the Who you are and why you feel the way you feel without, and this is a tuffy Espically for me, BEING IGNORANT. Granted that all their shows should not be space based, B-5 clones. But at the same time if I want to see a Mystery show I will go to channel 153 and watch the Mystery channel. Sorry if I ranted a little there but if your going to bitch about something that is dead wrong, Plan it out and Bitch at the right people.

    Argone Qu'noH

    4Thousand Throats can be cut in one night by a running Warrior
  • It's true, too. Shows like B5, Farscape (to some degree), and Battlestar Galactica are what SciFi should be. Shows like X-Files are just as much SciFi as mystery, so they belong there. If you check out the SciFi forums, I posted a list of all the new miniseries and movies coming out for SciFi, all of which are potentially becoming series, depending on ratings. Most seem just barely SciFi, edging more on love stories, etc. One or two caught my eye, like "On the Seventh Day". In the future, overpopulation is so bad that the government has employed cryogenic freezing, and allowing one seventh of the population to live each day, while the rest wait their turn in stasis. The only catch is, no one knows it. One day, a Tuesday meets a Monday, and vows to see her again. During his travels, he discovers that the corrupt Sundays are planning to conquer the entire planet... sounds like a good ol' Orwellian film.
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    And now with them spliting seasons that tens to make me lose interest. Hell start new shows in June finish in Aug then have to wait till January to see the rest of that season. In January what will we get 6 more then have to wait till June again. Since they are not going to show Farscape they're going to rerun the hell out of Stargate what a waste. [img][/img]

  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    I'm sorry, but I've got to diagree that Scifi is "messing up"

    First, it's their channel, they can do as they wish. If you have comments, send it to their program director. I'm sure they'd be willing to give you this information if you contacted them. Very few stations decline input.

    Second, while it is nice for the Scifi Channel to run scifi, you *cannot* just play Scifi. You end up with something like TV Land or Speedvision (the Speed Channel), with only a few programs a day, repeated up to three times. You have to consider that as a profit-minded channel, they have to appease some of the other areas.

    Third, the shows that they have *are* in the Scifi/Fantasy/Adventure category. These three are often found together to good effect. It adds diversity while still pleasing the fans of each.

    Fourth, Scifi doesn't exactly have a Turner-type budget. They do the best with what they can. Movies like LotR are *incredibly* expensive to pick up. i.e. To get LotR, they might have to sacrifice two to six other programs, which is unacceptable. Budget is important. Again, some of these Scifi shows can be had cheap from the bargain bin (and some are clearly taken from one), which can be good or bad. Usually, it's bad, but they want a schedule worth watching, so they try their best.

    It all falls onto math. Scifi is trying their best at playing the classics, but are still trying to fit the market better. If you have any problems, contact their program director. I have done it with other networks, and often get useful feedback. I once raised hell with a radio station's program director, and clearly brought some nice changes to the broadcast (More Garbage, TMBG, and Alternative Rock! YAY!)
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    [quote]Originally posted by Sanfam:
    [b] I once raised hell with a radio station's program director, and clearly brought some nice changes to the broadcast (More Garbage, TMBG, and Alternative Rock! YAY!)[/b][/quote]

    I mised TMBG's free concert in central park on the 15th, Bleh, i was most upset
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    [img][/img] I guess I have to explain a few thing.

    1. Yes I argee its their channel, but is there anyone who is getting the Scifi channel without paying for it? So I guess that gives me the right to complain.

    2. As I have posted here on this board I do not think every show needs to be a B-5 clone. But at the same time many of the shows they are running make me think I am on the wrong channel. ie, Crossing Over, Dark Shadows And Forever Knight. This weekend on Saturday for movies I have Bates Motel, Phycho 4, House and House 2 on Labor Day Wkend. It's just my opinion and as we all know, Opinions are like assholes everyones got one and they all stink, but does it seem that it just keeps getting worse over the last couple of years.

    3.I am truely sorry they don't have a bigger budget,if they did maybe we would get a better channel. But at the same time I did not hold a gun to their collective heads and make them go down this path. I think, maybe I'am wrong, but they could scrape some of the above listed shows and get some better or at least something to do with Scifi. But this is all really secondary to why I started this post anyway.

    4. Really Important. Why I posted in the first place my fault should have explained it better. [img][/img]
    I got mad, upset, and a few other things that would make this an x-rated post because!!!
    If you read my post above or go to [url=""][/url] You will see that I have only in my whole life posted there 3 times, and I am not a young man. I never got vulgar or unprofessional with them. I told other's how to get their massage through to the right people. After I got "BOOTED" I did as Mr. Sanfam above suggested and asked them why? Their responce and I Quote "It is because of people like you that we get bad reviews" end Quote. So if you give me half a chance and go to their site and read some of the posts, you will notice, that to them it is OK to threaten Life and property but don't give out useful information.
    That is what upsets me the most. Is this also not a form of censorship? [img][/img]

    I do apologise for anything I may have said hear that upsets anyone on firstone not Scifi. But I tend not to suffer fools and idiots well. It does remind me of one of the only things that Mr.Bester said that I liked. "I'am glad to see that they're still hiring from the shallow end of the genepool." [img][/img] Thank you

  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    [img][/img] Goodnight Miss Kalabash wherever you are!


    4 Thousand Throats can be cut in one night by a running Warrior.

    [This message has been edited by Argone (edited 08-30-2002).]
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    No takers, Hummm Ok. Have a good one. [img][/img]

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