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Human evolution

in Zocalo v2.0
Dont ask me why, but the latest months, Ive been thinking about human evolution, so today, I thought Id make a list of [I]probable[/I] human ancestors..
Since we cant be sure of ancestry unless we analyze dna (and not even then), and there exists several theories as of today, this list is my own theory, and should be treated like the work of a amateur (noob).
An interesting thing to note is that dna analysis proved that neanderthals are [B]not[/B] related to moderna day humans, but was an offshoot of (most probably) Homo Ergaster.
The list (mya = million years ago):
Name - find age - find place
Megazostrodon - ca. 220 - 200 mya - Southern Africa
Puratoris Ceratops - ca. 70 mya - Montana
Phenacolemur Jepseni - ca 60 mya - North America
Rooneyia Viejaensis - ca. 55 mya - Texas
Necrolemur Antiquus - ca. 40 - 35 mya - Europe
Aegyptopithecus Zeuxis - ca. 35 - 33 mya - Egypt
Dryopithecus (Punjabicus/Africanus) - ca. 20 mya - Africa, Asia, Europe
Equatorius Africanus - ca. 18 - 11 mya - Africa
Sivapithecus Indicus - ca. 12 mya - Asia
Ouranopithecus Macedoniensis - ca. 8 mya - Europe
Sahelanthropus Tchadensis - ca. 7 - 6 mya - Tchad
Orrorin Tugenensis - ca. 6.1 - 5.8 mya - Kenya
Ardipithecus Kabadda - ca. 5.8 - 5.2 mya - Ethiopia
Ardipithecus Ramidus - ca. 5.4 - 4.2 mya - Ethiopia
Australipithecus Anamensis - ca. 4.2 - 3.9 mya - North Kenya
Australipithecus Afarensis - ca. 4.0 - 2.5 mya - East Africa
Australipithecus Africanus - ca. 3.0 - 2.5 mya - South Africa
Australipithecus Garhi - ca. 2.5 mya - Ethiopia
Homo Rudolfensis - ca. 2.5 - 1.7 mya - East Africa
Homo Ergaster - ca. 1.9 - 1.3 mya - Africa, Asia
Homo Erectus - ca. 1.6 mya - 50000 ya - Africa
Homo Antecessor - ca. 780000 ya - North Spain
Homo Heidelbergensis - ca. 500000 - 100000 ya - Africa, Asia, Europe
Homo Sapiens Idaltu - ca. 160000 ya - Africa
Homo Sapiens Sapiens - ca. 130000 - 0 ya - All over the world
Species that might have been our ancestors (they are enough alike in time), but are more probably early offshoots to the other apes:
Motopithecus - ca. 8 mya - Gorilla?
Ramapithecus - ca. 14 - 12 mya - East Africa, North India - Orangutan?
Proconsul - ca. 25 - 12 mya - East Africa - Chimpanzee?
So, Anyone want to help with the list? Theres a huge gap from Megazostrodon (Probable earliest ancestor of mammals) to Purgatorius..
Since we cant be sure of ancestry unless we analyze dna (and not even then), and there exists several theories as of today, this list is my own theory, and should be treated like the work of a amateur (noob).
An interesting thing to note is that dna analysis proved that neanderthals are [B]not[/B] related to moderna day humans, but was an offshoot of (most probably) Homo Ergaster.
The list (mya = million years ago):
Name - find age - find place
Megazostrodon - ca. 220 - 200 mya - Southern Africa
Puratoris Ceratops - ca. 70 mya - Montana
Phenacolemur Jepseni - ca 60 mya - North America
Rooneyia Viejaensis - ca. 55 mya - Texas
Necrolemur Antiquus - ca. 40 - 35 mya - Europe
Aegyptopithecus Zeuxis - ca. 35 - 33 mya - Egypt
Dryopithecus (Punjabicus/Africanus) - ca. 20 mya - Africa, Asia, Europe
Equatorius Africanus - ca. 18 - 11 mya - Africa
Sivapithecus Indicus - ca. 12 mya - Asia
Ouranopithecus Macedoniensis - ca. 8 mya - Europe
Sahelanthropus Tchadensis - ca. 7 - 6 mya - Tchad
Orrorin Tugenensis - ca. 6.1 - 5.8 mya - Kenya
Ardipithecus Kabadda - ca. 5.8 - 5.2 mya - Ethiopia
Ardipithecus Ramidus - ca. 5.4 - 4.2 mya - Ethiopia
Australipithecus Anamensis - ca. 4.2 - 3.9 mya - North Kenya
Australipithecus Afarensis - ca. 4.0 - 2.5 mya - East Africa
Australipithecus Africanus - ca. 3.0 - 2.5 mya - South Africa
Australipithecus Garhi - ca. 2.5 mya - Ethiopia
Homo Rudolfensis - ca. 2.5 - 1.7 mya - East Africa
Homo Ergaster - ca. 1.9 - 1.3 mya - Africa, Asia
Homo Erectus - ca. 1.6 mya - 50000 ya - Africa
Homo Antecessor - ca. 780000 ya - North Spain
Homo Heidelbergensis - ca. 500000 - 100000 ya - Africa, Asia, Europe
Homo Sapiens Idaltu - ca. 160000 ya - Africa
Homo Sapiens Sapiens - ca. 130000 - 0 ya - All over the world
Species that might have been our ancestors (they are enough alike in time), but are more probably early offshoots to the other apes:
Motopithecus - ca. 8 mya - Gorilla?
Ramapithecus - ca. 14 - 12 mya - East Africa, North India - Orangutan?
Proconsul - ca. 25 - 12 mya - East Africa - Chimpanzee?
So, Anyone want to help with the list? Theres a huge gap from Megazostrodon (Probable earliest ancestor of mammals) to Purgatorius..
I'm game to humor the possibility that someone/something messed with our DNA (or should I say a sapiens DNA) to produce what we are today.
It's this dual nature that we are always fighting that gets me...
This insane desire for gadgets, technology, tools, etc, and the opposite and equal drive to return to nature.
And what is it about us, that we always look to the heavens and seem to long for something out there that we just can't quite remember. As though we were left behind, and in our lonelines we long for the return of something or someone?
But I guess I'm getting phylisophical...
[B]Just want to point out (dunno if you have considered this), but we have not decended from modern primates. Share common ancestor type of thing. Also our closest relatives are the chims, and chimps closest relatives are us. [/B][/QUOTE]
I do know that. The problem is that noone can say exactly when, and with more fossils being discovered, the date goes back a couple of million years each time..
Why I pointed these out:
[QUOTE]Motopithecus - ca. 8 mya - Gorilla?
Ramapithecus - ca. 14 - 12 mya - East Africa, North India - Orangutan?
Proconsul - ca. 25 - 12 mya - East Africa - Chimpanzee?[/QUOTE]
is because they share more things with each ape noted above, than their contemporary hominids (most often teeth configuration), but are often quoted as early ancestors to humans.
In fact, the Ouranopithecus Macedoniensis are more often being quoted by magazines as being acestors of Oragutans than the Ramapithecus, even though they are contemporary to each other, and Ouranopithecus have more things in common with hominids thatn the Ramapithecus..
[B]Forgive me for not understanding all of the above, but I never forget that least I think it was in one of The planet of the apes (the old films) where they say that there's missing DNA from chimp to man and that it could be alien. Meaning aliens helped out. Hmm think this may have been another film. But still it always made me wonder. :) [/B][/QUOTE]
Most probably the missing DNA will emerge from early hominids, since more than 25 million years have passed since chimps and humans split apart in the evolutionary tree.
FYI according to the latest news, chimps and humans share appr. 95 - 96% of their genome.
Still, it would be cool if some outsiders would have tampered with our ancestors. Even poetic in a sense (Yeah, Im talking about you Jack)..
Anyway how about another weird concept that the aliens were infact humans from another planet that helped the chimps out, creating another human race - us. Originally they were chimps too.
And this is why we long for something. Well you never know!