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Battlestar Galactica Returns
The Burninator
in Zocalo v2.0
It's back...tonight.
I'll have to get down to work, myself. I'm hoping to have something special done this weekend timed to coincide with the new eppys, just so I could steal the ad slogan. ;)
On the BSG front, if you want to count to the next episode in a rather spiffy way, and have a Macintosh running OS X 10.4 or higher, download [url=]this dashboard widget[/url] to keep you up to speed on what's next on BSG. It shows you the title and capsule summery of the next episode, whether it is new or a repeat, and has an optional countdown clock.
Only *activates Dashboard* 6 hours, 35 minutes, and 3 seconds left!
But the whole Gerak subplot was pretty neat.
[B]Say what you will about recent seasons of SG1.
But the whole Gerak subplot was pretty neat. [/B][/QUOTE]
Actually, since they kicked the Goauld's (crap, I never could spell that) asses, the show has gone to pot.
Now I watch BSG...and Monk. That show is funnier than a hampster on crack.
(I love this show)
[B]"Shoot her in the head."
:) [/B][/QUOTE]
He's learned from his own CIC assassination attempts.
"Shoot her in the head!"
The only thing I wonder though is, without Laura is this what Adama would have done?? Strip the supplies and parts off the civilian ships and leave them for dead to fight the cylons?? I would like to think not, but wow, just wow.
As far as SG, at least they have some allies agaisnt the ori, now they need to find a way to end this rather dull storyline, quickly.
[B]He's learned from his own CIC assassination attempts. [/B][/QUOTE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SpiritOne [/i]
The only thing I wonder though is, without Laura is this what Adama would have done?? Strip the supplies and parts off the civilian ships and leave them for dead to fight the cylons?? I would like to think not, but wow, just wow.
I think thats what they're trying to get at. Adama and Cain originally weren't all that different. Pegasus is sort of a parallel to the Galactica story. Both originally went down the same road and reached the same crossroad but from there on each took the opposite direction.
I don't think Adama would have stripped down the civilian fleet the same way as Cain did though. He wasn't in the same situation. He had his full crew and they solved the supply issue at the Ragnar Anchorage station. He did however fully intend on leaving the fleet behind and joining the fight if it wasn't for Roslin pounding some sense into him going on a suicide run.
[B]He's learned from his own CIC assassination attempts. [/B][/QUOTE]
He's definately learned. Shoot hear in the HEAD, not the gut! :D
Acquiring SG1 now...though I think I should have watched that first because it won't be able to live upto BSG's standard.
But wow... I thought the last ep ended on a cliffhanger. This was even more harrowing!
One odd thing, when starbuck finished her stealth run, her ship jumped out. Since when do galactica's starfighters have ftl drives?
I think Vorlons in my Head nailed it pretty much there. I think she's basically just gone in the 180 degree oppsite way to Adama, and now its all catching up with her