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Best Christmas Gift EVER.

in Zocalo v2.0
It's amazing the things that you don't appreciate until you lose them.
Take for example, the ability to eat, talk, move, look at a sunset (Or any light source) etc.
in short, last Saturday I got sick. Average feaver, soar Throat, ya know, nothing major.
Last sunday feaver up to ~102, throat worse. MASSIVE migrain. The kind where ever vein on your skull can easily be found by touch. Had breakfast...small one. mere 3 bites for dinner. Last food I would eat until Friday
Last monday, feaver at 103, throat so bad I couldn't talk or swallow anything. Incredibly fatiged. Dad put me one some antibiotic thats supposed to take care of anything in 36 hours flat.
Teusday, couldn't move, lymph glands bigger than quarters, feaver still at 102.
Wednesday: Taken to emergency care center, balance was off due to glands being so swollan it was making my ears hurt, massive headach, high feaver...Doc keeps me on the antibiotic my dad had me on, and added Amoxacillian to the mix to really kick things up a notch. He's worried it's Mono though.
Tried sitting up to eat a couple spoonfulls of broth, that little act left me compleatly exhausted. As in, the way I normally am after sprinting a mile. (Panting for air, etc) Any movment causes my entire body to hurt, can't swallow, hyper sensativity to light, sound and touch.
Thursday, same as teusday and Wednesday.
Friday, better! No feaver, was able to get out of bed twice for a couple minutes.
Friday night, worse than ever. Feaver, throat, glands up to an inch and a half. Bah.
Saturday (Christmas Eve) Back to emergency Care center, lots of test. Always fun when you open your mouth and the nurse / doctors first reaction is "wow" (It was nasty, ulcerated, and not little patches of white stuff...SOLID MASS of white stuff over both toncils and down into the throat) Anyhoo...
Not strep, Mono was a false/positive. Meaning another blood sample needed to send to a bigger lab. It's either Mono or some form of Cytomegalovirus, wich is basically Mono's big brother and can last up to 6 months. Great.
Got home, same shape as the previous night, went to sleep at 1pm, woke up at 2:30pm...and could swallow salivia! glands were not as swollan...and my feaver was a moderate 99.4, and the light sensativity was gone, and the MASSIVE migrain that I had had since last sunday gone...and best yes, the ability to move returned, I could sit up without much effort, and Well...even walk without pain/feeling hyper fatiuged/falling over/tripping. So, took advantage of the moment and ate everything that was available, then took a shower, let my girlfriend know I was alive (She had been getting updates through my parents, but hadn't spoken/heard from me in any manner since last sunday) Got online for a bit....
And then the white stuff in my throat started disapearing, dunner about the ulcers, but I think they disapeared as well seeing as how I can swoallow...
Today...Christmas Day, throat is RAW from that gunk falling off, but I'm up and about! WOOT! I can talk again, eat, move, look at a window, listen to music, basically...I CAN LIVE AGAIN!
Man...every time I've been sick usually I just get better and that is that, but this is the first time I've actually had a major appreciation for the things we take for granted...just being able to move ones head without massive pain or freaking nice!
Merry Christmas guys! I'M ALIVE AGAIN!
*Happy dance*
Take for example, the ability to eat, talk, move, look at a sunset (Or any light source) etc.
in short, last Saturday I got sick. Average feaver, soar Throat, ya know, nothing major.
Last sunday feaver up to ~102, throat worse. MASSIVE migrain. The kind where ever vein on your skull can easily be found by touch. Had breakfast...small one. mere 3 bites for dinner. Last food I would eat until Friday
Last monday, feaver at 103, throat so bad I couldn't talk or swallow anything. Incredibly fatiged. Dad put me one some antibiotic thats supposed to take care of anything in 36 hours flat.
Teusday, couldn't move, lymph glands bigger than quarters, feaver still at 102.
Wednesday: Taken to emergency care center, balance was off due to glands being so swollan it was making my ears hurt, massive headach, high feaver...Doc keeps me on the antibiotic my dad had me on, and added Amoxacillian to the mix to really kick things up a notch. He's worried it's Mono though.
Tried sitting up to eat a couple spoonfulls of broth, that little act left me compleatly exhausted. As in, the way I normally am after sprinting a mile. (Panting for air, etc) Any movment causes my entire body to hurt, can't swallow, hyper sensativity to light, sound and touch.
Thursday, same as teusday and Wednesday.
Friday, better! No feaver, was able to get out of bed twice for a couple minutes.
Friday night, worse than ever. Feaver, throat, glands up to an inch and a half. Bah.
Saturday (Christmas Eve) Back to emergency Care center, lots of test. Always fun when you open your mouth and the nurse / doctors first reaction is "wow" (It was nasty, ulcerated, and not little patches of white stuff...SOLID MASS of white stuff over both toncils and down into the throat) Anyhoo...
Not strep, Mono was a false/positive. Meaning another blood sample needed to send to a bigger lab. It's either Mono or some form of Cytomegalovirus, wich is basically Mono's big brother and can last up to 6 months. Great.
Got home, same shape as the previous night, went to sleep at 1pm, woke up at 2:30pm...and could swallow salivia! glands were not as swollan...and my feaver was a moderate 99.4, and the light sensativity was gone, and the MASSIVE migrain that I had had since last sunday gone...and best yes, the ability to move returned, I could sit up without much effort, and Well...even walk without pain/feeling hyper fatiuged/falling over/tripping. So, took advantage of the moment and ate everything that was available, then took a shower, let my girlfriend know I was alive (She had been getting updates through my parents, but hadn't spoken/heard from me in any manner since last sunday) Got online for a bit....
And then the white stuff in my throat started disapearing, dunner about the ulcers, but I think they disapeared as well seeing as how I can swoallow...
Today...Christmas Day, throat is RAW from that gunk falling off, but I'm up and about! WOOT! I can talk again, eat, move, look at a window, listen to music, basically...I CAN LIVE AGAIN!
Man...every time I've been sick usually I just get better and that is that, but this is the first time I've actually had a major appreciation for the things we take for granted...just being able to move ones head without massive pain or freaking nice!
Merry Christmas guys! I'M ALIVE AGAIN!
*Happy dance*
Congrats on the recovery and another X-mas story :D
Just last night I got almost no sleep thanks to a killer headache that lasted from 2 AM to 8 AM. I got a whole one hour of sleep during that time, soo... You really start to appreciate not feeling any pain when you're in it.
Nothing even [i]near[/i] your case, but you get the picture. Have a speedy recovery. :)
[B]Christmas probably needed all the white stuff it could get... merely used you as a factory. [/B][/QUOTE]
LOL...thought I'd show you what I ment...but the nastiest pictures on Google for strep throat and toncilitus didn't come close to the amount I had...thats scary in it's own way. :eek:
Screw all these fad medicines on the market; beat a cold the old fashioned way. (Present company accepted, A#!) :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597 [/i]
[B]but this is the first time I've actually had a major appreciation for the things we take for granted...[/B][/QUOTE]Yep, even such simple thing as rising to sitting in bed can become hard so easily... and doesn't even require any desease.
Neither is eating from the plate fun when neck is as slack as iron bar and you can turn head about couple degrees without hurting. (and zero degree up/down)
Almost every move and all routines we do depend on so much from working ability of the whole body.
You would think that couple strained toes wouldn't make walking almost impossible but I can guarantee it does. (I admit there was propably also "couple" hair fractures)
I hope you'll never experience that again.
Hmmm... Amoxacillian... Sounds like other name for Amoxicillin.
In one end of the summer-winter I got about half dozen treatments with that (and some operations) because toe nails started to grow like upside down Us and caused few infections... For rest of that winter I stayed really healthy.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by E.T [/i]
Hmmm... Amoxacillian... Sounds like other name for Amoxicillin.
Oh come now, you havn't heard of my literally world famous inability to spell? :D