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Need your help, mates!!!

Hey ho! I need a recording of the voices, when a telepath is communicating with somebody...I only have german recordings here, but need to know if it is the same sound in english. So, if you can help me out here, please send me a sample to

The quality does not need to be good, so please no big files. I just need to get an idea how it sounds.

Thanks in advance [img][/img]


  • Do you mean the sound a vorlon makes?

    "Ambassador we all know that the first casulty of war is the truth."
    -John Sheridan

    Ok so it's not exactly Max's journal but I think it's good
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    I think he's talking about the echoy effect that has been used for thoughts on television for the past forty years.
  • DarkbladeDarkblade Earthforce Officer
    He means a sample when a telepath was communicating with another in Babylon 5?

    Mauri "[b]Darkblade[/b]" Majanoja

    "You know the difference between the you and the you five minutes ago? The you five minutes ago had five minutes to live!"
    -Sly Boots, Anachronox

    Mission designer - [url=""]Freespace 2 : The Babylon Project[/url]
    Lead Mission Designer - [url=""]James Moores' Operation Avatar[/url]
  • -Marty--Marty- Earthforce Officer
    Should be no problem to find a voice sample in my collection [img][/img]

    I'll contact you about that.
  • Oki, thanks Marty! I got it [img][/img]
  • bobobobo (A monkey)
    I don't have the recording, but I remember when Talia communicated with the young woman who's telepathic abilities were just starting to appear, the sound was looped so that you heard each sound twice, once a split second BEFORE Talia said it, then as she said it.

    I remember JMS talking about this (may have been in the Lurker's Guide). He wanted to convey the feeling of hearing the words while still in the mind, before they're spoken, then as they're spoken, too. Its a weird effect.

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