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Ya ever felt like...

in Zocalo v2.0
Your missing something? OR maybe have to much of something?
Yeah like that...
Yeah like that...
[B]I've always felt that I'm missing money, and at the same time that I've got too much debt... hmm...
;) [/B][/QUOTE]
Capitalist swine.
[B]I do find that I've mastered the art of losing track of a conversation ;) [/B][/QUOTE]
heh same here.....that and people's names. its quite embarrasing, especially when your on the dance floor, have pulled some bird (who was actually quite good looking) and then cant remember her name:rolleyes:
I keep hearing this nagging little voice in my head that says I'll do something extraordinary (I'm assuming before I die), but I don't know what it is...
And time seems to be running out...
P.S Fixed my engine sparks were loose...
Sanfam/Psi Killer meet up? I can really make it this time!
I keep hearing this nagging little voice in my head that says I'll do something extraordinary (I'm assuming before I die), but I don't know what it is...[/B][/QUOTE]
I have that same voice, Jack. Lately, its quieter and less frequent. Don't know whether that makes me happy or sad.
[B]I have that same voice, Jack. Lately, its quieter and less frequent. Don't know whether that makes me happy or sad. [/B][/QUOTE]
Yeah, less frequent here too... heard it a lot last year, in the waking hours, in my dreams...
Maybe the quiet before the storm eh?
Or maybe it should be organic... mutation of sorts..
Anyway.. I feel like I wasn't supposed to be human. Maybe a rabbit.
[B]I have no time whatsoever. None. Maybe later in the year, but I'm locked down right now. [/B][/QUOTE] later in the year?! THE YEAR IS OVER!
You won't find parking there unfortunately...Unless you plan on giving away a small fortune of course. :D I've also found a number of arcades in the city since the last attempt. One of which has WOW on big screen but I think thats pushing it hmmm...You go on vacation to avoid work!