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Thirdspace Gate mesh!

EternityEternity Elite Ranger
Finally we find out where all of Nadab's Thirdspace meshes came from! This!

Well almost this! Can I ask anybody a favor and check my calculations here? I have started the mesh and will post images as soon as I get the part I am working on faced! Images - tomorrow evening. (latest)

Er also.... I need some closeup high res pics of the indents over the surface (See image2) all those bits that go about ?20? meters into the hull. I havn't got that many for some pars and those that I do have are fuzzy at best (Sorry to those that supplied the caps - but tis true).

Now Progress:
Size calculations: 50% (all major sizes on front = done)
Mesh: what 2%?
Textures: At this stage? are you mad??? [img][/img]

Well I got a gate to make! Later!..... Unless the calling of a pub wins of course! [img][/img]

BTW all comments about how insane I am for taking this on are very very

correct and justified!


  • EternityEternity Elite Ranger
    To calculate the size I used a combination of closeups zooming out or was it in? well never mind!

    I did it like this: There was a maint. fury near by. Now the wingspan is approx 10m. There is a platform above it that is 50m long. Now from there I can calculate 300m on either side of the main body. Knowing that I can calculate the middle size and get the width and work the rest out. Now anybody who says that a Maint. fury is more than 10m wide gets eaten for breckfast.

    Also keep in mind that Ivanova said that it was over half a mile wide and almost as big as an explorer. explorer = 6000+m long. the gate without those spikey things on the bottom is about 1500m. but I spect. that the explorer comment was exagerated.
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    Well remember that in the story they had to widen the gate for it to get through...

  • EternityEternity Elite Ranger
    Eternity politly points out that Ivanova said "Over half a mile across"

    1850ish m = 1 Nauticle mile (Dunno land mile -sorry!)

    1050m = more than half a mile across.

    Go to Beyond Babylon for how I calculated the size!
  • PJHPJH The Lovely Thing
    But remember though Eternity, that she just took a quick glance at it from a distance inside her Starfury and told an estimation what she saw in hyperspace. So it can really be half a mile, 1 mile, or 2 miles across in "reality".

    - 1 Statute (Land) Mile = 1609m
    - 1 Nautical Mile = 1852m, or 1/60 of one degree of the earth's circumference. [img][/img]

    Those are international figures btw. There are/have been in use different figures in different countries.

    - PJH
  • EternityEternity Elite Ranger
    2 meters out! Come on! It was only a guestimate!

    Also please remember that the furys were nearer the cameral than the gate and would give a false sense of scale, make the gate appear larger than should be.
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