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If it sounds to good to be true...

in Zocalo v2.0
Ahh cheap, clean, unlimited power... I'm sure followed shortely by a claim that oil companies are conspirering to keep it down...
My only question is how much power can it produce in relation to the amount of energy it takes to disassociate O and H.
If this is true... we'll have another cold war on our hands after a decade or so of unbelievable progress. At least... this would be a virtual Grail as far as science goes...
I don't believe it... I just can't believe it. I never thought I'd live to see such a thing happen in my lifetime... BUT... if it is. Holy shit! We'd be in for a world of hurt! \o/
(change is always painful, that is)
VERY interested to see how this develops and wether or not this is real. We'll stay veeeeery tuned.
Still can't believe it, but would [i]really[/i] like to.
[B]what exactly is that pic in your avatar? [/B][/QUOTE]
Mine or Curz's?
Mine is back of my two Merkurs, the red one is an XR4Ti, the sand colored on is a Scorpio.
[B]VERY interested to see how this develops and wether or not this is real. We'll stay veeeeery tuned.
Still can't believe it, but would [i]really[/i] like to. [/B][/QUOTE]
Assuming for the a minute that the power source does indeed function as stated, my question remains, how much power does it produce relative the the energy cost of prying hydrogen from oxygen?
While the theoretical implications are signifigant and interesting, the practical applications have really piqued my curiosity.
Anyway, I'm reading into things and it sounds really quite interesting, though there are a few areas in which it seems a tiny bit questionable. However, this may be resolved with more reading.
But as usual, I'm still quite skeptical until I see this stuff in the scientific mainstream. It's still hovering around the "fringe science" terrotiroes.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Freejack [/i]
[B]Ahh cheap, clean, unlimited power... I'm sure followed shortely by a claim that oil companies are conspirering to keep it down...
Jake [/B][/QUOTE]
The world already has cheap clean(ish) unlimited power, CHIPMONK POWER, just get a big enough wheel, fill it with the evil little critters and make them run, RUN CHIMPONKS RUN!
your XR4ti may have a couple hundred horsepower, but my ford runs on 1000 chipmonkpower! (yes, it was difficult getting all 1000 under the hood)
[B]Mine or Curz's?
Mine is back of my two Merkurs, the red one is an XR4Ti, the sand colored on is a Scorpio.
Jake [/B][/QUOTE]
Curz has Bob.
I think.
The coughing host of a nature program.
[B]Hey freejack, I'll trade you...two of my bricks for the XR4Ti! :D
Don't tempt me, I currently dealing with a rod knock on the XR. I've got a block fresh from the machine shop in the garage, just waiting to be put together.
WOO! Cars Be Fun!
[B]Curz has Bob.
I think.
The coughing host of a nature program. [/B][/QUOTE]
That'd be Bob Flemming from the Fast Show. :D
*pops cork on wine, tosses salad*
[B]Ouch! Well, I dare not say that none of my bricks actually work properly at the moment ;) Green 240 runs rich, backfires and knocks like a deathwagon is dead, blue deathwagon can't idle, green 850 just isn't street legal... :p
WOO! Cars Be Fun! [/B][/QUOTE]
Same here, as I said, the XR has a rod knock that occur after the engine decided to injest the dizzy gear which was caused by a screw that held the rotor on loosening and jamming itself between the cap and rotor...
The white Scorpio has a front tranny seal leak which really pisses me off after I went through a lot of work to put a supposely "rebuilt" unit in there.
The sand Scorpio is licensed and used almost daily but has a nice cold miss, and has all sorts of fun quirks, like the fact the tach doesn't generally work and the speedo only works for about the first 20 minutes of driving. I know the tach to be a bad solder joint, and I believe the speedo is a questionble speed senor on the tranny that quits working once the transmission heats up.
I currently trying to work up enough money to finish the rebuild on the XR and put performance bushings all the way around...
Yes cars can be fun.
It's absolutely stunning.
D: Yes, It really is, isn't it. The strong yellows, the fiery reds,
the delicate shades of blue.
S: And the sun's last rays reflecting from the crystalline structures
as it sets behind those majestic mountains. Yes, those ominous
mountains, they're very dark, almost black...
D: John, are you all right?
S: Black! BLACK! BLACK!! The shadows have seen us! They're coming for
me now! Do you hear them scream? They'll cut me in half!
D: John? John, maybe we should go back.
S: I am a prisoner in a pit of darkness! Who are you, Mr Morden? The
D: John!
S: Mommy, what's for dinner? Zarg bladder with charcoal? Look at the
smoke rising from the ruins of hope! Anna! I'm coming!! [runs away]
[B]Stuff about the Merkur Cluster[/B][/QUOTE]
My goal right now is to figure out why the hell my 740 keeps misfiring...and why one to two of the cylinders keep dropping out at idle. Blah! So much trouble. I've replaced much of the intake side and fixed all apparent vacuum leaks, but I'm still left with some stupid damned problems. ANd now the blower motor needs replacing, because it's stupid and the bearings siezed. I was on-and-off last winter, but a swift kick and/or hit from the crowbar'o'workingness would fix it. And then there's the windshield. Hit by a rock...BAM! Massive crack right across it. And now the tail lights need replacing, AND the transmission seems to be fubared...brand new clutch/pressure plate/release bearing/cable, and it's out of adjustment. Something's fishy...
plus there's a mysterious noise coming from the exhaust manifold-region at 2850rpm (I suspect it's a loose something that is causing the intermitent exhaust leak and rattle)
I'll eventually kill all of these problems, but I'm sure there's a ton of new issues that'll pop up as the older parts fail. By the time I hit 280K, I'll be set for quite a while longer, as most of the critical parts will be in pristine condition and I'll likely be safe from major problems until 30K, when it'll get a nice revamp of the remaining areas (assuming money can allow for such)
Likely when the bushings get done in 10K miles, I'll also be going the polyurethane path. That combined with 25mm front/rear swaybars should really give it some much needed taughtness :D
Cars really are fun :D
[B]im just waiting for the catch. theres always a catch [/B][/QUOTE] The catch?
The idea is rationalized by an unproven theory. One that would revolutionize our understanding of the universe and that is not accepted by "the establishment" (that favorite bogeyman of the fringe).
Read the current third link in "recent press" from the official website.
I have no idea if he has created a process/device to obtain energy, haven't had time to read through it all, but he has the theory wrong. That is enough for me to doubt it.
See, the thing is that if hydrogen actually had lower energy levels than what we know as its ground stated (n=1) then it would be in a metastable state. Sooner or later metastable states decay to the lowest energy level. Hydrogen has had thousands of millions of years to do it, yet it hasn't decayed.
Sounds extremely dubious to me.
If this guy has actually managed to create his theory (nothing less than a grand unified theory) in a way that convinces physicists he'd get the Nobel Prize.
But he hasn't.