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I need a hug...

in Zocalo v2.0
Life sucks at times.
Like from January until now, and probably the future as well. Life. sucks.
History of my life from January until now:
One step forward,
Two, very long, time consuming, emotionally draining, emotions thrown to havoc, steps back.
Like from January until now, and probably the future as well. Life. sucks.
History of my life from January until now:
One step forward,
Two, very long, time consuming, emotionally draining, emotions thrown to havoc, steps back.
Definatly true, but I'm in dire need of a break, just something to go right for a change...I've had what? 11 months of hard lessons, all of which cost me money, none earning, and no job in that entire time.
And breaking up with my girlfriend tonight/tomorrow to top it off...
Life can be a bitch from time to time. Especially before you've found your place in your life.
Try to hang in there.
[B]Shadow Dancer:
Definatly true, but I'm in dire need of a break, just something to go right for a change...I've had what? 11 months of hard lessons, all of which cost me money, none earning, and no job in that entire time.
And breaking up with my girlfriend tonight/tomorrow to top it off... [/B][/QUOTE]
yeah im in the same boat pretty much. broke up with my g/f 3 or 4 weeks ago now, and it werent pretty.:rolleyes: and on top of that theres the uni work as well which is a right bitch this year
And death's the final word
You must always face the curtain with a bow.
Forget about your sin - give the audience a grin
Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow.
So always look on the bright side of death
Just before you draw your terminal breath
Life's a piece of shit
When you look at it
Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true.
You'll see it's all a show
Keep 'em laughing as you go
Just remember that the last laugh is on you.
I dont know about you, but that song always cheers me up.
-Marcus Cole
"Welcome to the suck"
[B]The only thing we really have to look forward to is death...More so for you with your religion. [/B][/QUOTE]
Could you stop being a dick for even one thread?
And go play Tread Marks to take your mind off things - every evening except Friday people are there playing on LDA's server :)
[B]Could you stop being a dick for even one thread? [/B][/QUOTE] No...See sig if you wanna make me an even bigger DICK!
Just like you spoke to us, don't be afraid to ask them for some TLC.
*hug* again, with a firm pat on the back
Anyhoo...may be better. Not as far in debt as I thought, ralationship may end on good terms, and hopefully, I'll get my buisness going in a few days...
Thanks guys! :D
Chin up mate, it'll all come good if you stick at it. Like Data Crystal said, you just need to find your niche. The first 16 years of my life were unpleasant to say the least, and purging myself of certain memories and moving on has been tough. However, I've got a good part time job, a place at University, and friends who actually care about me.
Despite your feelings about cats, you've always struck me as an okay, competant bloke who'll do well in life. Like I said, keep at at. ;)
Thanks to some extreme patience, I'm just now exiting a period consisting of two and a half years of financial hell, living way too much of my life literally on what I could find on the floor and in the couch. (Yes, pennies actually are useful for something!) I'm sure you're not interested in the details, but if you wish to find out more about the exciting life of Sanfam, drop me an IM. :p So with your escape from what sounded like a custom tailored version of hell-on-earth, more power to you! Tough times have got to end at some point. It just takes lots of patience, as well as some proverbial kicks in the groin, issued by the universe itself.
[B]but if you wish to find out more about the exciting life of Sanfam, drop me an IM.[/B][/QUOTE]
Or join IRC! We get all the sordid details of Sanfam, his life, and his obsession with his AK-47. :)
Flat broke for 9 months, in debt now. First real girlfriend is still in love with a previous boyfriend (Left her email open on my PC shouldn't have, but did...hard to read "Look forward to seeing you this weekend and you can smother me in kisses" when hte email isn't for you...), and a number of other things had me down for a bit. But oh well...
Still friends, see what happens in the future.. get some money. I'm always happier while in the black. :D
Have to admit I'm honestly surprised you could still be friends with the girl after being stabbed in the back like that, but I don't presume to know you, her, or your relationship.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597[/i]
[B]Hey, don't be to hard on CableGuy, he's just speaking his mind.[/B][/QUOTE]
Yeah, but his mind is full of dicks.
Have to admit I'm honestly surprised you could still be friends with the girl after being stabbed in the back like that, but I don't presume to know you, her, or your relationship.
She's had a very rough past few months, and she's obviously a little confused. Truth to tell, I'm not surprised really. He was, from what she told me, a really nice guy. All her other boyfriends were jerks or abusive. Took her meeting me to show her how she should be treated, and to relize that this other guy did treat her right. (With respect, gaurd her dignity, etc) Was wierding her out (Almost annoying her) that I would hold doors, etc.
Anyhoo, given another year or two (She's 18) she'll be an awesome girl. Needs to mature a little.
oh, missed your post earlier Refa, I'm 21
[B]Hey, don't be to hard on CableGuy, he's just speaking his mind.
Anyhoo...may be better. Not as far in debt as I thought, ralationship may end on good terms, and hopefully, I'll get my buisness going in a few days...
Thanks guys! :D [/B][/QUOTE]
Actually I think Jack just enjoys kicking him in the nuts, kinda like a hobby I guess.
As far as schooling and being broke, I believe its a necessary right of passage, makes us recognize and enjoy the fruits as we get out into the workplace that much more.
[quote]Flat broke for 9 months, in debt now. First real girlfriend is still in love with a previous boyfriend (Left her email open on my PC shouldn't have, but did...hard to read "Look forward to seeing you this weekend and you can smother me in kisses" when hte email isn't for you...), and a number of other things had me down for a bit. But oh well...[/quote]
Dammit, why are people too chicken to be honest with each other, if she is still in love with an old flame, she should just come out and say it. Sure it would hurt, but at least some level of trust and integity is maintained, and sure hurts a hell of a lot less that than finding out that someone has been sneaking around behind you.
I'm starting a buisness.
which, if it following the 5 year buisness plan, should be netting me about 80K a year. :) I dunno if it will, but on the absolute LOW end 15.6K a year.
Neither is bad for a student. Especially since the low end means working 5 hours a WEEK. :D