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We just one-upped star trek

in Zocalo v2.0
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by croxis [/i]
[B][url][/url] [/B][/QUOTE]
I saw this a few days ago, star-trek's doors are still better, this one, if you actually used it, you'd be constantly walking into, as t doesnt open very fast.
[B]Plus, Star Trek doors (and, for that matter, a lot of Sci-Fi automated doors) know, somehow, exactly when to open. Keep a close eye, and you'll notice several instances where characters stop short of a door, talk a bit, and the door only opens when they're ready to continue on. There were quite a few instances in the original Star Trek, in fact, where someone, exhausted, would lean against the door (which knew to remain closed and not open and let whatever character was against it fall out on his ass in the hallway). [/B][/QUOTE]
"All the doors in this spaceship have a cheerful and sunny disposition. It is their pleasure to open for you, and their satisfaction to close again with the knowledge of a job well done."