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Joining Up

in Zocalo v2.0
For a lot of less than enjoyable reasons, I'll probably be joining up soon. I've been thinking about it for a while. I really haven't been sure I've wanted to join up, and I suppose I'm not now either, but I was fairly sure I didn't want to join as an enlisted man; at this point, however, it doesn't seem like I'll have much of a choice. As I'm 20 and still in college, I'm really not sure how this is going to affect that or what my options are for active service, but I am hoping not to spend more than two years in, and hopefully less in country. Is that even possible? I specifically want to be a ranger, but I'm not sure whether training counts as part of your enlisted time, deployment time, etc.
In basic, will I be able to bring personal posessions? Afterwards? In country? I realize, to some degree, these are questions I should take up with a recruiter soon— and I plan to— but my experience with a marine recruiter a couple years ago left a bit to be desired, and any advice or experience other members here can offer would be greatly appreciated. I'm kind of wandering blind here.
In basic, will I be able to bring personal posessions? Afterwards? In country? I realize, to some degree, these are questions I should take up with a recruiter soon— and I plan to— but my experience with a marine recruiter a couple years ago left a bit to be desired, and any advice or experience other members here can offer would be greatly appreciated. I'm kind of wandering blind here.
[B]Thank Genetics for my flat feet and horrible eyesight. Thank video games for my 125-pound body. :) [/B][/QUOTE]
Huzzah for us flatfooters! One day, we'll rule the world! (or maybe something relatively close to it). Thankfully I don't have any vision problems, but I do have terrible motor skills, so that's just no good in general.
Ok, the single most important thing that you can do is [B]GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING[/B] if you fail to do this, dont say I didnt warn you.
Depending on how much college you have, you can certainly try to get into an ROTC program, or even transfer college credits into a school like the Citadel or another Army College.
If you dont want to keep going to school now, and are willing to enlist and go officer later, any college credits you have should at least guarantee you E-2 right out of Boot Camp.
Now, I went the enlisted route in the US Marines, so some of my information will be different than the Army.
First off - talk to your recruiter about EVERYTHING you want. Theres a war still going on and problems with attrition are skyrocketing, if you thought they would bend over before, you should see them now. You get the right recruiter, and you could probably get the Army to pay for sex during leave (well not that much but you get the point). Like I said, talk to your recruiter first. Make sure you have his signatrure on a list of everything you want. Ask about more money for college, ask about guaanteed promotions, ask for enlistment bonuses upon completion of boot camp, ask for solid school seats and make sure if you want to go ranger he helps you phisically prepare. Rangers are not the regular army, even my post Marine Corps out of shape ass could get by an Army pft, but my buff in shape 21 year old frame coulndt pass a Ranger screening. Its tough, phisically demanding, dont think you can do it without help and dont be afraid to ask for it either.
M.E.P.S. - Milliatary Enlisted Processing Station. This is where the recruiter sends you for 2 grueling days of signing your name, peeing in cups and having doctors cup your nads. This is the first game they play with you, they dont offer you a lot of sleep in the hopes that you will sign everything they put in front of you. Be vigilant in making sure you brought your [B]SIGNED LIST[/B] of everything you should be guaranteed, and dont sign your enlistment papers until everything on that list makes it in those papers.
Boot Camp - Dont take anything you dont want broken, lost, stolen or destroyed. Pictures is about the most I could reccomend. Dont bring your watch and jewelry or anything you consider sacred to you. I can remember days when we pissed off the drill instructors and we had to dump our foot lockers out on the deck and they would run through it all kicking into a big mess. Then they would give you 5 minutes to clean it all up. Never did see half that stuff again.
Anything that you can fit between 2 slices bread, eat it. Meal time is not the time to sit and reflect about your day. Its where you find out what heartburn really feels like. You are working at a pace that youve probably never worked at before and you need carbs and lots of it. Spaghetti sandwiches are soo good too.
Get a good short haircut before you go. Make sure you have no bumbs, scars or big giant warts somewhere on top of your head. I watched several guys get them cut right off. They will still cut your hair, it just wont hurt as much. [B]SHAVE[/B] Dont forget this, if you have facial hair they cut it off with the same clippers as they cut your hair with. Didnt care for that.
Learn to lose your identity like they want you to, but dont be afraid to stand up. When they ask for volunteers to be squad leader, do it. It sucks, you get nothing out of it at first, but it pays dividends. I saw many a person leave boot camp at E-3 because they volunteered. Just to clarify, E-1 with less than 4 months service $1142.70/month E-3 $1384.50/month.
Afterwards life returns to normality after a while. Boot camp is an experience you will never forget. You will go from Terrified, to mindless to being built up to proud enough to sign a lifer contract all in the short time your boot. I think back about my experience now and laugh, it was so damn funny. It really was.
After boot camp, you will go to your secondary school, depending on your MOS. I dont know how Army Rangers work, if its a specific MOS. If its anything like Marine Corps Force Recon, its a secondary MOS, that means you learn your job, then try to qualify as Force Recon. If its the same way in the Army you should consider a primary MOS that pays some dividens, something that teaches you a skill. Remember, if you dont want to persue a career in the Army a little fallback training isnt a bad thing to have. I only know a few places where Army Ranger training can get you a job, and most of those jobs arent in the US, they pay well, but they arent exactly 9-5 jobs. I have a buddy thats a former Marine, competition shooter like myself, he now works out on oil rigs in the middle east as security (the ones out on the water). He works in 9 month stints, hes on platform for 9 months out of the year and has 3 months off back in the states, he has a room he shares with one of the other security guys, he takes a tv, computer and xbox along with him and makes about $125grand a year. The bad news, one of the security guys was killed last year in some kind of attack. Its not a cush job, were talking real security.
When I was in my MOS was 2841 that was Radio Repairman, it doesnt exist anymore, it got changed in the last couple of years, I think to 2845 (Im just guessing now) anyway its component level troubleshooting on electronic equipment. Good school even though its in 29 Palms California (the mojave desert ick) and the training I got there gave me the background I needed to get into medical imaging, which I what I do now.
Anyways (now whos rambling) when/if you get deployed to Iraq you can take some personal belongings with you, family and friends can also send some along later. It just all has to fit in what youve got. Basically your not taking your full playstation, get someone to get you psp. I sent a friend of mine a CD/MP3 player and some burned music batteries ect. He sent me defunct Iraqi currency with Saddams picture on it (that my daughter 3 immediately tore into little bitty pieces).
Also for both Ranger training, Advanced Infantry training (if you go to it) and Iraq, take as many ciggarats and cans of dip as you can. I dont care if you dont use it. In fact its better if you dont, then you dont smoke the merchandise. Guys in the field get really ancy without their tobacco and will pay crazy money for it :D I know Im an awefull human being, but Im an awefull human being that made $100 bucks during my time at SOI.
Thats about all I can think about right now. If you have any more questions just ask. Also, dont let one Marine Recruiter get you down on the Marines. I enjoyed the hell out of my time in, I even miss it sometimes, not the pay mind you just the whole putting on the uniform thing. Its a level of pride unmatched by anything else Ive ever done. I know it sounds corney as shit, but Im sirius, it really was.
Given the oportunity, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
Personal possessions you won't even see for 6 weeks minimum.
And if you're going for the Ranger, you might as well drop the indecision right now, because that requires commitment.
It's not just expected, it is demanded of you.
ROTC or stay in college a little while longer before you go in. You [b]MUST[/b] go officer, because I can gaurantee that enlisted [b]SUCKS![/b]
And yes, get it in writing or tell the recruiter to fuck off...
In Highschool back in the 80's I was planning to join the Air Force(or as some other branches call it Chair Force). But by high school graduation in 1991 the cold war/gulf war was over and so was that calling to duty for me. Today if I tried to join I am beyond in age and weight. They like ya young definitly!
[B]i really envy you. id love to join up, but because im colour blind.....i can be a cook or a clerk.:( [/B][/QUOTE]I think we have same requirements for cooks in FDF... :D
[quote]Thank You for calling the US Army.
We're sorry, but all of our units are out at the moment, or otherwise engaged. Please leave a message with your country, name of organization, region, specific crisis and a number where you can be reached. As soon as we have sorted out the Balkans, Iraq, Korea, China, the Y2K Bug, marching up and down the streets of Washington, D.C. and attending the compulsary Consideration of Others Training, we will return your call.
Please speak after the tone, or if you require more options, please choose from the following options: If your crisis is small and is located near the sea, press 1 for the United States Marine Corps.
If your concern is distant, with temperate climate and good hotels, and can be solved by one or two low-risk high-altitude bombing runs, press 2 for the United States Air Force. Please note that this service is not available after 1630 hours , or on weekends. Special consideration will be given to customers requiring satellite or stealth technology who can provide additional research and development funding.
If your inquiry concerns a situation which can be resolved by a bit of grey funnel,bunting, flags and a really good marching band, please write, well in advance, to the United States Navy. Please note that Tomahawk missile service is extremely limited and will be provided on a first-come, first-serve basis.
If your inquiry is not urgent, press 3 for the Rapid Deployment Force.
If you are in really hot trouble, please press 4, and your call will be answered by the United States Army Special Operations Command. Please note that a mandatory credit check will be done to ensure you can afford the inherent TDY costs. Also, be aware that USASOC may bill your account at any time and is not required to tell you why, as it is classified
If you are interested in joining the U S Army, and you wish to be shouted at, paid little, have premature arthritis, put your family in a condemned hut miles from civilization, and are prepared to work your ass off, risking your life in all weather and terrains, both day and night, whilst watching Congress erode your original benefits package, then please stay on the line. Your call will be answered shortly by the next available bitter passed -over for promotion Army Recruiter located in a strip mall down by the post office.
Have a pleasant day, and thank you again for trying to contact the United States Army![/quote]
I consider ability to participate in military service... quite an extraordinary ability (which I entirely lack).
probably wont make the PRELIMINARY cut.
Next you better be in top flight physical condition Ranger School is brutal. And yes it has been known to have misshaps and people die. Tough, your training to be the absolute point of the spear.
Lastly, Realize one way or another they are going to have you for 6 YEARS. Be it a two years of training or something then 4 years guard or what ever you choose to do, your life is theirs for that amount of time. Theoreticly its possible that it might b even longer
Serve if you feel its a duty, not if you just need cash.
Lastly if you think your politics could get in the way, pick another service such as Coast Guard. While the work is just as physicly demanding, alot of what you do will be in saving innocents or protecting the environment or chasing criminals on the seas. It is alot more palatable for those who's "consience" balks at the current administration and its policies.
I want to be a ninja.
You asked something about joining a dojo just to get a free ride to Japan...Hope you don't have the same kind of logic here you really gotta consider these things seriously. Unless your just looking for adventure if you want that I suggest you get on a plane to Vladivostock, Russia & see if you can survive the Siberian wastelands!
KALINKA! :alndance: