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IFH needs a female actor!

Hey buddies! We still do not have an actor for Diana Hamlin... please ask your sisters, mothers, daughters, wives, neighbours, etc. to play her part for us!!!!


Note: Diana Hamlin is meant have WASP nationality, which means she shouldn't have any accent besides british and / or american.

So...if you have interest please contact me via ICQ: 102573073 or eMail: ...



  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    I just might have the girl for the job... [img][/img]
  • Great...but I need samples first, of course [img][/img]

    Here is recording information, that was posted a while ago on the IFH main page:
    ". So...if anyone of you is willing to act, get a mic and record me the following lines:

    "Alpha squad, get in position. Beta squad, cover us! No one is to be left alive, get 'em all!!"


    "Acknowledged, Alexis. We are going for the jumpgate. ETA 30 seconds."

    (these lines are NOT taken from the demo...I just want to hear how your voice sounds )

    And please....follow these directives:

    1) Don't record using the windows audiorecorder!

    2) Use Cool Edit 2000 or GoldWave to record your scripts (or another good sound SoundForge, etc.)

    3) Open a new file with these settings: 44 Khz, 16 Bit, Mono

    4) Now record your script

    5) Don't stop the record, when you have recorded the script. Please record one or two seconds of the backround sounds. This is required to filter them out of the sample later. DON'T CHANGE THE MICRO POSITION FOR THAT RECORD. LEAVE THE MICRO WHERE IT WAS DURING THE RECORDING!!!

    6) Don't compress the wave or something!

    7) Don't reduce the quality. Leave the wave in 44Khz, 16 Bit, Mono.

    Additional things:

    -Don't breath into the microphone
    -the position of your micro should be on the left or right side of your mouth with a distance of 2-3 cm (for headsets...specialized mics might be placed in another way)
    -don't record the whole script in one piece. Even if you do only a sample of two sentences....
    -don't alter your voice too much, it would be noticeable.
    -make sure you do a clean record (that is the most important point


    Save the file as MP3, PCM or ADPCM wav. And then...send it to

    Please follow the directives above. If you don't your voice will not be in the demo. Apart from that...most characters in the demo are about 30 years. If you have a voice like such an "old" -person, please give it a shot. get to the mics!

    -Black Sheep

    PS: To get the sound progs go to [url=""][/url] or [url=""][/url]
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    You might have better luck posting this on Spacebattles. There are atleast four or five active female posters there.

    [url=""][b]Hard Light Productions[/b][/url] - [i]Our last best hope for Freespace[/i]

    "Isn't the universe a wonderful place? I wouldn't want to live anywhere else! Love to stay! Can't! Have to go. Kiss kiss, love love! Bye!" - G'Kar
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