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  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Biggles [/i]
    [B]That's what you get when you stop coming to the channel. :) [/B][/QUOTE]

    For, say...six months? :p
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alaric [/i]
    [B]This is what happens when you skip the weekly meetings to go out and play nude croquet. :D [/B][/QUOTE]But we made semi-finals!
  • AlaricAlaric Damn kids! Get off my island!
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by the_exile [/i]
    [B]But we made semi-finals! [/B][/QUOTE]

    It's just the thought of hitting your ball with a big mallet. It's very off-putting.:
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PJH [/i]
    [B]Well, got to say I didn't think of that, but still having a 17 year old kid at 32 sounds a little odd to me, but sure there are those who marry older people who have kids. So how old is your wife? Close to 40?

    - PJH [/B][/QUOTE]

    not that its at all relevant, but she's 3 years older than me.
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tyvar [/i]
    [B]I sware Firstones needs an official stalking service / detective agency.

    You know to handle these situations.

    Man, I was terrified when my friend went off to NYC and that was just for grad school, she's fairly good common sense wise but as a petiet asian female she tends to radiate "victomize me!" and attract perverts.

    Maybe you could talk to the NYC contingent of FO's maybe some of them have ideas about local resources you can utilize to make sure she doesnt get wrapped up in anything stupid.

    And if she Does, Sanfam, Curz and I already have plans drawn up for these kinds of situations! Were looking at specilizing in "extractions" and "counsiling" [/B][/QUOTE]

    well; its not like she doesnt know about NYC, she did grow up there. we just moved back to Maine after 6+ years in NYC.

    I suppose i could send her to live with the Vorlons for a bit, look how well they helped Lyta...

    on second thought...
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    You don't really want her coming back and melting your brain. :)
  • Reaver4kReaver4k Trainee in training
    So far Tyvar wants to send me Sanfams sister for some reason, and now your kid. why?
  • AlaricAlaric Damn kids! Get off my island!
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Reaver4k [/i]
    [B]So far Tyvar wants to send me Sanfams sister for some reason, and now your kid. why? [/B][/QUOTE]

    it's that class of kindness called "kill or cure"
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    Mental note: I now have an alternative pithy phrase for when "sink or swim" seems to imply the subject has more control over their fate than they actually do.
  • Vorlons in my HeadVorlons in my Head The Vorlons told me to.
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Entil'Zha [/i]
    [B]and again, if I do have her dragged back, she'll enver speak to us again, at least now she's communicating. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Maybe not for a while. But she'll get over it...
  • [QUOTE]Maybe not for a while. But she'll get over it... [/QUOTE]
    Unless she decides to defend oneself, resulting in bruises, blood, pepper, CS, possibly knife or bullet wounds... and eventually, charges.

    I would *never* recommend initiating violence towards another person who is not harming fellow people -- and should someone even debate the possibility, I feel obligated to *always* advise against.

    Violent attack is *not* a nice thing to defend against. Since I will never forgive some individuals who attacked me... I can never consider it justified to initiate such behaviour. (And I was fairly lucky, gained safe distance with only a broken nose).

    So respectfully, "Vorlons in my Head"... I would notably appreciate if you avoided casting the impression that initiating unprovoked, serious violence... might be something which could be tolerated.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Knives? [i]Bullets?![/i] Do you seriously believe that Entil'Zha was even considering using violence to bring his daughter home? I doubt Vorlons in my Head was thinking of that either. "Drag home" doesn't mean to physically drag.
  • Vorlons in my HeadVorlons in my Head The Vorlons told me to.
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sleepy_shadow [/i]
    [B]Unless she decides to defend oneself, resulting in bruises, blood, pepper, CS, possibly knife or bullet wounds... and eventually, charges.

    I would *never* recommend initiating violence towards another person who is not harming fellow people -- and should someone even debate the possibility, I feel obligated to *always* advise against.

    Violent attack is *not* a nice thing to defend against. Since I will never forgive some individuals who attacked me... I can never consider it justified to initiate such behaviour. (And I was fairly lucky, gained safe distance with only a broken nose).

    So respectfully, "Vorlons in my Head"... I would notably appreciate if you avoided casting the impression that initiating unprovoked, serious violence... might be something which could be tolerated. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Holy crap! Getting a wee bit carried away aren't we there? Its a figure of speach. It has nothing to do with physical harm to her. I highly doubt thats what in Enthilzas mind.

    He said he can aska friend in law enforcement to bring her back in. That would involve nothing more than picking her up and driving her back up. She might resist being taken in which case I doubt they can do anything to force her but she might not. She will be very pissed most likely but it will likely blow over with time. Similar things happen with a lot of teens all the time.
  • Thanks for clarifying. It merely occurred to me that a person cannot be "dragged" anywhere without using violence, and I failed to understand the meaning was intended to be figurative.

    However, if someone says "no" to their parents, it is my suspicion that they *will* say "no" to a police officer -- meaning that they cannot be "dragged home" figuratively. Only using threat (illegal) or force (outright criminal). My comment was intended to remind: threat can be ignored, force defended against -- and the latter can end badly.

    As for "similar things happening all the time"... I personally have never heard of an instance.

    Sorry for confusion, but when there exists a chance of such things being implied... then even if I might misunderstand the intended meaning, I prefer to request caution.
  • TyvarTyvar Next best thing to a St. Bernard
    I find the quiet administration of certain pharmacutical products to be quite effective.
  • [quote]I find the quiet administration of certain pharmacutical products to be quite effective.[/quote]
    Initiating unprovoked violence against another person is equally serious regardless of which carrier (mechanical, chemical, biological, electromagnetic, whatever) relays an attack against life, health or freedom.

    Of which I trust I have *no* necessity to remind you... but do anyway, because I can't be bothered to enter lengthy word games.

    I have said what I needed -- I strongly advise against any use of threat or force, because such means should be reserved for instances where the target threatens or uses force.

    Only my initial comment (previous page) was intended towards Entilzha. I hope it was sufficiently moderate as to *not* be provocative. If it came across as provocative, I apologize to him for that.

    However, I find no reason why I should not have argued with "Vorlons in My Head", who from my viewpoint, appeared to imply that a non-violent person could be safely pushed around using force... and would neither defend nor keep a lasting grudge. Such an assumption is *very* short-sighted.

    As for your comment... I don't know what to make of it. Nobody asked "please propose a non-physical type of violence"... so I cannot figure out what purpose it serves.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sleepy_shadow [/i]
    [B]As for your comment... I don't know what to make of it. Nobody asked "please propose a non-physical type of violence"... so I cannot figure out what purpose it serves. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Allow me to explain then, since you don't appear to have been here that long and Firstones is a rather unusual community as internet communities go.

    Firstly, we're a very small community compared with the average internet community. The core group of people who post on this forum regularly is even smaller. We've been doing it for a long time now, and we've gotten to know each other's posting tendencies and internet personalities quite well. So we tend to know when someone is being sarcastic even without the use of smilies (:),;), etc).
    Secondly, a lot of us like practicing the art of subtle sarcasm. Since the text-only medium makes sarcasm hard to detect this can, and often does, lead to problems in understanding.
    Thirdly, serious discussions about serious issues are in the minority around here, although not as much as they used to be (as a side effect of this and our small size, I think, we tend to manage them with less flaming than larger communities). So we're used to just having fun, and most of our posts are more joking than serous. Even serious threads often degenerate down into "fun" threads over time.

    In short, unless the person is quite obviously serious, try to take what they say with a boulder of salt. Even this post couldn't be considered to be entirely serious. :)
  • TyvarTyvar Next best thing to a St. Bernard
    great biggles, you just ruined my next line

    you know the infamous

    "does this taste like rohypnal to you?"

    Which is doubly funny since Rohypnal is tasteless...
  • MundaneMundane Elite Ranger
    This thread is completely out of control, almost.

    About time soon to invoke the power of the vorklift,aardvark or Green/Purple.

  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    Not plurple, GREEN!!
  • bobobobo (A monkey)
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by bobo [/i]
    [B][SIZE=24]Zog![/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE]

    Since i started this thread, and since it is my own daughter who has caused such pain and uproar i think i should be the one to get my 2 cents in,

    and my 2 cents are, ZOG and GREEN!

    And for whoever it was who was going on about sax and violins, oh wait it was violence,

    I was referring to the legal way of having her dragged home, not beaten stabbed tied up and generally mishandled.

    so anyway, where was i, Oh yes , GREEEN, and of course, the everpopular, zog!
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Plus a bit of Aardvark for good measure.
  • TyvarTyvar Next best thing to a St. Bernard
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Entil'Zha [/i]
    [B]Since i started this thread, and since it is my own daughter who has caused such pain and uproar i think i should be the one to get my 2 cents in,

    and my 2 cents are, ZOG and GREEN!

    And for whoever it was who was going on about sax and violins, oh wait it was violence,

    I was referring to the legal way of having her dragged home, not beaten stabbed tied up and generally mishandled.

    so anyway, where was i, Oh yes , GREEEN, and of course, the everpopular, zog! [/B][/QUOTE]

    Well, if we cut Curz out that elminates the mishandling, and I think most are queasy at stabbing or beating women.

    So were down to drugs and tazing!!
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