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In a world of compromise, some don't.

in Zocalo v2.0
In any case anyone's unfamiliar, the thread title is HK's slogan/prayer mantra/catch phrase/whatever.
Which I find amusing, because in a world of compromise, some can't figure out how to not put bullets in the mag backwards before photographing it for the front page of your catalogue.
anyway, HK's in general are crazy expensive, and if you want a polimer based gun, why not choose the original Glock. My model 23 rocks.
I don't think I'll be getting one, partially because I'm 20, and that means I can only get one if I'm willing to call a few people and drop a couple hundred with some people who trade in 'used' guns on the side.
Also, however, because I hate the idea of a DAO trigger (and the kB! thing bothers me). If I had to pick a gun, I think I'd primarily be deciding between a P2009, a P229, maybe a P99, maybe a Px4, maybe one of the discontinued 9x19mm Cougars, and maybe a USP45f if they weren't so damn expensive.
All of this with the caveat that I have never, in my life, ever so much as touched a firearm, and aside from cops and one kid whose dad had a .410 shotgun and a 1911 somewhere in the house, I don't think I've ever even been around a weapon in the last 12 years. So the closest I've been is an airsoft Beretta 92, which was really unpleasantly large around the grip.
might only have five rounds but boy... unless youre hunting blue whales I dont think you'd need to fire more than 2...:)
All of this with the caveat that I have never, in my life, ever so much as touched a firearm, and aside from cops and one kid whose dad had a .410 shotgun and a 1911 somewhere in the house, I don't think I've ever even been around a weapon in the last 12 years. [/B][/QUOTE]
Continue with that :)
[B]Which I find amusing, because in a world of compromise, some can't figure out how to not put bullets in the mag backwards before photographing it for the front page of your catalogue. [/B][/QUOTE]Yeah... I bet it won't be able to rotate them to right direction, even if gun might not have any compromises. :D
All of this with the caveat that I have never, in my life, ever so much as touched a firearm, and aside from cops and one kid whose dad had a .410 shotgun and a 1911 somewhere in the house, I don't think I've ever even been around a weapon in the last 12 years. So the closest I've been is an airsoft Beretta 92, which was really unpleasantly large around the grip. [/B][/QUOTE]
well, dont just get a pistol just to have one, especially if your not familiar with one or know how to handle one properly and safely.
When I say safely I mean know your 4 safety rules and FOLLOW THEM BY HEART!!
[URL=]Morden's SD5 GARS[/URL]
[B]Cool, this gives me an excuse to post a picture of my airsoft Marui HK Mp5 SD5, complete with GARS unit. :cool:
[URL=]Morden's SD5 GARS[/URL]
Morden [/B][/QUOTE] LMFAO its an airsoft
Spirit: Actually, despite my lack of any plans for getting any guns, I'm pretty well versed in firearm safety. About as safe as anyone can get without practical experience, anyway. Also, I'm pretty sure I couldn't legally get a handgun anywhere in the US at age 20, even in your state. Hell, far as I know, in all states, you need to take classes before you can get permits.
A2597: out of curiosity, where did you get a bokken? All the places I've found selling them are either selling cheap Chinese sticks or ludicrously overpriced pieces of wood. I've yet to find anyone selling anything both well made and sanely priced.
[B]The only gun I've ever owned had an orange tip and broke when I stepped on it. [/B][/QUOTE]
Well, my apartment has quite a collection of orange-tipped weapons at the moment ;) This will soon change once I get a can of primer and an airbrush, though.
[B]Psht. Be a man. Use a sharpie like I did (before throwing the whole thing out because it's silly). [/B][/QUOTE]
Sharpies don't look right. The ink flares in the light and has an odd hue.
[B]LMFAO its an airsoft [/B][/QUOTE]
Er, yeah, that's pretty much what I said...
It's a HK design, so I thought I'd post it.
"Ahhh its ok boys, its only a toy...." BANG "...or not...*gurgle* "
frightening too...
speaking of frightening :
25mm airbursting shells... like detonating a grenade in your shorts...
[B]Er, yeah, that's pretty much what I said...
It's a HK design, so I thought I'd post it. [/B][/QUOTE]
Airsoft is good for places like apartments, where you can safely fire it indoors *and* at other people. It's fun to command someone to cook you eggs at gunpoint, and then fire a small projectile at them when they fail to produce a pleasing result.
[B]well, dont just get a pistol just to have one, especially if your not familiar with one or know how to handle one properly and safely.
When I say safely I mean know your 4 safety rules and FOLLOW THEM BY HEART!! [/B][/QUOTE]
1. Don't look down the barrel...
2. Don't point it at yourself...
3. Don't practice using a Propane Tank as a target.
4. If you've made it this far, you're not a Red Neck...
[B]Just so you know, it's illegal to paint over the orange tip, at least if you take it anywhere public. [/B][/QUOTE]
Only if you're American. In Britain we're allowed to retain the original flash-hiders. :p
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sanfam [/i]
[B]Airsoft is good for places like apartments, where you can safely fire it indoors *and* at other people. It's fun to command someone to cook you eggs at gunpoint, and then fire a small projectile at them when they fail to produce a pleasing result.[/B][/QUOTE]
You should try going to a proper skirmish site mate, it's fantastic! :)
I'm seriously looking forward to Fireball 2005: Defcon 3 in August this year, one of the UK's national Airsofting events. Tokyo Marui are releasing the M14 in July, so hopefully, I should have one in time for the event to go with the rest of my Delta Force loadout. I'll create the thread here with some of the pictures as soon as I get back.
For those of you who are interested, here's my Gallery on ASCUK:
[URL=]Morden's Airsoft/Real-Steel Gallery[/URL]
[B]1. Don't look down the barrel...
2. Don't point it at yourself...[/B][/QUOTE]
3. Don't pull the trigger when you ignore previous rules.
4. If you ignore previous rule make sure no one is behind you to prevent collateral damage.
5. Thank you for improving human genome by removing yourself from it.
[B]3. Don't pull the trigger when you ignore previous rules.
4. If you ignore previous rule make sure no one is behind you to prevent collateral damage.
5. Thank you for improving human genome by removing yourself from it. [/B][/QUOTE]
6. Oh, and one last thing: make sure there isnt any bullets left afterwards, just in case anyone should get a similar idea.
You know the ones I had to teach as a Rifle/Pistol coach in the US Marines.
1. Treat every weapon as if it were loaded.
2. Never point a weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot.
3. Keep your finger straight and off the trigger untill you are ready to fire.
4. Keep the weapon on safe untill you intend to fire.
Its all about safety. And I am a safety nazi. I still get pissed at my dad when he does dumb shit with guns, like when he says "I know its unloaded". I dont give a rats ass dad, its still a fucking weapon.
Ive seen one negligent discharge land a Marine in the Hospital for a month, and 2 incidents where had the trigger been pulled (which is what I stopped from happening) the offender would have killed.
Now that is a fun weapon to fire.