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A blast from the past...

SanfamSanfam I like clocks.

There is some incredible stuff on there. And even better, some of our greatest lost threads have been saved! Anything linked to the main page was retained.

And while you cannot view all of the threads in the forums, I get such a great feeling by looking back.


  • whitestar90whitestar90 Elite Ranger
    Geez memories [img][/img]

    "When it is time,come to this place,call our name,we will be here"-Walkers of Sigma957
    [url=""]I've Found Her-Babylon 5 free game[/url]
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    The scary thing is that I remember a large number of those threads. For those who are more recent: notice the lack of forums on the index page? That snapshot was taken at a time when we only had two forums, and the zocalo was rather quiet. [img][/img]

    [b][url=""]Required reading[/url][/b]
    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    Quick, archive 'em to our own space!
  • Drazi GuyDrazi Guy Elite Ranger
    Damn, I hate surfing from school. That link gives me the following errors:

    Access Denied. [url=""][/url] is categorized as:

    Illegal Drugs
    Hate Speech
    Criminal Skills
    Online Sales
    Personal Pages
    Job Search
    Games and Fun
    Alternative Journals
    Alternative Lifestyle
    General News
    Art and Culture
    Usenet News Access
    Self Help
    Categorized by site
    Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel this is incorrect.

    Stupid censorship...
  • KonradKonrad Ranger
    Job Search
    Alternative Lifestyle
    General News
    Self Help

    What!!! What's wrong with those categories?!? If they did something like that at my old high school we would have staged a protest and walk out! (It was a small magnet school) Get your school organized... ...that's pathetic.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    That's an odd page to restrict.

    [b][url=""]Required reading[/url][/b]
    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
    DG YOUR ALIVE!!!!!!!!
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Yes, apparently real life isn't actually fatal.

    [b][url=""]Required reading[/url][/b]
    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Hey, I survived my attempt. I appear to be living a nice little hybrid life here. [img][/img]
  • Drazi GuyDrazi Guy Elite Ranger
    It has come close to fatality a couple of times, but not quite yet... Overall, it has been worth it though.

    Nobody here cares enough to fight against it... that will to fight pretty much died after the student body lost their fight to not have the camera system installed (45 cameras for a student body of 1500, plus 80 teachers...)
  • Drazi GuyDrazi Guy Elite Ranger
    Bah, these bloody restricted XP machines won't even let me open two IE windows... makes clicking on that link impossible from this system.
  • WHY_oldWHY_old Elite Ranger
    *clicks on his own "Tell a Story" thread*

    damn, nothing

    *clicks on Firstone's first and only "Babe" thread*

    damn, nothing

    *Clicks on any warleader thread*

    damn, nothing....
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    [quote]Originally posted by Drazi Guy:
    [b]Bah, these bloody restricted XP machines won't even let me open two IE windows... makes clicking on that link impossible from this system.[/b][/quote]

    How are you expected to browse the web for research purposes if you can only have one window open at a time?

    [b][url=""]Required reading[/url][/b]
    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    Sounds like you've got an anal retentive admin there DG. [img][/img] Trust me, there are ways around that restriction. If you just happen to catch an admin password, go into IE's options and stick in a proxy IP. [img][/img] Totally bypasses the filter. [img][/img] (speaking from experience)

    Although I did this when all that was on the system was Win95 and Novell 4. Damn Novell 4 is so frelling insecure. I could access *anything* I wanted and could have easily caused serious damage to the network if I wanted. The only thing I did though as send a message to the school lunchroom comps telling them 'Your Food Sucks!'. [img][/img] What I find even more hilarious is that they consider 'sucks' a swear! WTF?! ****ing PC assclowns. [img][/img]

    [url=""][b]Hard Light Productions[/b][/url] - [i]Our last best hope for Freespace[/i]

    "Isn't the universe a wonderful place? I wouldn't want to live anywhere else! Love to stay! Can't! Have to go. Kiss kiss, love love! Bye!" - G'Kar
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    At my old school the admin knew nothing about computers at all (this was when P200MMX's were top-of-the-line, really expensive machines). We spent half our time having fun teaching him all the tricks we could play on other students, and the other half playing tricks on him (like the "virus" on the portable C64). [img][/img]

    [b][url=""]Required reading[/url][/b]
    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • Drazi GuyDrazi Guy Elite Ranger
    Sadly, the admin by necessity has to have all those restrictions on... back when the school was running relatively unsecured Win98, people screwed with everything. He used to have to spend a few hours every night re-imaging dozens of computers that people had crippled beyond usefulness.

    And the last time that someone gained access to an admin password, he managed to crash the interschool network, losing the files of thousands of students in less than an hour. And the time before that, someone managed to "accidentally" release Chernobyl onto the network... So they keep them pretty tight now.

    One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them.
    One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.
  • [quote][b]Access Denied. [url=""][/url] is categorized as:

    Illegal Drugs
    Hate Speech
    Criminal Skills
    Online Sales
    Personal Pages
    Job Search
    Games and Fun
    Alternative Journals
    Alternative Lifestyle
    General News
    Art and Culture
    Usenet News Access
    Self Help
    Categorized by site
    Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel this is incorrect.[/b][/quote]

    Censorship? In a country founded on freedom of speech? [img][/img]

    Personally I wouldn't tolerate that kind of censorship - it shows a lack of trust in the users that is not only damaging in itself, but a servere hindrance on any decent scope of research.

    I'm a student of politics; as you can imagine there simply isn't an issue in politics that isn't censored under your list - mind you, half the items there are what any decent person would search for if they wanted to generally bring themselves up-to-date with the world around them! It's a barrier that needn't be there for half the cases.

    And if it does, by some justification, namely that people couldn't use the system without trying to look up porn every five seconds, or looking up how to make bombs suitable for classroom use, then that shows something wrong more with the people than with the 'freedom' of the internet access at your school - and is a much wider, social problem.

    I'd complain [img][/img]
  • Drazi GuyDrazi Guy Elite Ranger
    My country wasn't built on freedom of speech [img][/img] That's the Americans.... I am a Canuck. We waited till Britain was good and ready to make us our own country, and then we let them do it.

    So we weren't really founded on anything but British trading...
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    [quote]Originally posted by Biggles:
    [b]At my old school the admin knew nothing about computers at all (this was when P200MMX's were top-of-the-line, really expensive machines). We spent half our time having fun teaching him all the tricks we could play on other students, and the other half playing tricks on him (like the "virus" on the portable C64). [img][/img]



    Get this. The CD-ROMS in the computers are capable of being controlled by a little remote (gotta love Creative [img][/img]). I "aquired" one of the remotes and decided to play a little prank on the principal. He had no idea why his cd-rom tray kept popping out. [img][/img] After a few minutes, he got so frustrated that he smacked the tray and broke it in half! [img][/img] Then he wondered why the damn thing won't read CDs anymore. [img][/img] He never found out why it did that though, and was convinced that his computer was posessed by satan. [img][/img]

    [url=""][b]Hard Light Productions[/b][/url] - [i]Our last best hope for Freespace[/i]

    "Isn't the universe a wonderful place? I wouldn't want to live anywhere else! Love to stay! Can't! Have to go. Kiss kiss, love love! Bye!" - G'Kar
  • Ah, a good old Commonwealth gentleman... [img][/img]

    This is what happens when I take someone else's word with regards to your nationality [img][/img]
  • KeyanKeyan Ranger
    Dang, with restrictions like that, can you look at ANYTHING????

    We have websense tied to our PIX firewall here, and it's a really good system..can do restrictions based on user account, and can be very specific about what we lock down.

    The best way around a firewall/proxy/url blocker- be the admin..and this is why I am professonally certified workin in IT and working towards a degree in MIS [img][/img]
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Either that, or become friends with the admin.

    Over the past three years, I've become friendly enough to no longer be blocked by the firewall. Originally, it was Bess (N2H2), but now it's Websense. It's a nice change in how it works, but there still is not effective at properly blocking. It's keyword based.
  • MaSCMaSC Earthforce Officer
    [quote]Originally posted by Biggles:
    [b]That's an odd page to restrict.
    [/b][/quote]If it wasn't, you could 'reminisce' certain websites from the grand old days of last month without the firewall getting you, because you never leave the Wayback site.
  • Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
    [quote]Originally posted by Drazi Guy:
    [b]My country wasn't built on freedom of speech [img][/img] That's the Americans.... I am a Canuck. We waited till Britain was good and ready to make us our own country, and then we let them do it.

    So we weren't really founded on anything but British trading...[/b][/quote]

    and for some wackos thats still not enough.
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Somehow, this little joke I got in the mail seems to fit....

    [b]What is a Canadian?[/b]

    [i]A Canadian is someone who drinks Brazilian coffee from an English teacup and munches a French pastry while sitting on their Danish furniture having just come home from an Italian movie in their German car.

    He/She picks up their Japanese pen and writes to their Member of Parliament to complain about the American take-over of the Canadian publishing business. [/i]
  • Drazi GuyDrazi Guy Elite Ranger
    I like that one Sanfam.... bringing that with me to school tomorrow [img][/img]

    The filter actually doesn't block very much.... I think it just blocks the archive site because some of the stuff that it archives may fall into the innapropriate catagory.
  • KeyanKeyan Ranger
    Yeah I know it isn't perfect..and working in a hospital adds a whole new layer to the FUN of it(no, that is not a porn site, yes I know it has THOSE words in it!)..basically you just have a system in place to unlock a site if someone can prove they need it.

    But the websense/pix combo is really easy to set up and use, and it will block the stuff we don't want ppl lookin at..and occasionally a site that we do.
  • WarleaderWarleader Inmate: Babylon Project Mental Health Facility
    GREEN ANACONDA INVASION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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