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PS3... :o

in Zocalo v2.0
[url=]PS3 article at PCWorld[/url]
What we could have done with B5:Itf on this...
What we could have done with B5:Itf on this...
Just think back to the FMV of Final Fantasy VIII. Back when PS2 was about to be released, the rave was that it could process such graphics in real time. We all know how that turned out. ;)
Just wait and see what happens, I think the truth will be a bit more of a disappointment. ;)
And so far, what I hate about ALL the next gens is that they don't have a CD-rack that slides out or is popped open. They all seem to come with the 'shove it in me, baby' -opening. Those things suck balls, if nothing else, they sooner or later scratch the discs to a useless lump. Hate 'em. Seriously. Look cool, but don't work.
As for the drive, I agree. Slot loaders look really cool, but I constantly fear for what they're doing to my discs.
Seriously, 500$!?!?!?!
[B][url][/url] [/B][/QUOTE]
M$ has been a cult for a while...
So until they have something real all that is pure BS.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597 [/i]
[B]500$ price tag will keep me far, far, FAR away from this one.
Seriously, 500$!?!?!?! [/B][/QUOTE]
And I would be surprised if they can keep price that low...
just remember how big pile of transistor Cell is and it's clockspeed... after taking into account core's very big size (almost 2x that of PC CPU's core) manufacturing of it will be very expensive.
Like what they did for the PS2.
In fact, I think the only demo that was absolutely confirmed to be fully functional was one of Epic's games (I think UT2007).
Either way, I'm going to wait till next E3 before making an opinion.
IOW a cut scene using the game engine like JKII and HW does...
That's pretty damn good...
ignore those fancy game movies and look at the tech demos that they showed. remember the tech demos for the ps2 (like the final fantasy ball dancing scene) when they presented the ps2? they were impressive at that time. the final cutscene as it appeared in the game some time later was far better than that techdemo. it's all about game developers learning to use the new engine - the first games might be just "good", care to imagine what they can produce if they learn and push it to the limit?
[/B][/QUOTE] :D:D:D