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Kingdom of Heaven...

in Zocalo v2.0
OK...where to begin...
Horrible film. Worst I've seen in a long time actually.
First off, it seems like they cut about 4 hours from the storyline. The first half the the film leaves you incredibly confused as you jump around from place to place to people you don't know with no introduction, etc etc.
The acting was A-B grade, not great, not horrible though. Some of the lines where HORRIBLE though.
The's the crusades, it has a auwful love interest (That, even though his oath to never do wrong and remain virtuous is still fresh, led to an affair at the drop of a hat. Woo woo)
One thing that was done right, possibly the only thing, is that One side wanted the war, thinking that, as the pope told them, "Killing infidels is the path to salvation", while the other knew that was most definatly not the case.
Overall, I'll give it a C-
Horrible film. Worst I've seen in a long time actually.
First off, it seems like they cut about 4 hours from the storyline. The first half the the film leaves you incredibly confused as you jump around from place to place to people you don't know with no introduction, etc etc.
The acting was A-B grade, not great, not horrible though. Some of the lines where HORRIBLE though.
The's the crusades, it has a auwful love interest (That, even though his oath to never do wrong and remain virtuous is still fresh, led to an affair at the drop of a hat. Woo woo)
One thing that was done right, possibly the only thing, is that One side wanted the war, thinking that, as the pope told them, "Killing infidels is the path to salvation", while the other knew that was most definatly not the case.
Overall, I'll give it a C-
Its funny I didn't even recognize doctor bashir. Funniest part was when bailen says "Get me my horse!" & the servant screams "EEEYI!" Hmm between this & Gladiator I'd rather see gladiator though.
The main criticism of the film is Scott's attempted imposition of 21st century values onto a film which is meant to catalogue a campaign based on religious cleansing and economic displacement. In short, there are, apparently, "good" crusaders and "bad" crusaders. :rolleyes:
Crusading and tolerance are diametrically opposite views.
The battle sequences look quite good, but is it really worth it just to see them?
As illiteracy was rampent, and most people that could read were told that they couldn't understand the Bible anyway, The popes word was basically the word of God in their eyes, so they blindly followed.
Shoot, Many catholics today still won't read the bible as they are told they can't understand it anyway.
[B]First off, it seems like they cut about 4 hours from the storyline. The first half the the film leaves you incredibly confused as you jump around from place to place to people you don't know with no introduction, etc etc.[/B][/QUOTE]They had even restored insides of one castle but none of those takes survived to the film.
Also they had cut lot of other good scenes.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Cabl3 Guy [/i]
[B]Just a hunch here but I think the fact that they portrayed the christians as total assholes is probably whats pissing you off. :D[/B][/QUOTE]Yep, acknowledgeing truth hurts, especially when it has something to do with religious brainwashing.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597 [/i]
[B]...and they got it right. The pope told the people that this was right in the sight of God...[/B][/QUOTE]Have to wonder how long it takes before Dubya&Fanatics Co bans this movie so that it doesn't teach people "wrong thoughts".
[url=]British memo indicates Bush made intelligence fit Iraq policy[/url]
And then some claim that people can think/learn from history...
[B]As illiteracy was rampent, and most people that could read were told that they couldn't understand the Bible anyway, The popes word was basically the word of God in their eyes, so they blindly followed. [/B][/QUOTE]
The 11th century Pastoral Reform Movement. As you say, it not only enabled the "word of of God" to be spread more effectively throughout Europe, but it increased the power and influence of the Papacy to a massive extent.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Cabl3 Guy [/i]
[B]I think ya'll know about the Siege of Byzantium I consider that the lowest point in the crusades especially considering it killed more christians than muslims.[/B][/QUOTE]
In many cases, the crusaders hated the Orthodox Byzantines just as much as the Muslims. Same went for pagans and Jews. Until the Crusades, Catholic and Orthodox Christians had been fighting one another on and off for centuries since the schism between the two churches.
just one more reason I dont go to church.
Speaking of, during the time of the Catholic rule of the world (now known as the Dark Ages appropriately), whose to say the papacy in Rome didnt re-write the entire bible to fit their own ideals? Thats one of the big reasons I really hate the catholic church.
Did you know it wasnt until the 20th century that catholic church finally recognized Copurnicus and Columbus' ideas of the world being round and not the center of the universe? In their day they were considered heretics and the church expelled them. It wasnt until the 20th century that they fixed that error.
[B]whose to say the papacy in Rome didnt re-write the entire bible to fit their own ideals? Thats one of the big reasons I really hate the catholic church.[/B][/QUOTE]
Early christian finds point to just that. An example being the position of maria magdalene. She was a holy figure in early christianity, but the church made her a whore, and took most of her virtues and moved them onto holy mary.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Messiah [/i]
[B]Early christian finds point to just that. An example being the position of maria magdalene. She was a holy figure in early christianity, but the church made her a whore, and took most of her virtues and moved them onto holy mary. [/B][/QUOTE]
Who was maria magdalene supposed to be?
[B]Early christian finds point to just that. An example being the position of maria magdalene. She was a holy figure in early christianity, but the church made her a whore, and took most of her virtues and moved them onto holy mary. [/B][/QUOTE]
Someone puts a little too much faith in theories perpetuated by the Davinci Code...
[B]Someone puts a little too much faith in theories perpetuated by the Davinci Code... [/B][/QUOTE]
A lot of it's quite far-fetched and downright untrue, but *some* has basis in fact. One of those probably trues is the editing of the Gospels by the early church after it was established by the Emperor Constantine in the 5th century.
[B]Someone puts a little too much faith in theories perpetuated by the Davinci Code... [/B][/QUOTE]
Actually, no. This is history. finds of manuscripts in northern Africa. Was on TV a few months ago.
Oh well guess ya can't win em all, had to lose one some time. ;)
[B]The Dead Sea is located between Jordan and Israel, therefore, the African manuscripts could not have come from there. ;)
Morden [/B][/QUOTE]
thats besides the point :p
[B]thats besides the point :p [/B][/QUOTE]
But, the... with the...
*Shakes fist*
Damn you, ShadowDancer! :D