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For anyone who's interested,
the Quandary and Quintissential Phases of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy are coming up on BBC Radio 4 starting i believe May 3rd.
For those who may not know the Orig HHGTTG Radio Play, (primary and Secondary phases) Covered Books 1 & 2 of what would become the 5 book Hitchikers guide trilogy, The Hitchhhikers guide to the Galaxy and The Restaurant at the end of the Universe,
Tertiary Phase (Life, The Universe and Everything) was released last year, with almost 99% of the original cast from the orig series reprising their rolls.
Quandary Phase (so long and thanks for all the fish) starts May 3rd, Quintisential Phase (Mostly Harmles) Starts some time in june.
the Quandary and Quintissential Phases of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy are coming up on BBC Radio 4 starting i believe May 3rd.
For those who may not know the Orig HHGTTG Radio Play, (primary and Secondary phases) Covered Books 1 & 2 of what would become the 5 book Hitchikers guide trilogy, The Hitchhhikers guide to the Galaxy and The Restaurant at the end of the Universe,
Tertiary Phase (Life, The Universe and Everything) was released last year, with almost 99% of the original cast from the orig series reprising their rolls.
Quandary Phase (so long and thanks for all the fish) starts May 3rd, Quintisential Phase (Mostly Harmles) Starts some time in june.
[B]if i remember i'll have to listen to that. but as its in the middle of my exams.......:( [/B][/QUOTE]
I still haven't listened to Tertiary Phase. the BBC did have it available on their website for listening starting the day after broadcast.
[B]I started listening to Tertiary, but then I went away for two weeks and when I came back they didn't have the ones I'd missed available. [/B][/QUOTE]
i'm pretty sure its available on cd, and i KNOW its available on not quite so legal mp3 downloaded recorded bit type thingies...