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Jail for Spammer

in Zocalo v2.0
[QUOTE]A man has been sentenced to nine years in jail by a Virginia judge for sending millions of junk emails, or "spamming".
Jeremy Jaynes, 30, is the first person in the US to get a prison term in a spam case. He is said to have been the world's eighth most prolific spammer.
By selling sham products and services advertised in his messages, he earned up to $750,000 (£398,000) per month.
[Mr Burns impression]Excellent Smithers![/Mr Burns impression]
[QUOTE]A man has been sentenced to nine years in jail by a Virginia judge for sending millions of junk emails, or "spamming".
Jeremy Jaynes, 30, is the first person in the US to get a prison term in a spam case. He is said to have been the world's eighth most prolific spammer.
By selling sham products and services advertised in his messages, he earned up to $750,000 (£398,000) per month.
[Mr Burns impression]Excellent Smithers![/Mr Burns impression]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowDancer [/i]
[B][By selling sham products and services advertised in his messages, he earned up to $750,000 (£398,000) per month.
[B]cut off his dick. And feed it to the dogs. [/B][/QUOTE]
Sod that, cut off his dick, and turn it into spam! Literally!
Would you approve of the same punishment strategy (causing irreversible bodily harm) if someone framed you of spamming?
Asking because if someone framed me, I sure wouldn't appreciate it... although on second thought... perhaps I would later thank the state for liberating me, against my mis-informed protest, from an antiquated appendage contributing to inefficient behaviours and appreciations.
Perhaps I would thank the state... for liberating me of silly desires and distractions. It could turn me into a more efficient person... who in such situation unfortunately... would devote remaining reserves of ability towards *destroying* the state which crossed my line of tolerance.
Additionally, if one *does* propose punishing men by cutting off their dicks... one must likewise figure out an equivalent punishment for women -- since otherwise, it would become clear discrimination along lines of gender.
[B]Sod that, cut off his dick, and turn it into spam! Literally![/B][/QUOTE]Too complex... why not just run over with this:
Max thickness of "twigs" can be 5 cm so one blockhead should go through fine... and if not, [url=]this[/url] would do the job.
Or I wouldn't mind using spammers in target practising...
[B]Framing someone of spamming does *not* appear impossibly difficult.
Would you approve of the same punishment strategy (causing irreversible bodily harm) if someone framed you of spamming?
Asking because if someone framed me, I sure wouldn't appreciate it... although on second thought... perhaps I would later thank the state for liberating me, against my mis-informed protest, from an antiquated appendage contributing to inefficient behaviours and appreciations.
Perhaps I would thank the state... for liberating me of silly desires and distractions. It could turn me into a more efficient person... who in such situation unfortunately... would devote remaining reserves of ability towards *destroying* the state which crossed my line of tolerance.
Additionally, if one *does* propose punishing men by cutting off their dicks... one must likewise figure out an equivalent punishment for women -- since otherwise, it would become clear discrimination along lines of gender. [/B][/QUOTE]
I'm not being funny mate, but did you;
A: Think that I was being serious? :p
B: Are you responding in an irreverent post-modernist "Chris Morris" esque comedic style?
Combined with the habit of arguing with everything I find objectionable... it produces the result that even if people didn't say something seriously...
...I still tend to mention why I disagree, just in case I misunderstood. Should results qualify as comedy... that much better.
Maybe these f*******s now think twice before they start spamming peoples emails with that shit and slowing down the internet.
If Sleepy Shadow is a Vulcan, does that make Vorlons Romulans?