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Sony makes direct sensory connection...

in Zocalo v2.0
Wow...just Wow...Matrix here we come.
Wow...just Wow...Matrix here we come.
[B]cybering will take on a whole new meaning...... [/B][/QUOTE]
Not to mention porn :D
Blind person to see properly? Permit me to express a bit of scepticism (ultrasound may fail to carry the necessary bandwidth of data)... but for a deaf person to hear... perhaps.
And for a blind person to see *something* (better than nothing)? Perhaps indeed.
And of course, ability for fine manipulation... creates hazards too. I am fairly certain that governments would be interested in finding a technique... to artificially manipulate the mood of detained persons (for example make someone irrationally trusting) to extract information.
Of course, after technical means have created some equivalent of telepathy... countermeasures will arise from equally technical means.
After all, the writer writes the idea down (thus gaining copyright - if it's not written down it isn't copyrighted), then someone else sees it and writes a patent with the same general idea. Since there is no physical device to base it on and instead it is a "crystal ball" patent then clearly it is purely an idea, which is copyright of the original author!
Therefore I would think the patent itself violates copyright law since it is an idea, writen by another, and "copied."
Should applying for a patent not *require* presenting a demonstration of concept? A demonstration of actual effort invested into creating something?
(Or has patent law simply degraded low enough?)