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So Richard Hoagland is going on about...

in Zocalo v2.0
... the recent Cassini images of Iapetus, and how they (in his words) "clearly" indicate an Ancient Death Star station.
[url=]Enterprise Mission[/url]
Honestly, when I see the pics, I AM fascinated, but come on...
It's only obvious that this moon suffered a geologically recent impact of two like sized objects, and hasn't had time to become a sphere yet with it's low gravity. The equatorial ridge is a crumple artifact, and since there is no atmospheric or fluidic erosion processes, it will take a long time to knock down the 12 mile high wall. ( I got to thinking about that ridge from another thread where we were talking about Lava and Ridge Fountains.
In regards to the "Rectalinear" craters, these are probably distorted and morphed as the planetoid settles and mashes or stretches them.
I really don't see how he comes up with the geodesic faceting either...
I used to have respect for Richard Hoagland back when "The Monuments of Mars" came out, even if it was all based soley on two low res Viking orbiter images and a whole lot of digital processing.
Now days, I can't believe the claims coming out of that web site. Too much like Art Bell, and the massive misinformation that riddles the Ufology sectors.
[url=]Enterprise Mission[/url]
Honestly, when I see the pics, I AM fascinated, but come on...
It's only obvious that this moon suffered a geologically recent impact of two like sized objects, and hasn't had time to become a sphere yet with it's low gravity. The equatorial ridge is a crumple artifact, and since there is no atmospheric or fluidic erosion processes, it will take a long time to knock down the 12 mile high wall. ( I got to thinking about that ridge from another thread where we were talking about Lava and Ridge Fountains.
In regards to the "Rectalinear" craters, these are probably distorted and morphed as the planetoid settles and mashes or stretches them.
I really don't see how he comes up with the geodesic faceting either...
I used to have respect for Richard Hoagland back when "The Monuments of Mars" came out, even if it was all based soley on two low res Viking orbiter images and a whole lot of digital processing.
Now days, I can't believe the claims coming out of that web site. Too much like Art Bell, and the massive misinformation that riddles the Ufology sectors.
"We should all be obliged to appear before a board every five years and justify our existence...on pain of liquidation."
-George Bernard Shaw
it's made of a new element, something that behaves much differently then what we currently know.
Certain crystals form straight lines, and, correct me if I'm wrong, rectangular shapes. Whats to say that there <!-- green -->couldn't be another element/material that reacts differently to gravity? thus explaining the bulge?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JackN [/i]
[B]... the recent Cassini images of Iapetus, and how they (in his words) "clearly" indicate an Ancient Death Star station.
all i can think of when i hear anything about Iapetus, is 2001, its odd how celestial objects can come to be assoiciated with something, like anytime i hear anything about Epsilon Eridani.. all i immediately think of B5.