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Just saw Marcus in a Chevy ad.

My wife just yelled at me to come here and see the ad on TV quick. I made it in time to see Marcus talking to a guy in a Chevy pickup for a second or two and then it was over.

Just thought I'd give everyone a heads up.


  • Yes, the consensus we reached was that the alien healing device did not kill Marcus. It just sent him back in time to do Chevy commercials and Third Rock episodes.

    "Ambassador we all know that the first casulty of war is the truth."
    -John Sheridan

    "To alcohol the solution to and cause of all of life's problems."
    -Homer Jay Simpson
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    What channel, and what car?
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    but I posted it in the Zocalo first, NAH NAH nAH NAHHHH nAaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! ;-P
  • [quote]Originally posted by croxis:
    [b]but I posted it in the Zocalo first, NAH NAH nAH NAHHHH nAaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! ;-P[/b][/quote]

    yes but it was B5 related so tut tut tut - hehe jokes
  • [quote]Originally posted by LightNZ:
    [b] yes but it was B5 related so tut tut tut - hehe jokes[/b][/quote]

    Yea, what he said. [img][/img]


    I think she was watching the Olympics.....Chevy Avalanche.
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Eyuch. The Avalanche. [img][/img]

    Way back when it was only a concept, it didn't have nearly as much astro-plastic.

    It looked much better.

    The Pontiac Aztek had nearly NO astro-plastic. It looked beautiful. Look at it now!
  • PsiCopPsiCop Earthforce Officer
    Chevy Avalanche, official truck of Rangers everywhere and endorsed by Valen himself.

    Trust the Corps
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    "When a Ranger needs a pickup truck, they trust only one brand: Chevrolet. Endorsed by Valen himself, Chevrolet is the king of kings. Luxurious interiors suitable for a Centauri emperor, with reliability that would please even the angriest of Narns.

    Chevrolet Trucks;
    Like a Rock."
  • PsiCopPsiCop Earthforce Officer
    We live for the one, we drive for the one.

    And when we're driving for the one we like to do it in the Chevy Avalanche. With it's ability to change from a pickup truck to a SUV it keeps the enemy guessing.

    Trust the Corps
  • ...and your fighting pike fits right in the cupholder...

    "We park on the bridge and no one may pass..."

  • RickRick Sector 14 Studios
    Personally, I was waiting for him to assslap the guy in the Avalanche with his flower, Ranger-style. I think that would have sold more SUVs. > [img][/img]

    In reality, I hope he lands another decent acting job. he was a great actor for the show, and lived far too shortly in it's story...these new Rangers, at times, had echos of his dry, witty Brit humo[b]u[/b]r, but all it did for me was remind me of how great a character Marcus was.


    [i]"...Never start a fight...but [b]always[/b] finish it."[/i]
  • RickRick Sector 14 Studios
    [quote]Originally posted by ZOmegaZ:
    [b]...and your fighting pike fits right in the cupholder...

    "We park on the bridge and no one may pass..."


    Oh yeah [img][/img] Only it's actually a fighting daisy [img][/img]


    [i]"...Never start a fight...but [b]always[/b] finish it."[/i]
  • RhettRhett (Not even a monkey)
    Lol. I wanted to post about the add but forgot. It suprised me. I'm glad to see that B5 actors are still making money.

    [i]"Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future, or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain."[/i] G'Kar, Season 3
    Please check out my Babylon 5 RPG/Stratagy game [url=""]here[/url].
  • WHY_oldWHY_old Elite Ranger
    "WHat's 12 yards long and 2 lanes wide, 15 tons of american pride, CANYONERO !"

    on a related note, I swear I saw Tracey Scoggins on an infomercial for an exercise machine.
  • You did see her in an Exercise machine Ad - along with Chuck Norris!! (Caught it by accident last night when channel hopping).
    I`d say it was recorded *before* she appeared on B5 though - looks a bit younger.
  • [quote]Originally posted by WHY:
    [b]"WHat's 12 yards long and 2 lanes wide, 15 tons of american pride, CANYONERO !"

    "Top of the line in utility sports, unexplained fires are a matter for the courts."

    "Ambassador we all know that the first casulty of war is the truth."
    -John Sheridan

    Ok so it's not exactly Max's journal but I think it's good [url=""][/url]

    [This message has been edited by Ricobirch (edited 04-04-2002).]
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    [quote]Originally posted by WHY:
    [b]"WHat's 12 yards long and 2 lanes wide, 15 tons of american pride, CANYONERO !"[/b][/quote]

    I thought it was 45 tons.
  • WHY_oldWHY_old Elite Ranger
    no, that's the "F" series.
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