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Don't Panic!
The Burninator
in Zocalo v2.0 has a new trailer for [URL=]The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy[/URL].
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by WORF [/i]
[B] has a new trailer for [URL=]The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy[/URL].
Worf [/B][/QUOTE]
They have also changed the release date from what i've heard, moved up the US date do match the UK date of April 29th.
A couple points
Yes, he did call her Tricia, but that is her name, Tricia "Trillian" McMillian
The Heart of gold looks like crap, here is Douglas Adams Description of the HoG... "...Beneath it lay uncovered a huge starship, one hundred and fifty metres long, shaped like a sleek running shoe, perfectly white and mindboggingly beautiful"
That ship in the trailer did NOT look like a running shoe,
, and what is up with that ring on Ford's finger, THAT's not what an electronic thumb looks like.. "an Electronic Thumb — a short squat black rod, smooth and matt with a couple of flat switches and dials at one end;"
and i'm not sure i like the way they did Zaphod's 2nd head. but still, it looks fun as hell. i can't wait
I'm worried they're going for too much of a MIB slapstick kind of thing instead of wit and randomness...Here's hoping though.
[B][url=]This might work[/url]
I'm worried they're going for too much of a MIB slapstick kind of thing instead of wit and randomness...Here's hoping though.
-Φ [/B][/QUOTE]
i'm hoping that all the slapstick bits in the trailer are just to hook non-fans.
IMHO as a hardcore fan: its gonna suck
I'd always imagined Zaphod as looking like the Pod Race announced in Episode 1... the movie version just plain sucks.
[B]I'd always imagined Zaphod as looking like the Pod Race announced in Episode 1... the movie version just plain sucks. [/B][/QUOTE]
HEY, me too....well almost.
[B]and im impressed that your unimpressed:D
IMHO as a hardcore fan: its gonna suck [/B][/QUOTE]
As a hardcore fan, you should know that every iteration of HHGTTG has changed slightly fromt he last, so just going by what we've seen so far, i can't say that its going to suck or not, just that its going to be Different.
I'm willing to reserve judgement until i've seen it.
It's a small web, I guess. ;)
[B]If that weren't the second result for a "heart" GIS, I'd be mildly creeped out by the fact that you just used an image that I used for a project not half an hour ago.
It's a small web, I guess. ;) [/B][/QUOTE]
I so very much want to like it, so i'm really going to reserve judgement, but, so far, Ugh, i dunno.
[B]oh yeah, i forgot her name was tricia.......what was wrong with trillian? sounds much better [/B][/QUOTE]
Well, didn't Arthur already know her? It makes a kind of sense that he'd call her by her Earth name, even if he was the only one.
I don't really mind how they did Zaphod's second head, since I can't think of a way it could be done convincingly in this day and age. The [i]Heart of Gold[/i], though... well, let me put it this way. Neither the TV show nor the comic and especially nor (sic) this movie has shown that damned thing the way I pictured it. And Marvin just looks silly with that head.
I'm still excited about it, though. And happy it's going to finally be made (did anyone read Adams's letter to Disney in [i]The Salmon of Doubt[/i] where he included two pages of contact information so they couldn't possibly used the "I tried to call but you weren't in" excuse?).
[B]Yes, Arthur met her at a party, but didnt take her home because [i]someone else[/i] did. [/B][/QUOTE]
at a party on Earth, London, Islington.. and it wasn't bloody Martin Smith from Croydon.
[B]I don't really mind how they did Zaphod's second head, since I can't think of a way it could be done convincingly in this day and age. [/B][/QUOTE]
i dunno, if they can do a 3 headded dog for Harry Potter, and Ents and a Balrog, i think they could do a second head.