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I love long haul flights for one reason only



  • WORFWORF The Burninator
    There is another place to advertise...scifi shops, for example Forbidden Planet in England, there are plenty of those around and they always have posters advertising stuff up in the windows.

    I'd be willing to design a poster for people to download, print and have put up in shop windows.


    Captain Gideon: I thought you said you dont hold a grudge?
    Galen: I dont, I have no surviving all

    Ave Primo-Populi (Hail the Firstones)
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    Can't wait when I can do something.
  • StrikerStriker Provided with distinction
    (turns into a Vorlon for his cryptic messages)

    *evil grin*



    Web Hosting Provider for
  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    I agree with Marc on the WB thing... that could be a real problem. What would happen lets say if you did all the market research, got the financial backing and then WB told you to go jump over a cliff? You'd be very very stuck, and the investors would not be happy. It is highly possible, and after the Sierra cockup, WB will be reluctant to license stuff out if its going to be wasted.

    Despite this, I like the sound of it... I game for anything that will get us a decent B5 space sim! I don't know how much I can help... I would never be able to get 100 entries on the questionaire, I don't know that many people. The best I could do would be maybe 10. I could stick a banner ad on my B5 site and on the ComedyGamer one I help run.

    All I can say Shadow Boxer is good luck, and keep us posted. We won't be going anywhere in a hurry!

    'The future is all around us' G'kar
    'I have no surviving enemies! None what so ever!' Galen

    Visit my B5 site at: [url=""][/url].
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    Marc - precisely...

    as I told Randy when were talking shop over his kitchen table... "no" is an acronym for 'next option'.

    There is no way forward with any of the suits at the moment, none.

    WB, Seirra, my local money men, even support bodies like the mentoring and 'small business incentive schemes' etc dont want to really talk to me.

    Why ? because of the above problems plus another sixty...

    So... those big rocks up there on the edge of the cliff wont budge an inch... so I'm working on the little ones... I can move a few pebble sized Firstones, ( no offence fellas go with me on the metaphor ), and slowly but surely I'm going to move the whole freakin cliff, eroding it away stone by stone. In the end WB and all the other megaliths wont have a choice...

    I'm starting an avalanche... and the pebbles ARE voting.. [img][/img]

    Even if, Buhda forbid WB grants a licence to another big developer, all that does is change my focus... the game is the goal.

    I don't know how much Randy and co have told you about me and what I have planned but I'm sure you are aware by now how driven I am.

    I take Data Crystals post as a real compliement. Sometimes diplomacy fails and there is no other choice but to lock and load.

    Who knows. WB may take umbridge at me setting up a market research survey, but really can anyone see any significant harm in doing so ?
    Publicity is publicity.

    My lot in life seems to be to always challenge the ways, never to settle with "thats the way it is". I refuse to accept anything at face value. I have a pathological need to go my own way. I think someone wired like me is the key to busting through this sorry mess.

    So that's what I'm doing.

    This sounds like rhetoric and a speech from the ramparts... maybe it is... but I don't give two flying ferks if not a single one of you decides to join me in a charge into the horde of grey suits out there... I'll go down swinging...

    I will not go gently into this night...
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    [quote]Originally posted by shadow boxer:
    [b]This sounds like rhetoric and a speech from the ramparts... maybe it is... but I don't give two flying ferks if not a single one of you decides to join me in a charge into the horde of grey suits out there... I'll go down swinging...

    I will not go gently into this night...


    If it has the potential to move us forward towards a B5 space sim, I'm all for it.

    ..And so it Begins
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    now to more practical things

    the questionaire :

    question 6 was deliberately phrased the way it is, it is supposed to be a razor question, either A or B... nothing in between.

    The intent is to offer both of those options to the consumer. Really what I am trying to establish what has been a long held belief for me.

    Hardcore gamers dont care for smart packs, they want the game, perhaps with tools to reskin and modify thier copies of a game.
    A sort of return to the way ID sharewared DOOM. The consumer buys the game direct from us for a moderate price and we sell in volume, shifting more units with probably a very similar margin, seeing as we've not had to fork out for distribution etc. The benefits here is moving more copies and its costs us effectively nothing. That's got to be good business.

    Eb and all the other 'lifestyle' sellers still get thier glossy boxes so that it can compete on the shelves with everything else and these copies go for the premium price. The content in this box is significantly different to that of the hardcorz version, significant enough that it wont offend the retailer who thinks he may be losing business to us direct selling.

    So the question is just trying to establish the market for a hardcorz version.

    If I flat out asked if the consumer wanted a Hardcorz version without showing them the glossy version then I havent given them a real choice, the punter needs to see both to make a valid choice.

    Maybe I'm wrong and everyone wants the holographic, scratch and sniff, pop out, singing box... one way to find out.

    If theres a better way to establish the above with a slicker question... by all means pipe up.

    This is an open forum... be my guest to pull the questionaire to bits... but make it snappy... I want to get it up as soon as I can.

    [This message has been edited by shadow boxer (edited 01-25-2002).]
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    Jake.... go for it man...

    if you have coalface experience with surveys then please lay it out here for us all.

    everyone should have the opportunity for input.
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    shadow boxer: I think you refer to question #6
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    no I'm not... really I'm not... [img][/img]

    ***hastily hacks his previous post...***
  • [quote]Originally posted by shadow boxer:
    [b]lets say Rhett collects 68 'hits'.... he puts his name/ID in the first field of every entry he makes.... followed in the next field by the person he collected the data from...

    Let me start by saying that though I regard almost everyone here highly, I have a much less optimistic view about the world. How would one prevent abuse of this survey? What keeps someone from simply making up fake names and random answers?

    In anycase, I'll see what I can do once the survey goes up. There's a scifi club on campus, and several shops in the area affiliated with my anime club that I can talk to.

    "God's in his heaven. All's right with the world."
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    if someone is suspected of smurfing the results then theres not alot we can do about it bar check the email address that is supplied with each entry...

    patterns do tend to form, even if the smurfer is trying to cover his tracks...

    its one of those things, an honesty system.

    besides which, an insecure teenage gamer may grossly inflate the number of games he/she owns or say he/she plays alot longer than his parents allow him to...

    there will always be this sort of noise in the system.

    one other thing. If the survey is smurfed... as long as its smurfed in a way which is positive to the game then I dont much care...
    if someone who bears a grudge smurfs it in a negative fashion then it would be devastating.

    but when all is said and done I think it will still be possible to track a smurfherder...

    someone trying to scam the goodies is likely to be met with a rather unwelcoming response from us. They might not even have access to online facilities for NeoITF if they were caught smurfing...cancelling your online multiplay... shutting you down in all sorts of ways. I dont think we'll ever have to resort to that but the option is always there.

    one other point thats worth mentioning... only a really dedicated fan would fill out an online form countless times and there will be a delay function built in to stop auto-fillers and other such automated nasties.
  • RhettRhett (Not even a monkey)
    Shadow boxer, another question. Is it better to have more questioneirs filled out, or have less filled out but more positive? Example. I could have my dad give the form to each of his U.S. History classes, getting about 150 different opinions from his High School students. However, this is just the general populace, not actual gamers or B5 fans. So do we want quantity or quality?

    [i]"Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future, or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain."[/i] G'Kar, Season 3
    Please check out my Babylon 5 RPG/Stratagy game [url=""]here[/url].
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    both I guess...

    quantity expresses a positive note just by sheer support....

    quality is a moot point... what is quality in this case ? an overwhelming support for NeoITF ? I doubt we will get a massive and very large favourable response... perhaps a good one... but not a complete landslide ( however much I want one ).

    I guess whomever fills in the form has to be a gamer... and prefferably one who wants a say in gaming... and hopefully wants ITF.

    defining "gamer" is hard too.... a casual gamer may only just make a tiny blip on the radar so to speak... but the casual market is one of the biggest spenders....

    a tough thing to decide....

    with your example... you could give out the questionaire... but with the proviso... "Please fill this out only if you have or do play computer games... on a console/PC/handheld. "

    otherwise its just smurfing without the mailcious intent...
  • RhettRhett (Not even a monkey)
    Ok, sounds good. That explains what I was asking.

    [i]"Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future, or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain."[/i] G'Kar, Season 3
    Please check out my Babylon 5 RPG/Stratagy game [url=""]here[/url].
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Yes, some kind of filtering to only get them filled out by the target audience (ie gamers) would be necessary.

    [b][url=""]Required reading[/url][/b]
    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    The Balance provides. The Balance protects.

    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    I am a nutter. . . errr... I am ready!

    This sounds like an excellent idea, if nothing else, it will keep the wheels turning, and that is the most important thing. [img][/img]

    No signature.
    Darkeness Shadowstalker

    Cazic-Thule Server
    Everquest :)
  • Data CrystalData Crystal Pencil Artist
    rhett: My point exactly. I could probably cough up a few prints of the questioinnare and ask people coming in and out of our lil' hardware shoppe to fill it up, but I'd guess that even most gamers around here wouldn't have a clue what Babylon 5 is. Secondly, I'd add a new ticking box to the Homeworld question (10);

    [] Haven't played.

    I know I haven't, and a questioinnaire that presumes something from the person that fills it tends to discourage people from actually filling them out.

    And question 7. I'd add the FreeSpace series to the question too, since I'd say that FS' are the closest match to ITF when it comes to look & feel. They didn't sell well, but people really know them well since they've been flat out almost every editor's choice in every magazine.
  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    [quote]Originally posted by Data Crystal:
    [b]Secondly, I'd add a new ticking box to the Homeworld question (10);

    [] Haven't played.

    I know I haven't, and a questioinnaire that presumes something from the person that fills it tends to discourage people from actually filling them out.


    Thats a good point Data Crystal... not giving the person filling in the form, a choice might put them off, as they may not have heard or played some of the games listed to choose from. I'd say give them the option to add other games of a similar genre, which might give a much wider feel of the types of simulaters gamers play. That kind of information might come in very usefull.

    'The future is all around us' G'kar
    'I have no surviving enemies! None what so ever!' Galen

    Visit my B5 site at: [url=""][/url].
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    Are you familiar with homeworld ? yes/no
    >>>> if yes goto 10A) = did you like it ? yes/no

    better way to put it ?

    And an addition to the genre question...

    BEU Beat Em Up.....(tekken etc)
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    BEU = bad name! "Fighter".

    Q 10) Have you played Homeworld? Y/N
    If so, what was your opinion of it?

    That's a better way to word it.

    [b][url=""]Required reading[/url][/b]
    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    The Balance provides. The Balance protects.

    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • Data CrystalData Crystal Pencil Artist
    [quote]Originally posted by Biggles:
    [b]BEU = bad name! "Fighter".

    Q 10) Have you played Homeworld? Y/N
    If so, what was your opinion of it?

    That's a better way to word it.


    That one sounds good. A bit more formal in a sense, not just for us hardcore gamers. [img][/img]

    Life is full of surprises. The ones reserved for me usually come wearing brass knuckles.
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    unfortunately "What's you opinion of it ? " doesnt net you a yes/no answer....

    it gets you a very grey answer... not a binary state, which does not graph very well...

    on/off, yes/no, tick/tock

    sounds better yes and it is more formal but for the purpose of the questionaire datawise, singularly unhelpful.

    Do you think Homeworld is a good quality game ?
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    10 print"hello";
    20 goto 10

    No signature.
    Darkeness Shadowstalker

    Cazic-Thule Server
    Everquest :)
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    Let me get this off my chest for the moment...

    As much as I have hated Sierra/Havas, the game Homeworld kicks ass...

    With that said, I don't think that Homeworld is a combat sim in the sense that B5:Itf would have been. Homeworld is more of a strategy sim with combat elements and one hell of a pretty visual interface.

    B5:Ifh is more of a comparison to B5:Itf in truth, as is IWar, FS, etc. Wing Commander, and XWing/Tie Fighter/Rebel Assalt/etc sims are also closer in simularity than Homeworld is to B5:Itf, although they do not feature the 3D 6/360 of the former sims mentioned.

    B5:Itf needs to be kept in it's own circle of reference in my opinion. For your survey, I would use something else. IMHO it's too much like apples and oranges.

    ...or at the very least, include another program that is purely sim to compare too, along with the strategy architecture you wish to associate with Homeworld.

  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    ok... if someone can supply me with the name of a game that has sold enough units to be fairly likely to have registered on most gaming brains which has something even vaguely reminicent of the 'fleet tactical' kind of thing happening in ITF then please.... go for it.

    remember how you react when you get cornered by a guy with a clipboard...

    the surveyor sprints through thier schpiel and ask thier questions as fast and succintly as possible. If they have to explain the question then they come dangerously close to losing thier 'punter'.

    Homeworld is NOT like ITF but it's as close as I think we can get.


    hmmmm ***thinking music***


    hows this sound... (for evil manipulation)

    Are you familar with Homeworld ?
    Did you like it ?
    Are you familar with I-war ?
    Did you like it ?
    Are you familiar with Wing Commander ?
    Did you like it ?
    Are you familar with Star Wars X wing/Tie Fighter series ?
    Did you like them ?

    Do you think you would like to play a game combining the better elements of all the above ?

    If there are any more relevant titles that should go into that list then please tell me.
    Also if there are any in there that shouldnt be please tell me.
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    I still think you are being too specific with those questions. You should target the average gamer (or hell, the average person) and see how they react to a variety of questions. These are all just too specific. I'll tr to get something up soon on this.
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    maybe I am... but I am trying to establish the 'type of gamer' in the first five questions...

    and then target the Space sim gamer in the last five....

    the being specific is deliberate....

    I'm trying to get data that looks favourably towards ITF... [img][/img]

    When I've picked the eyes out of the data and graphed it all up and painted the investor a beautiful vista of ITF/El-dorado with the numbers... not many will go really, really digging for every scrap of detail... greed is a powerful thing.. it dulls the senses, makes the soberest person open to temptation. Capital investors by thier very nature are risk takers much as they would like to call themselves 'risk minimisers' or 'risk managers'... thats bullshirt, if they wanted saftey they'd leave it in the biggest bank they could find and earn their 3% interest...

    they want to believe that there are streets paved with gold. Its my job to convince them that there are. Personally I think they genuinely are in 'ITF land'... but that's a moot point, I have to sell them the gold even if it is pyrite.

    the ancient art of statistics = making numbers do what you want them to.. [img][/img]
  • Data CrystalData Crystal Pencil Artist
    sb: Yes, but this one requires a big number of ones & zeros to dance slow-mo ballet in tutus to the Nutcracker on the background. [img][/img]

    Maybe we should just remember the good ol' John Doe and ask him whether or not he would like to see the [i]Microsoft Flight Simulator set up in space with Sci-Fi content.[/i]

    Or if we'd just ask them whether or not they'd like to see on the shelves what a large number of Babylon 5 fans worldwide think could be the best space flight / combat simulator of all time.

    That way, we wouldn't be lying. ITF would rock.

    Life is full of surprises. The ones reserved for me usually come wearing brass knuckles.
  • Hey SB, sorry it took so long to chime Internet access on the weekend.

    First off I've got a question about the tracking of the number of responces a FirstOne might be responsible for. I understand the idea of tracking the proxy responces, but what about people I send to the site that fill it out on their own, would I get credit for them and how would you keep track...would there be a "I was refered to this site by..." box?

    Second, If you are looking for Sci-Fi Sims to compare to that people will know I would suggest FreeSpace, FreeSpace 2, and the Wing Commander Series.

    This looks good, just waiting to start the flow of info... [img][/img]

    "And there is nothing more dangerous then a man with nothing to lose. Nothing to live for and nothing to prove."
    [i]Brendan Perry, Dead Can Dance[/i]
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