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9 years mother ****er! :D

in Zocalo v2.0
[B]Does anyone find the fact that the state of Virginia has to pay to keep him locked up for 9 years for sending out spam a little... retarded? now I know he prolly wont serve half of that, but I think simple fines would have done the job much better than a nine year prison sentance. [/B][/QUOTE]
How simple? Considering what he probably made/makes for the spam he sends out,, it would be like slaping his wrist and saying don't do it again.
No, I think jail time is quite fitting, and let's fine him also, so we have the money to pay for his jails expenses to the state.
[B]Alright I can see giving a short prison term, but nine years? Thats a long time... I dont know [/B][/QUOTE]
I think your reaction is excactly what I want to see. People should be spooked shitless. Knowing he got nine years – would you even consider doing a SPAM ring? I hope they prosecute everyone else involved in this illegal activity just as strongly.
Consider for a moment – If you were to take the amount of time wasted deleting the Spam sent by this one guy to one person – and then multiply it by the number of people he sent it out to – what would you get?
Would it be days? Months? Years? Lifetimes? How many lifetimes did this man waste for society collectively? In a way didn’t he murder or rape all of us *just a little* by forcing his unwanted advances on us?
If not bothered by Spam could some researcher have had that epiphany to cure cancer or aids? We’ll never know what the true, and I suspect huge, cost of this mans aggressive nature was.
Or for cheapest solution... Why not to give them to scientists for studying ebola... you wouldn't have to feed them long.
And I would say it's much more cheaper to whole society to throw bunch of these a****les to jail for decade than suffer ever growing amount of spam.
The problem with Spam is that, unlike any other form of advertising, a majority of the cost burden for the medium is upon the recipient, not the sender. This actually makes it much more intrusive then the much maligned telephone solicitation. In than case, almost all costs are bore by the sender and my cost is limited to the annoyance of getting up off the couch...
Oh and the canteen has to have a SPAM only day. Just to rub it in a bit. Reminds me of that Monty Python sketch. "Spam, spam, sausgae, egg and spam...' :p
[B]Now that this guy is in jail, you what else would be fitting as justice? Having loads of actual real spam mail delivered to him... you know all the junk you get through the letter box... Have the guards bring him like 100 of those a day and he has to open every single one. Heeee :D
Oh and the canteen has to have a SPAM only day. Just to rub it in a bit. Reminds me of that Monty Python sketch. "Spam, spam, sausgae, egg and spam...' :p [/B][/QUOTE]
I'd rather he get spam rammed up his ass by his inmate...which happens to be a huge black dude that hasn't had any "companionship" in a [b][i]looooooong[/i][/b] time. ;)
[B]No, I think jail time is quite fitting, and let's fine him also, so we have the money to pay for his jails expenses to the state. [/B][/QUOTE]
Especially since US courts have ruled in the past that spam is equivalent to theft by conversion, trespass, theft of resources, etc.
[B]Does anyone find the fact that the state of Virginia has to pay to keep him locked up for 9 years for sending out spam a little... retarded? now I know he prolly wont serve half of that, but I think simple fines would have done the job much better than a nine year prison sentance. [/B][/QUOTE]
I would think there is definately more to it than what many think. Its not just a matter of him forcing people to delete unwanted messages. The sheer amount of that crap can costs corporations a lot of money in bandwidth costs. A lot of that stuff are scams which many stupid people fall for and loose money over. That alone is enough to merit the punishment. A lot of this spam is sent from hijacked zambie machines were people have no idea. The violations are a lot more serious than just sending a lot of trash.
Now u know why the Minbari War started....:D
[B]Here, here, to the death of spam!
Now u know why the Minbari War started....:D [/B][/QUOTE]
Christ! That's longer than the USA has been a Nation! :eek:
SPAM is going to be around that long!?!?!