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Biggles have you been eating lentils again ?

shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
this place has all the pizazz and party vibe of a crypt... [img][/img]

I'm asuuming someone has dropped thier guts.. [img][/img]


  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    Lentils Rock!
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Lentils are horrible things.

    If you don't like it here, SB, there's always the Zocalo. That's going hard out at the moment.

    [b][url=""]Required reading[/url][/b]
    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    The Balance provides. The Balance protects.

    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    Here is here and not there then?

  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    The Zocalo is where it's at! [img][/img]
  • RandyRandy Master Storyteller
    Good. Because I thought I'd lost it.

    Hey! Don't even think about saying that.

  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    OK, I won't.

    [b][url=""]Required reading[/url][/b]
    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    The Balance provides. The Balance protects.

    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    I've had problems reaching firstones the last few days...

    and also, been working some much needed hours to pay bills...

  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    I can just imagine Biggles fighting off a swarm of Lentils attacking him in his tank1 [img][/img]

    'The future is all around us' G'kar
    'I have no surviving enemies! None what so ever!' Galen

    Visit my B5 site at: [url=""][/url].
  • psycopsyco Ranger
    Mmmmm...lentil soup. [img][/img]
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>

    [b][url=""]Required reading[/url][/b]
    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    The Balance provides. The Balance protects.

    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
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